
2025 - 2 - 17

Bostoniin kevät tuo jääkiekkoa, prideä ja vihdoin myös hyvää säätä!

Boston College - Boston University - Charity Events - George Washington - Hockey - Pride Parade

Valmistaudu Bostoniin: jääkiekon tähdet loistavat, pride-paraatin päivämäärä julkistettiin ja kevät tuo mukanaan myös lämpöä!

Bostoniin on tulossa jännittäviä tapahtumia, koska kaupungin urheilumatka jatkuu jääkiekon ja lacrossen parissa. Bostonin yliopiston miesten lacrossejoukkueen ottelu Brownia vastaan on siirretty ajoissa, sillä kylmät sääolosuhteet uhkaavat pelipäivää. Treenaaminen on tärkeä osa joukkueen yhdistelemiseen, ja joukkueet toivovat faneiltaan tukea, vaikka pelit saattavatkin olla haasteellisia sään vuoksi.

Jääkiekossa sen sijaan Bostonin yliopiston ensimmäisen vuoden pelaaja Mikhail Yegorov on saanut tunnustusta ollessaan Hockey Eastin viikon tulokas. Nuori lahjakkuus on herättänyt huomiota kentällä ja hänen pelinsä lupaavat jännittäviä hetkiä faneille tulevissa otteluissa. Yegorov on loistava esimerkki siitä, miten Bostoniin tulvii nuoria kykyjä, jotka tekevät vaikutuksen niin yleisöön kuin valmentajiinkin.

Kun puhutaan Bostonista, on myös aika valmistautua Pride-paraatin riemujuhlaan! Boston Pride for the People -järjestö ilmoitti viimeisessä tiedotustilaisuudessaan, että vuoden 2025 Pride-paraatin päivämäärä on 14. kesäkuuta. Paraati tuo yhteen ihmisiä ympäri Bostonia juhlistamaan rakkauden ja yhteisön voimaa. Kaupungin pormestari Michelle Wu on todennut, että Boston on aina ollut rakkauden ja sisällyttämisen majakka, ja tulevat juhlat kaipaavat kanssasi elämän iloa ja väriä.

Mukana on myös historian kaikuja. New Yorkin ja Bostonin väliset kilpailut urheilumaailmassa ovat juurtuneet monimutkaisen kulttuurihistorian kouriin, joka sisältää yhteisöjen kunnian ja ennakkoluulojen välillä tasapainottelua. Onko Bostonilla kuitenkin ansaitsematonta huonoa mainetta rodullisten kysymysten näkökulmasta? Uuden kirjan myötä tutkitaan, kuinka kaupungin urheiluperinteeseen vaikuttavat kilpailuhenkisyys ja ikävät stereotypiat. Tiedämme, että urheilu yhdistää, mutta sen historiassa on myös vastoinkäymisiä.

Faktoja kääntäen, tiedätkö, että George Washingtonin henkilökohtainen kirjasto sijaitsee Bostonin Athenaeumissa? Yhteensä noin 230 kirjaa, jotka aikanaan kuuluivat presidentille, kertovat tarinoita Lohikäärmeen vuosisadalta. Ja unohtamatta Bostonin Pridea: se on New Englandin suurin pride-juhla ja se on järjestetty vuodesta 1970!

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Image courtesy of "Boston University Athletics"

Men's Lacrosse Announces New Game Time for Tuesday Tilt ... (Boston University Athletics)

BOSTON - Due to below-freezing temperatures expected in the area on Tuesday night, the Boston University men's lacrosse team's game against Brown at ...

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George Washington's personal library took a winding path before ... (

In the Trustees' Room of the Boston Athenaeum, around 230 books once belonging to President George Washington rest in a glass and wooden bookcase.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Does Boston deserve its troubled reputation around race and sports? (The Guardian)

A new book explores the nuanced history of a city in which Black athletes have been revered and discriminated against in equal measure.

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Image courtesy of "Boston 25 News"

Boston Pride for the People announces date of 2025 Pride Parade ... (Boston 25 News)

“These past two years, I have had the pleasure of seeing a beautiful ocean of love, joy, and euphoria on the streets of Boston—all rooted in LGBTQ+ liberation.

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Image courtesy of "NBC10 Boston"

Boston Pride for the People announces dates for 2025 Pride Parade ... (NBC10 Boston)

Boston Pride For The People, the volunteer-led organization behind the largest Pride celebration in New England, announced Monday that the 2025 Pride Parade ...

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Boston Pride parade, festival date announced for 2025 (

Boston's Pride parade will wind through the city, ending at a concert and festival on Boston Common this summer. Here's how to participate.

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Image courtesy of "Boston University Athletics"

Yegorov Named Hockey East Rookie of the Week (Boston University Athletics)

AMESBURY, Mass. - Freshman Mikhail Yegorov of the Boston University men's ice hockey team was named Hockey East Rookie of the Week, the league announced on ...

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Image courtesy of "Boston Children's Discoveries"

Nutrition planning for marathon success - Boston Children's Answers (Boston Children's Discoveries)

Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 athletes training for the 2022 Boston Marathon. Runners with signs of low energy availability had significantly slower ...

2025 Boston Pride Parade Set For June 14 (KFI AM 640)

“Boston always leads as a beacon of love, resilience, and inclusion,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “In the face of uncertainty, our city remains unwavering in its ...

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Image courtesy of "Boston University Athletics"

Aiosa Named Patriot League Goalkeeper of the Week (Boston University Athletics)

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Sophomore Natalie Aiosa picked up Patriot League Goalkeeper of the Week honors after a 2-0 week in net, the league office announced Monday ...

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Image courtesy of "The Patriot Ledger"

A 'pawfect' union: Get married at this Boston hotel and bring your ... (The Patriot Ledger)

The Pawfect Union” package includes the option to use your dog or the hotel's own canine ambassador as a wedding witness.

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Bruins Medical Update on Charlie McAvoy (

The Boston Bruins have issued the following update on defenseman Charlie McAvoy: Charlie was admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital on Monday to undergo ...

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4 Nations Faceoff | BOSTON NOTEBOOK (

The 4 Nations Face-Off is taking place Feb. 12-20 in Montreal and Boston. The Devils have three players taking part in the tournament: Jack Hughes (USA), ...

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Image courtesy of "Boston University Athletics"

Nell Earns Patriot League Rookie of the Week Honors (Boston University Athletics)

BETHLEHEM, Pa. – After going the distance in a win over UMBC, Boston University softball freshman Danika Nell has earned Patriot League Rookie of the Week ...

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Image courtesy of "The Athletic"

Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy out for Team USA for 4 Nations ... (The Athletic)

There was no immediate word on if Team USA would bring in an injury replacement. Jake Sanderson skated in McAvoy's place against Sweden.

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Image courtesy of "CBS Boston"

Charlie McAvoy reportedly in Boston hospital, days before Team ... (CBS Boston)

Charlie McAvoy is reportedly in the hospital in Boston, just days before Team USA plays Canada in the 4 Nations Face-Off final.

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Image courtesy of "WCVB Boston"

McAvoy hospitalized, won't play in 4 Nations championship game ... (WCVB Boston)

Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy is in a Boston hospital after sustaining an upper-body injury during a recent 4 Nations game, the team said Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo"

Boston Bruins' Charlie McAvoy Ruled Out For Team USA For 4 ... (Yahoo)

The Boston Bruins announced Charlie McAvoy was admitted to hospital on Monday to undergo testing related to an injury sustained at the 4 Nations Face-Off.

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Image courtesy of "BC Interruption"

Boston College Announces Jack Butler to Replace William Leahy as ... (BC Interruption)

On Tuesday afternoon, Boston College made the announcement that the Board of Trustees has selected Father John "Jack" Butler as the University's 26th ...

Rev. John “Jack” Butler, S.J., Named 26th President of Boston College (

CHESTNUT HILL, Mass., Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Boston College Board of Trustees has named John T. “Jack” Butler, S.J., Haub Vice President for ...

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Image courtesy of "Boston University Athletics"

Women's Lacrosse to Finish Homestand Against Fairfield (Boston University Athletics)

BOSTON — The Boston University women's lacrosse team will take on the Fairfield Stags at Nickerson Field on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Opening draw is set for 3:30 ...

Boston Man Pleads Guilty To Drug Conspiracy (DEA)

BOSTON – A member of the violent Boston-based gang, H-Block, has pleaded guilty in federal court in Boston to drug conspiracy charges.

Claire T. Carney Library Associates to host Boston Globe TV critic ... (UMass Dartmouth)

The March 30 event will feature a talk, followed by a question-and-answer conversation with Gilbert on his insights into the world of television.

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Image courtesy of "UMass Athletics"

Minutewomen Challenge Boston College In Chestnut Hill ... (UMass Athletics)

CHESTNUT HILL, Mass. - The Minutewomen travel east to challenge the defending national champion Boston College Eagles at 4:00 p.m. at Fish Field House.

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Image courtesy of "Tufts Daily"

Boston Book Crawl: Grolier Poetry Book Shop (Tufts Daily)

The weather has recently evoked the image of an oversized leather chair, a crackling fireplace, a rich mug of hot chocolate and a book.

Explore the last week