Uusimman 'White Lotus' kauden avausjakso antaa vihiÀ synkistÀ salaisuuksista Thaimaassa. Lue, miksi apina saa kaikki sukat pyörimÀÀn!
Uuden kauden avausjakso White Lotus -sarjasta on saanut katsojat spekuloimaan, ettĂ€ salaperĂ€inen apina saattaa olla keskiössĂ€. Sarjan luoja Mike White on jo vuosien ajan antanut vihjeitĂ€ siitĂ€, ettĂ€ suurin murhamysteeri saattaa liittyĂ€ tĂ€hĂ€n karvapuolikkaan ovelaan toimintaan. MikĂ€li aiemmat kaudet ovat opettaneet meille jotain, niin se on, ettei mikÀÀn â ei edes apina â ole niin kuin miltĂ€ nĂ€yttÀÀ. Katsomme riemuiten, miten nĂ€mĂ€ synkĂ€t juonenkÀÀnteet kietoutuvat toisiinsa. Kuka todella on se, joka vetÀÀ naruja taustalla? Ja mitĂ€ tapahtui Arnen rakastaman TV-pomon, Whoâs bum, taustalla?
Kauden alku tuo myös esiin kolme myrkkyÀ: ahneus, viha ja harhaluulo, jotka kaikilla meillÀ on jossain muodossa. Kerekes kuvaa kuinka nÀitÀ myrkkyjÀ on kÀsitelty sarjassa, ja niiden vaikutukset nÀkyvÀt sekÀ nÀyttelijöissÀ ettÀ juonenkÀÀnteissÀ. Sarjan tÀhtikaarti, joka nyt on sijoitettu eksoottiseen Thaimaahan, vie meidÀt matkalle, jossa pelihÀviöllÀ on seurauksia. Olemme kuitenkin valmiit sietÀmÀÀn tÀtÀ draamaa, sillÀ tiedÀmme, ettÀ seuraava yllÀtys on aina nurkan takana.
TÀllÀ kaudella pÀÀsemme jÀlleen tutustumaan tuttuihin kasvoihin, kuten Belinda Lindsey ja Timothy Ratliff. Uudet hahmot, kuten Carrie Coon ja Walton Goggins, tuovat tuoreen tuulahduksen, ja kaaos nÀyttÀisi vain syvenevÀn. Mike White on ollut taitava kytkijÀ, ja hÀnen kykynsÀ sekoittaa komediaa ja draamaa saa meidÀt pysymÀÀn innoissamme seuraavista jaksoista. Ja kun nyt sarja laajentaa nÀkyvyyttÀÀn myös TikTokiin, voimme vain kuvitella, millaisia teorioita ja memejÀ katselijat esittÀvÀt seuraavien viikkojen aikana!
Kauden naurettavan kiinnostava avausjakso lupaa, ettÀ syntiset sisarussuhteet vievÀt mukanaan sekÀ draamaa ettÀ komediaa. Lopuksi sarja herÀttÀÀ kysymyksiÀ: voiko apina olla syyllinen murhaan, vai vedetÀÀnkö meitÀ vain nenÀstÀ? Oppo tai ei, yhteisön jÀnnitys uuden kauden ympÀrillÀ on tavoittamaton. White Lotus -sarjan faneina emme voi muuta kuin liittÀÀ itsemme osaksi tÀtÀ kilpailuhenkistÀ ja salaperÀistÀ maailmaa. Kun seuraava jakso tulee ulos, olemme varmasti valmiita uuteen pyörteeseen paisuvasta juonesta!
Samaan aikaan kannattaa muistaa, ettÀ 'White Lotus' ei ole vain sarja; se on kulttuurinen ilmiö, joka herÀttÀÀ keskustelua syvistÀ teemoista, kuten yltÀkyllÀisyydestÀ ja ihmisten psykologisista sÀvyistÀ. Maailma on tÀynnÀ myrkyllisyyksiÀ, ja White Lotus tekee siitÀ edes vÀhÀn viihdyttÀvÀÀ!
Kerekes also mentioned a concept known as the âthree poisonsâ: greed, hatred, and delusion. We all exhibit these poisons in some combination and they are, she ...
Who are the stars? What plotlines from previous seasons will you need to remember? And whose bum did Arnie love seeing on TV?
Who's the killer on this season of 'The White Lotus'? Consider the clues creator Mike White has teased for years and the conclusion is obvious: The monkey ...
"It's immediately clear what you're dealing with," says Michelle Monaghan, as The Hollywood Reporter explains the darker premiere mystery â and one other ...
This is where he would end up," Mike White told TIME of the character who resurfaces in Thailand.
Belinda Lindsey (Natasha Rothwell) · Timothy Ratliff (Jason Isaacs) · Victoria Ratliff (Parker Posey) · Saxon Ratliff (Patrick Schwarzenegger) · Piper Ratliff ( ...
After 'The White Lotus' season-three premiere, it seems that the series is using its sinister take on southern style to signal a very troubling sibling ...
For the show's third season, 'White Lotus' is getting its own TikTok page dedicated to fan theories, memes, and speculation.
The premiere of the new season of the HBO anthology drama, set in Thailand, suggests that Mike White's formula retains plenty of pop.
Carrie Coon, Walton Goggins, Michelle Monaghan star in "The White Lotus" Season 3. Here's who's at the Thailand White Lotus and how you know them.
The premiere episode of 'The White Lotus' Season 3 teases another dead body, plus one big surprise.
Travel writer Anna Haines reports from Thailand to share some of the best filming locations from the third season of the hit HBO show.
Is The White Lotus really going there with Patrick Schwarzenegger's Saxon Ratliff and the rest of his family?
Patrick Schwarzenegger's nude scene in 'The White Lotus' Season 3 Episode 1 continues the show's tradition of full-frontal male nudity.
As brash, sex-obsessed Saxon Ratliff, Schwarzenegger makes a big impression in the premiere of season three. Even he's surprised at some of the things his ...
Once I read the script, I knew what was coming,â the actor tells Esquire.
The luxurious real-world resorts that served as the shooting locations for the fictional hotel in the Thailand-set third season of 'The White Lotus.
Posey says her exaggerated accent was inspired by her own southern roots â she grew up in Mississippi â as well as âThe Official Preppy Handbook.â âDo you know ...
Natasha Rothwell reprises her role as spa manager, while the rest of the sprawling cast includes newcomers Parker Posey, Walton Goggins, Jason Isaacs, Michelle ...
In the season three premiere episode of The White Lotus on HBO, Patrick Schwarzenegger went nude for a scene highlighting his character's sex obsession.
As White Lotus season three is released, executive producer Mark Kamine explains the behind-the-scenes wrangling and key challenges when choosing a filming ...
The HBO drama has returned with another season of luxury, mystery, and inevitable death. We break down the most likely candidates to figure out who isn't ...
In a joy- and tear-filled video shared to his Instagram, Patrick Schwarzenegger captured his family's reaction to his 'White Lotus' casting news.
Tons of White Lotusâinspired lines are rolling out, many of which celebrate the beauty of Thailand and the popular show's notable characters.
I can't believe a brand-new 'White Lotus' season has finally materialized after all my hoping and waiting and Googling of Parker Posey compilation videos.
Fellow travelers, it's time for another stay at the White Lotus. What could go wrong, right?
With the new season of the hit HBO series arriving on our screens, this is what it's like to holiday like the one per cent in Phuket and Koh Samui.
Ravey, ominous and sending fans into meltdowns: the third series of HBO's luxury resort drama isn't delighting viewers with its musical choices.
Members of the cast arrive in their own boats â similar to the entrance of the fictional resort's guests â down the Chao Phraya River, showing all the love and ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger shared an Instagram video telling Maria Shriver and Katherine Schwarzenegger he was going to Thailand to film "The White Lotus."
White Lotusâ star Patrick Schwarzenegger celebrated his debut in the new season by sharing a sweet video capturing the moment he told his family that he ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger, the actor son of Arnold and Maria Shriver, is busting out as privileged, unfiltered son Saxon in "The White Lotus." Season 3.
In today's briefing, we discuss the airport lounge arms race, TravelPerk's new money, and Thailand's TV hopes.
The premium cabler also claims that Season 2 of the hit series went on to average 15.5 million viewers, while Season 1 averaged 9.3 million. Related Stories.
Fans reacted to the theme song of Season 3 of The White Lotus. What composer Cristobal Tapia de Veer said about the changes.
'The White Lotus' season three scored its best premiere episode to date, with a 57 percent increase over the season two opener.