Tesla stock

2025 - 1 - 30

Miksi Tesla-kannattajat iloitsevat, vaikka tulokset jäivät jälkeen?

Elon Musk - osakkeet - sijoittaminen - sähköautot - teknologia - Tesla

Tutustu Tesla-osakehurmaan, joka ravistelee jopa heikompia tuloksia! 🤑✨

Äskeinen tulosraportti herkuttelee myös Muskin huomiota; hänen mukaan itsenäisestä ajamisesta tulee suurimpia vallankumouksia eri aloilla. Henkinen kysymys on, miten Elon luotsaa tätä laajempaa innovaatioita ja rakentaa kehityspolkua, joka voisi yllättää jopa skeptisimmät sijoittajat. Mielenkiintoista on, että Tesla ei ainoastaan myy sähköautoja, vaan heidän visioon perustuva kehitys voi muuttua tulevaisuudessa liikkumistapamme pohjalta. Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka tämä kaikki konkretisoituu seuraavan kahden vuoden aikana!

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Tesla Stock 'Somehow' Rises Despite Big Earnings Miss—As Musk ... (Forbes)

Tesla shares rallied Thursday even after delivering a fourth-quarter earnings report that fell short of expectations and sealed a second consecutive year of ...

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Image courtesy of "Investor's Business Daily"

This Is Why Tesla Investors Don't Care About The Q4 Earnings Miss (Investor's Business Daily)

Tesla (TSLA) fourth-quarter earnings and revenue came in below views, while automotive gross margin, excluding regulatory credits, tumbled to the lowest ...

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Image courtesy of "Motley Fool"

Why Tesla Stock Was Climbing Today (Motley Fool)

Shares of Tesla (TSLA 4.28%) were moving higher today, overcoming a weak earnings report after CEO Elon Musk spent much of the earnings call pumping up the ...

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Image courtesy of "Kiplinger's Personal Finance"

Tesla Stock Rallies Despite Earnings Miss (Kiplinger's Personal Finance)

Tesla stock is moving higher despite coming up short of expectations for its fourth quarter. Here's what you need to know.

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Image courtesy of "Investopedia"

Four Key Takeaways From Tesla's Latest Earnings and Elon Musk's ... (Investopedia)

Key Takeaways · Elon Musk and other Tesla executives on Wednesday discussed self-driving software and the Optimus robot, among other topics. · The call followed a ...

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Image courtesy of "Observer"

Tesla's EV Business Is Slowing—But Investors Are Buying Elon ... (Observer)

In 2024, Tesla (TSLA)'s electric vehicle deliveries fell for the first time in the company's 21-year history. But according to CEO Elon Musk, ...

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Image courtesy of "WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale"

Tesla Q4 results fall short of forecasts. Musk sees unsupervised full ... (WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale)

Tesla's fourth-quarter adjusted profits rose slightly amid a big push to sell its electric vehicles with offers of zero financing and other incentives, ...

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