Tule mukaan viettämään Lunar New Year -juhlia! Käärmevuosi tuo mukanaan onnea ja upeita perinteitä.
Kun gregoriaaninen kalenteri vaihtui, moni täällä Yhdysvalloissa juhli uutta vuotta, mutta käy ilmi, että jopa 2 miljardia ihmistä odottaa vielä Lunar New Year -juhlia! Tämä festivaali, jota kutsutaan myös Kevätjuhlaksi (春節), merkitsee uuden vuoden alkua perinteisessä kuu kalenterissa. Huikeat juhlallisuudet ovat täynnä värejä, musiikkia ja tietenkin perinteisiä lion ja dragon tansseja!
Lunar New Year -juhlaa vietetään ympäri maailmaa erilaisin tavoin. Esimerkiksi New York Cityssä oppilaitokset sulkeutuvat tämän erityisen päivän kunniaksi, vaikka pankit ja osakemarkkinat pysyvät auki – aina löytyy joku, joka ei halua menettää markkinoiden nousua! Monissa yhteisöissä, mukaan lukien Southlake, Texas, odotetaan jopa 5000 vierasta voimaan hyvin ja nauttimaan maukkaasta ruoasta, musiikista ja tanssista.
Savuttavat lohikäärmeet ja riemukkaat lion tanssijat näkyvät joka puolella, kun juhlintaa aloitetaan. Monilla paikoilla, kuten Bostonnissa, kunnanjohtajat ja yhteisön jäsenet osallistuvat yhdessä yhteisiin tapahtumiin ja parades. Yhteisön kokoontumiset yhdistävät ihmisiä ja luovat iloa ja onnea alkuvuoteen!
Vuosi 2025 on erityinen, sillä se on Käärmevuosi! Tämä vuosi on symbolinen muutokselle, uuden aloittamiselle ja vanhasta irtipäästämiselle. Ei siis ole ihme, että kevätjuhla on niin rakastettu – se tarjoaa mahdollisuuden uusia toiveita ja tuoreita alkuja!
Tiesitkö, että Käärmeen vuosi on myös yhteydessä älyyn ja oveluuteen? Se on täydellinen aika suunnitella uusia strategioita sekä henkilökohtaiselle että ammatilliselle elämälle. Ja kun juhlinta laajenee ympäri maailmaa, se yhdistää kulttuureja ja ihmisiä, jotka jakavat olemuksensa kautta perinteisiä reseptejä ja tansseja.
Lunar New Year on enemmän kuin vain uusi vuosi, se on kytköksissä perinteisiin, perheen ja yhteisön tärkeyteen – ei siis ihme, että siitä on tullut niin laajalti arvostettu juhla eri puolilla maailmaa!
While many people here in the U.S. celebrated the start of a new year when the Gregorian calendar flipped from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1, as many as 2 billion peopl ...
NYC schools are closed for Lunar New Year but it's not a federal holiday so banks and the US stock markets stay open.
Also known as the Spring Festival (春節), or simply Chinese New Year, it marks the beginning of the year according to the traditional lunar calendar. The Lunar ...
Illumina employees have much to celebrate, both professionally and personally. Inside the Illumina Shanghai office where Zheng works, employees are honoring the ...
The holiday, also known as the Spring Festival, celebrates the arrival of spring and the start of a fresh year based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Lion ...
What is Lunar New Year and what are the things you do for luck during 2025, the Year of the Snake? We explain.
About 5000 people are expected to attend the festival, filled with food, music, lion and dragon dances and more.
Also called Chinese New Year, the holiday celebrated by China, South Korea, Vietnam and other East Asian countries recognizes the arrival of spring with the ...
FILE - Mayor Michelle Wu joins elected officials, the Chinese Benevolent Association and the Chinatown Community for a Lion Dance Parade in Chinatown to ...
The Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is a traditional Asian celebration that has been observed in for thousands of years.
The event commemorated the rich traditions of the holiday and the significant contributions of the Asian American community to the County's cultural and ...
Lunar New Year is known for its traditional lion dance, which dancers performed at the Asia Institute Crane House last year. Across Asian communities, Lunar New ...
Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is one of the most significant cultural celebrations in many East and Southeast Asian ...
Marking the Lunar New Year (January 29), Bishop Brennan and Bishop Fernandes offered the faithful a special message with their blessings....
More than a billion people across the world, from China to the Philippines to diaspora communities in the United States, began celebrating the Lunar New ...
Several countries mark their new year based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar involving movement of the Sun and Moon.
In honor of the Year of the Snake, let's appreciate the strange anatomy and evolution of these slithery reptiles.
Celebrations are taking place all across Asia and other communities worldwide in the Year of the Snake.
What is Lunar New Year and what are the things you do for luck during 2025, the Year of the Snake? We explain.
Hundreds lined up in the hours before midnight at the Wong Tai Sin Taoist temple in Hong Kong in a bid to be among the first to put incense sticks in the stands ...
Anyone not familiar with the “prosperity toss,” a beloved Lunar New Year culinary tradition that's famous in Singapore and Malaysia, could be forgiven for ...
Hundreds of people lined up in the hours before midnight at the Wong Tai Sin Taoist temple in Hong Kong in a bid to be among the first to put incense sticks in ...
In many Asian cultures, the Lunar New Year is a celebration marking the arrival of spring and the start of a new year on the lunisolar calendar.
Wisps and clouds of smoke rose into the air at Buddhist and Daoist temples around Asia on Wednesday as people lit incense to pray for good luck in the Year ...
Markets are overflowing with mandarins and red envelopes, while golden decorations shine in the winter sun, and families gather across the continent as they ...
In collaboration with Asian Student Union and the Chinese Culture Club, a “2025 Lunar New Year Festival” celebration was held on campus Friday and welcomed ...
These five restaurants put together fun events to celebrate the Year of the Snake in the Des Moines metro.
The Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is a traditional Asian celebration that has been observed in for thousands of years.
The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is a 15-day festival that begins today, Jan. 29.
The Chinese New Year is being celebrated by more than 1 billion people with fireworks, feasts and festivals.
Snakes are often associated with wickedness or evil, but in Chinese mythology, these reptiles have a more positive meaning. The Year of the Snake is the ...
On January 29, millions around the world will celebrate Lunar New Year, a vibrant and significant holiday in many Asian cultures. For Hsiao-Ting (Charlotte) ...
The Lunar New Year is correlated with certain animals of the Chinese zodiac. For 2025, it is the Year of the Snake. Many Asian countries from China to South ...
Wednesday begins Lunar New Year, an event widely celebrated in several East Asian cultures.
Los Angeles, California – Governor Gavin Newsom today issued a proclamation declaring January 29, 2025, as Lunar New Year. The text of the proclamation and ...
BEIJING (AP) — Firecrackers popped, incense was offered at temples and dancers and drummers paraded Wednesday in Asia and farther afield as millions around ...
Each year honors an animal based on the Chinese zodiac. The circle of 12 animals — the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog ...
Celebrate the Year of the Snake at these restaurants, cafes, and bakeries in metro Detroit.
Ring in the Year of the Snake with these festive greetings and wishes. Two colorful Chinese dragon dance performances against blue sky background during Chinese ...
For many, the Lunar New Year is a time to reflect on people they have lost. But it's also a time to set intentions and welcome the new energy of the future.
The Lunar New Year begins Jan. 29 in the Year of the Wood Snake. Here's everything you need you need to know about your Chinese zodiac sign.