2024 - 12 - 2

Austinissa vesi on puhdasta, mutta mitä ihmeen 'ikuiset kemikaalit' tarkoittavat?

Austin Water - ikuiset kemikaalit - lannoitteet - PFAS - teollisuus - terveysriskit - vedenlaatu - ympäristönsuojelu

Tutustu Austin Waterin uusiin vesi- ja kemikaalituloksiin – ja lähes täydelliseen puhtauteen! 🌊🔍

Austin Water on julkaissut tuloksia vuoden kestäneistä vesikokeista, ja tulokset ovat saaneet aikamoista huomiota! Yhdysvaltain ympäristönsuojeluviraston (EPA) aloitteesta suoritettu testaus paljasti, että Austinissa juomavedestä löydettiin vain pieniä määriä niin sanottuja "ikuisia kemikaaleja" eli PFAS-yhdisteitä. Nämä kemikaalit ovat herättäneet huolta, sillä ne voivat aiheuttaa vakavia terveysongelmia, kuten maksasairauksia ja korkea verenpainetta. Onneksi Austinissa asiat näytti olevan paremmin odotuksiin verrattuna.

Toisaalta Texasin maanviljelijät ovat huolissaan, sillä he ovat käyttäneet jätevesipohjaista lannoitetta, jonka epäillään olevan saastunut "ikuisilla kemikaaleilla". Tämä lannoite on saanut pitkään positiivista huomiota ympäristönäkökulmasta, mutta nyt se on saanut heidän mielensä mietteliäänä. Lannoitteen käyttö on levinnyt laajalle, ja se on aiheuttanut huolta viljelijöiden keskuudessa. Jatkuva keskustelu asiasta on tärkeää, jotta voidaan varmistaa, että maapallon antimia hyväksikäytetään turvallisesti.

Ympäristönsuojeluvirasto (EPA) järjestää kuulemisia ja ottaa vastaan kommentteja ehdotetuista standardeista kolmensuuntagalvoittavan PFAS-yhdisteen suhteessa. Tavoitteena on kehittää käytäntöjä, jotka suojelevat kansanterveyttä ja ympäristöä. Kansalaisilla on nyt mahdollisuus vaikuttaa päätöksentekoon ja jakaa huolensa.

Miksi PFAS on niin vähän puhuttu Suomessa? Näiden "ikuiset kemikaalit" ovat levinneet ympäri maailmaa ja saattavat jopa löytyä tuotteistamme – esimerkiksi paistopannuilta tai jopa vaatteista. Olkaamme tietoisia siitä, mitä ympärillämme on, ja teemme valintoja, jotka tukevat terveyttämme ja tietenkin puhdasta vettä!

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EPA PFAS monitoring and testing concludes | (

AUSTIN - Today, Austin Water released results from a year's worth of water quality testing as part of a nationwide effort by the Environmental Protection Agency ...

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Almost no 'forever chemicals' reported in Austin's drinking water (

The year-long test revealed low levels of "forever chemicals," which can cause liver disease, high blood pressure and other health issues.

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'Little to no' traces of PFAS found from year's worth of testing Austin ... (

Austin Water officials on Monday released results from a year's worth of water quality testing that was part of a nationwide effort to determine the ...

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Image courtesy of "Texas Tribune"

Texas farmers say sewage-based fertilizer tainted with “forever ... (Texas Tribune)

The fertilizer was promoted as an environmental win-win for years. An untold number of farmers and ranchers across Texas have spread it on their land.

REMINDER: State to hold hearings, accept comment on proposed ... (NC DEQ)

The Environmental Management Commission (EMC) is accepting public comments on proposed standards for three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in ...

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Image courtesy of "Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP"

FDA Issues RFI on PFAS in Seafood (Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP)

On November 19, 2024, FDA issued a request for information (RFI) on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in seafood. Specifically, the agency is ...

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Image courtesy of "Morning Ag Clips -"

Garden Produce Grown Near Fayetteville Works Fluorochemical ... (Morning Ag Clips -)

— Residential garden produce grown near the Fayetteville Works fluorochemical plant can expose those who consume it to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) ...

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Image courtesy of "Environmental Factor Newsletter"

Diet, lifestyle, and PFAS: Abby Fleisch tackles 'forever chemicals' (Environmental Factor Newsletter)

I spoke with Fleisch about how these substances can affect human biology, and the potential for healthy food, exercise to reduce harm.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg Law"

Clock Ticking for Companies to Comply With California PFAS Laws (Bloomberg Law)

Greenberg Glusker's Sedina Banks and Sherry Jackman analyze California's PFAS laws taking effect Jan. 1, noting that product line audits and accredited ...

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Image courtesy of "WBNG-TV"

Lawmakers, researchers speak on potential solutions to PFAS ... (WBNG-TV)

(WBNG) -- Research ...

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Image courtesy of "WAFB"

Experts explain dangers of forever chemicals (WAFB)

Now, scientists are ...

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'Our back is against the wall': Hastings faces several large water rate ... (

HASTINGS, Minn. — The Hastings City Council won't officially vote on a proposed 10% increase in its water billing rates until a meeting later this month, ...

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Image courtesy of "Bangor Daily News"

Maine farmers turn their PFAS-tainted fields into a research hub for ... (Bangor Daily News)

A customer reported that the hay purchased from Hunter Farm had tested positive for forever chemicals. Hunter and his mother, Sue Hunter, immediately collected ...

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Image courtesy of "The Chesapeake Bay Journal"

Concerns rise over PFAS exposure near MD Perdue plant (The Chesapeake Bay Journal)

If Rachael Chaney ever gets down about her myriad health problems, she knows that crying won't help. She is allergic to her own tears.

Colorado's process of creating PFAS bans could offer insights for ... (Santa Fe New Mexican)

The New Mexico Environment Department wants to pursue a ban on nonessential "forever chemicals" in the upcoming legislative session.

PFAS Exposure Can Impair Thyroid Homeostasis in Adults (Medscape)

Exposure to individual or mixed per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is associated with changes in peripheral rather than central thyroid hormone ...

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Image courtesy of "Environmental Health News"

PFAS pollution worsens in low-income areas near industrial sites (Environmental Health News)

People living near superfund sites or with limited access to fresh food face higher PFAS blood levels, new research finds.Tom Perkins reports for The ...

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Image courtesy of "KEYE TV CBS Austin"

Austin water quality tests show minimal PFAS presence (KEYE TV CBS Austin)

Testing of Austin's drinking water has revealed little to no detectable traces of "forever chemicals," city officials announced Monday.

Senate Subcommittee to Hold December 5 Hearing on Public ... (The National Law Review)

The U.S. Senate Subcommittee will hold a hearing on December 5, 2024, examining the public health impacts of PFAS exposures, featuring expert testimony from ...

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Wausau prepares to meet PFAS standards with new water treatment ... (

Damakant Jayshi Wausau is "fully prepared" to comply with federal and state regulations limiting six compounds in drinking water, with a newly installed.

Landfill looks at PFAS treatment project (Marshall Independent)

MARSHALL — The Lyon County landfill is looking at the possibility of starting a pilot program to try and separate “forever chemicals” out of landfill runo.

Lyon County Landfill looks at PFAS treatment project (Marshall Independent)

MARSHALL — The Lyon County landfill is looking at the possibility of starting a pilot program to try and separate “forever chemicals” out of landfill runo.

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