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Laurelissa tapahtuu: Aamuyön laukaukset ja urheilukurkut!

ampuminen - kehitys - tapahtumat - urheilu - yhteisö

Laurelissa ei ole tylsää hetkeä – ajopeli ampumaan ja opiskelijat loistavat urheilussa!

Laurel, pieni mutta elinvoimainen kaupunki Yhdysvaltojen New Jerseyssä, on ollut uutisotsikoissa viime aikoina. Yön pimeydessä, juuri ennen kello yhtä aamulla, yhdessä siellä kulkevassa autossa tapahtui vakava tilanne. Kuten Franklin County Sheriff’s Office kertoi, ajoneuvo ajoi ohitse Long Branch Tavernin ja ampui useita laukauksia pysäköityyn truckiin. Onneksi kukaan ei loukkaantunut, mutta tämä tyypillinen yö Laurelissa sai asukkaat puhumaan.

Mutta ei pelkästään ei-toivottuja rikoksia! Samanaikaisesti Mount Laurelista löytyy huikeita nuoria urheilulupauksia, jotka loistavat college-urheilussa. Esimerkiksi Keanin, Rutgersin, Rowan ja Montclairin yliopistot ovat ylpeitä kuulumisestaan yhteisöön, jossa opiskelijat jatkuvasti suoriutuvat erinomaisesti niin kentällä kuin kentän ulkopuolella. Urheilu ei ainoastaan opeta nuorille tärkeitä taitoja, kuten tiimityöskentelyä, vaan myös elinikäisiä ystävyyksiä.

Ja kun puhumme erinomaisista suorituksista, ei voida unohtaa niitä sydäntä lämmittäviä tarinoita, jotka putkahtavat esiin Mount Laurelissa. Kuukauden aikana on tapahtunut monia yhteisöhankkeita, kuten ympäristön siivouksia, sotaveteraanien kunnioittamista ja paikallista taideaktivismia. Nämä aloitteet osoittavat, kuinka tärkeää yhteisölle on yhdessä tekeminen ja sitoutuminen parempaan tulevaisuuteen.

Joten vaikka Laurelissa tämä kevätyö on saanut alkunsa hieman dramaattisesti, se ei peitä alleen kaikkia niitä hyviä asioita, jotka tapahtuvat joka päivä. Yhteisöopiskelijat ovat urheita ja esimerkillisiä elämänmonimuotoisuuden puolestapuhujia.

Kuka olisi uskonut, että niin pienessä kaupungissa voi tapahtua näin paljon? Vankasti juurtuneet yhteisöhankkeet ja dynaaminen nuoriso tekevät Laurelista paikan, josta kannattaa olla ylpeä. Se on kuin rautatietä ylittävä sateenkaari – jännittävä ja täynnä mahdollisuuksia!

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Image courtesy of "Country 103.9 WRBI"

Laurel Man Arrested Following Drive-By Shooting – WRBI Radio (Country 103.9 WRBI)

The Franklin County Sheriff's Office says the investigation determined that a vehicle drove past the Long Branch Tavern in Laurel shortly before 1 a.m., when ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Seven Mt. Laurel Student Athletes Stood-Out In College Sports This ... (

Discover standout local student-athletes from Mount Laurel, NJ, excelling in fall college sports at Kean, Rutgers, Rowan and Montclair universities.

The Top Mount Laurel "Feel Good" Stories of November (

Discover the heartwarming stories from Mount Laurel, NJ, including community cleanups, veteran honors, and local art initiatives.

Laurel Man Arrested After a Reported Drive-by Shooting (Eagle 99.3 FM WSCH)

The incident was reported just before 1:00 a.m. after a driver allegedly fired multiple bullets into a parked truck near the Long Branch Tavern. The driver was ...

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Image courtesy of "Laurel Outlook"

MHSA to Laurel football: Take the long road (Laurel Outlook)

The move would put the Locomotives in the more far-flung Central Division while longtime rival Billings Central and new Yellowstone County rival Lockwood would ...

Laurel Middle School wrestlers close out season with St. Francis ... (Laurel Outlook)

On November 26, the Laurel Middle School wrestling team competed at the St. Francis Middle School Tournament in Billings.

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Image courtesy of "The Winchester Star"

Laurel Center's development director retiring after 14 years (The Winchester Star)

Cindy Marzullo, development director at the nonprofit organization that provides emergency shelter and ongoing support services to victims of sexual assault and ...

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Image courtesy of ""

The Top Mount Laurel "Feel Good" Stories of November (

Discover the heartwarming stories from Mount Laurel, NJ, including community cleanups, veteran honors, and local art initiatives.

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Image courtesy of "Coronado Eagle and Journal"

Laurel W. Granquist (Coronado Eagle and Journal)

Laurel Whitman Granquist was born February 3, 1935, in Pennsylvania and grew up in Long Beach, California. She was the middle of three sisters who shared an ...

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Image courtesy of "WDAM"

New Christmas event to open this weekend at Laurel Fairgrounds (WDAM)

LAUREL, Miss. (WDAM) - ...

Laurel High School congratulates November's Students of the Month (Laurel Outlook)

Laurel High School has announced the Students of the Month for November. Bryce Leonhardt and Josie Zito are the winners.

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Image courtesy of "Laurel Outlook"

Laurel wrestling begins defense of state title (Laurel Outlook)

With the books closed on the 2024 fall sports, it is only appropriate that the defending state champions start the winter sports season.

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Image courtesy of "Obituaries"

Laurel Smith Obituary (1957 - 2024) - Westfield, MA - The Republican (Obituaries)

Laurel J. Smith1957 - 2024WestfieldLaurel Justine Smith, 67, passed away at home on Friday, November 29, 2024. She was born in Westfield to the late Oren ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Tanker tumps on I-59 (

An overturned tanker caused delays on Monday morning in the northbound lanes of Interstate 59 in Laurel, but no injuries were reported.

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Image courtesy of "Uniontown Herald Standard"

Laurel Highlands girls cruise to victory in opener (Uniontown Herald Standard)

Laurel Highlands jumped out to an early lead and never looked back in defeating Connellsville, 61-19, in the season opener Monday night in non-section girls ...

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Image courtesy of "LEX18 Lexington KY News"

Laurel County Sheriff's warn drivers about 'slick spots' on I-75, Hal ... (LEX18 Lexington KY News)

As the mixed flurries role into the area, the Laurel County Sheriff's Office advised the public to drive with caution in "slick spots" on Tuesday morning.

St. Louis 5th and 6th Grade Basketball vs. Laurel – WRBI Radio (Country 103.9 WRBI)

In the 5th grade game, The Yellow Jackets came out firing and scored a quick 6 points to start the game. The Cardinals were forced to burn a timeout early in ...

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Image courtesy of "KTVQ Billings News"

Driver in crash that killed Laurel woman sentenced to five years in ... (KTVQ Billings News)

The driver charged in the death of a 19-year-old Laurel teen in August 2021 was sentenced Tuesday to spend five years in prison following an emotional ...

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Image courtesy of "KRTV Great Falls News"

Driver in crash that killed a Laurel woman has been sentenced (KRTV Great Falls News)

Payton Hunter was charged in the death of 19-year-old Alexus "Lexi" Pyle of Laurel in August 2021.

Laurel businessman and his hunting buddy die in side-by-side crash (Laurel Outlook)

A prominent Laurel businessman and his long-time friend were killed last week when they were hunting and their side-by-side ATV rolled in a ravine south of ...

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Image courtesy of "Uniontown Herald Standard"

Laurel Highlands girls cruise to victory in opener (Uniontown Herald Standard)

Laurel Highlands jumped out to an early lead and never looked back in defeating Connellsville, 61-19, in the season opener Monday night in non-section girls ...

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Image courtesy of "WDAM"

Laurel leaders approve second reading for Calhoun annexation (WDAM)

“After the vote ...

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