Ridley Scott

2024 - 11 - 30

Ridley Scottin Kuninkaalliset Kuviot: Hurja Gladiator 2 ja Veljen Vitsit!

elokuvakritiikki - elokuvatuotanto - Gladiator II - historical epic - Ridley Scott

Onko Ridley Scottin elokuvanteko laiskistunut? Tai oliko kyseessä vain kömpelö editointi? Katso mitä todella tapahtui Gladiator 2:n takana!

Ridley Scott on elokuvantekijä, joka ei ehkä esittelyjä kaipaa. Hänen viimeisin projektinsa, Gladiator II, on jo herättänyt suurta huomiota ja useita keskusteluja, niin hyviä kuin huonojakin. Ensimmäisen Gladiatorin ja sen jatko-osan ohjaajana Scott on voittanut monta sydäntä ja Oscar-palkintoa, mutta nyt hänen työskentelytapansa on tullut kritiikin kohteeksi. Cinematografi John Mathieson, joka on ollut mukana molemmissa Gladiator-elokuvissa, sai monet nostamaan kulmakarvojaan, kun hän tuntui kritisoivan Scottin lähestymistapaa elokuvanteossa.

Alun perin Mathieson kommentoi Scottia ”laiskaksi” hänen työtavoistaan podcastissa, mutta myöhemmin hän selvensi, että nähdyt kommentit olivat seurausta ”kömpelöstä editoinnista”, eivätkä heijastaneet hänen todellisia ajatuksiaan. Tämä sai monet fansit kysymään, onko Scott oikeasti menettämässä kosketusta luovuutensa kanssa vai oliko kyseessä vain väärinymmärrys. Mathiesonin kertomus ei ainoastaan avaa elokuvateollisuuden kipupisteitä, vaan myös paljastaa, kuinka easystä kommunikaatiosta voi helposti tulla kaaosta.

Entäpä Ridley Scottin ensimmäinen filmi? Se on tarina veli Tony Scottista, joka näytteli pääosaa Ridleyn vuonna 1965 ohjaamassa lyhytelokuvassa The Boy and the Bicycle. Yksi sukupolvien summista, Scottit ovat tuoneet katsojille ikimuistoisia tarinoita ja väkeviä hahmoja, olivatpa he sitten sotureita tai avaruuden salaperäisiä asukkaita. Vaikka Gladiator II onkin hänen uutukaisensa, ajatus siitä, että veljeskaksikko aikoinaan työskenteli yhdessä, tuo hymyä huulille varmasti monille faneille.

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Image courtesy of "CBR"

The $277 Million Sequel to 1 of Ridley Scott's Greatest Sci-Fi Films ... (CBR)

The 2017 sequel was directed by Denis Villeneuve (Dune) and starred Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford along with Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Robin Wright, ...

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Image courtesy of "Collider.com"

All 9 Ridley Scott Historical Epics, Ranked by Rewatchability (Collider.com)

From 1977's The Duelists all the way to this year's Gladiator II, here is every Ridley Scott historical epic ranked by how rewatchable they are.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Gladiator 2 cinematographer reveals why the quality of Ridley ... (Hindustan Times)

During an interview on The DocFix Documentary Storytelling Podcast, John Mathieson criticised Ridley Scott's filming process on Gladiator 2. | Hollywood.

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Image courtesy of "JoBlo.com"

Gladiator II DP walks back comments that Ridley Scott is “lazy” (JoBlo.com)

Gladiator II cinematographer John Mathieson is providing context and explanation after seemingly anti-Ridley Scott comments surfaced.

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Image courtesy of "MovieWeb"

Despite the Significant Similarities, Ridley Scott Maintains That this ... (MovieWeb)

'Planet of the Vampires' explores the dark recesses of space, which also exist in our imaginations.

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Image courtesy of "Cinema Blend"

Gladiator II's DP Seemingly Took Some Shots At The Film And ... (Cinema Blend)

Gladiator II DP John Mathieson reveals how an interview in which he supposedly called Ridley Scott "lazy" was actually due to a "botched edit" of a podcast.

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Image courtesy of "Geo News"

John Mathieson takes aim at Ridley Scott following 'Gladiator II ... (Geo News)

John Mathieson, a long-time cinematographer for both Gladiator movies, has criticised Ridley Scott for his filmmaking habits.On The DocFix podcast, ...

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Image courtesy of "Collider.com"

Ridley Scott's Very First Movie Starred His Director Brother, Tony Scott (Collider.com)

For Ridley Scott's 1965 short film, The Boy and the Bicycle, he cast his younger brother, Tony Scott, in the starring role.

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Image courtesy of "IndieWire"

'Gladiator II' DP John Mathieson Decries Ridley Scott's 'Lazy' Process (IndieWire)

'Gladiator II' DP John Mathieson Says Ridley Scott's Process Has Become 'Lazy' and 'Impatient'. Mathieson told "The DocFix Documentary Storytelling Podcast" ...

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Image courtesy of "Charleston Gazette"

Review: 'Gladiator II' doesn't pick up plot where Ridley Scott's ... (Charleston Gazette)

Ridley Scott will still be directing a film on his deathbed. At 86 years old, he leaves directors half his age in the dust, having helmed eight of his 29 ...

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

Gladiator 2 Exposes A Harsh Reality For Ridley Scott Movies (Screen Rant)

Gladiator 2's mixed reception proves that the best Ridley Scott sequels aren't directed by Ridley Scott. Scott's own sequels are a mixed bag.

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Image courtesy of "Aspen Times"

Mucking with Movies: 'Gladiator II' (Aspen Times)

Jack Simon is a mogul coach and writer/director who enjoys eating food he can't afford, traveling to places out of his budget, and creating art about skiing, ...

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Image courtesy of "northernexpress.com"

Film Review: Gladiator II (northernexpress.com)

Ridley Scott is one of the most prolific Hollywood directors, with a whopping list of 60 iconic films notched into his career belt, including the cultural…

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Image courtesy of "Lake County News"

'Gladiator II' a sweeping swords-and-sandals extravaganza (Lake County News)

English filmmaker Ridley Scott, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II two decades ago, also goes by the honorific “Sir Ridley Scott” conferred upon him in ...

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Image courtesy of "Hollywood Reporter"

'Gladiator II' Producers on Returning to Ancient Rome: “We Didn't ... (Hollywood Reporter)

Gladiator 2 producers Douglas Wick and Lucy Fisher reveal why it took so long for the sequel to hit theaters, talk cut scenes and hopes for a trilogy.

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Image courtesy of "Jordan Ruimy"

Ridley Scott: “There's Certainly Going to Be A Gladiator III" — World ... (Jordan Ruimy)

It's no secret that “Gladiator II” was an expensive production, and despite Scott reiterating that he was actually under budget when shooting wrapped, ...

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Image courtesy of "Collider.com"

That Time Ridley Scott Teamed up With Jean-Claude Van Damme ... (Collider.com)

Ridley Scott and Jean-Claude Van Damme have enough fame on their own, but you might have missed their collaboration back in 2016 on Prime Video.

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

15 Best Ridley Scott Movies, Ranked (Screen Rant)

With Gladiator II lighting up the box office, it's worth revisiting the best movies of legendary director Ridley Scott to see where it stacks up.

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