Dee Devlin puolustaa Conor McGregoria hänen seksuaalirikossyytöksissään, mutta taustalla häilyy myös brändien irtisanoutuminen. Luettuasi tämän yhdistelet varmasti itsekin mukin properia ja tämäntyyppistä draamaa.
Conor McGregorin fiancée Dee Devlin on ottanut rohkeasti kantaa hänen puoleensa myrskyisiin aikoihin. McGregor on noussut esille seksuaalisen häirinnän syytösten vuoksi, ja Devlin on ilmoittanut tukevansa kumppaniaan vaikeina hetkinä. Tämä tilanne on kuitenkin aiheuttanut myös merkittäviä muutoksia McGregorin uralla ja brändihankkeissa, joihin hän on liittynyt. Ainakaan Proper No. Twelve ei enää halua olla osa tätä skandaalia, ja niinpä McGregor on pudotettu heidän markkinointikuvastostaan.
Proper No. Twelve -viski, jota McGregor auttoi perustamaan, nosti hänen nimeään kansainvälisiin korkeuksiin ja teki hänestä yhden suosituimmista kasvot irlantilaiselle viskille. Nyt kun Brändi on irtisanoutunut yhteistyöstä, kysymys kuuluu: kuinka kauas McGregor voi kulkea ilman viskiään? Hän on jo menettänyt maineensa UFC:ssä, ja nyt myös whiskey-brändin tuki on katkaistu. Vaikuttaa siltä, että tämä on maali McGregorin urasuunnitelmissa, ainakin toistaiseksi.
Kuitenkin Dee Devlinin ääni kuuluu vahvana puolustuksena McGregorille. Hänen tuomionsa hänen kumppaninsa puolesta ei ole jäänyt huomaamatta, sillä Devlin on puhunut julkisesti omista tunteistaan ja tukensa merkityksestä. Hän on yksiselitteisesti osoittanut, että huolimatta oikeudenkäynnistä ja syytöksistä, hän seisoo McGregorin rinnalla. Tämä luo erikoisen ja jännittävän dynamiikan, jossa yksityiselämän ja julkisen kuvaston myrskyt kohtaavat.
Uudet käänteet ovat vain jäävuoren huippu, sillä McGregor on nyt oikeuden määräyksellä velvollinen maksamaan lähes 250 000 euroa Nikita Handille, joka häntä vastaan nosti kanteen. McGregorin tulevaisuus UFC:ssä on myös uhattuna, ja niinpä monet kysyvät, onko tämä loppu hänen taisteluradastaan. Kiinnostavinta on, kuinka tämä nobeli taistelija toipuu tällaisesta massiivisesta kolauksesta urallaan. Kuka olisi voinut kuvitella, että viralliset asiakirjat ja baariskandaalit ovat sekoittamassa McGregorin ura sekä henkilökohtaista elämää?
Conor McGregor's fiancée, Dee Devlin, is speaking up with a bold message of support amid his highly publicized sexual assault case.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create. Proper No. Twelve dropped McGregor after he was found ...
Two companies have cut ties with Conor McGregor after a civil court jury in Ireland ruled last week that he must pay nearly 250000 Euros (US$257000) to a ...
Conor McGregor's fiancée, Dee Devlin, broke her silence days after the mixed martial artist was found liable for sexually assaulting a woman in a hotel ...
The jury of eight women and four men found the former UFC champion liable of sexual assault after about six hours of deliberation. Hand read a statement outside ...
Devlin threw her support behind McGregor after he was found liable in his highly-publicised sexual assault lawsuit.
Conor McGregor was ordered to pay Nikita Hand more than $250000 after he was found to have assaulted her in a Dublin hotel six years ago, with the fighter's ...
Since Conor McGregor was found guilty of sexually assaulting Nikita Hand in a hotel penthouse in 2018, the UFC superstar has faced significant backlash, ...
Conor McGregor's fiancée, Dee Devlin, made it very clear that she is standing by her man after a jury found him liable for sexual assault.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create. Proper No. Twelve dropped McGregor after he was found ...
Two companies, including a popular whiskey brand, have severed ties with UFC fighter Conor McGregor after he was found liable for assault in a civil case in ...
Conor McGregor's fiancée Dee Devlin has broken her silence after the UFC star was found liable in a sexual assault case stemming from 2018.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
Two companies have cut ties with Conor McGregor after a civil court jury in Ireland ruled last week that he must pay nearly 250000 Euros ($257000) to a ...
Conor McGregor leaves court in Dublin, 22 November 2024. Credit: David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile via Getty Images. UK and Irish supermarkets have removed ...
A civil judgment against Conor McGregor by a Dublin jury for sexually assaulting a woman in 2018 has led to the MMA fighter being dropped by the popular ...
This piece of news shook the world, and the domino effect is beginning to take shape. Firstly, his partnership with Proper No. 12 Irish whiskey was forcedly ...
Conor McGregor's fiancée Dee Devlin—with whom he shares kids Conor Jr., 7, Croía, 5, Rían, 3, and Mack, 11 months—said their family "stands strong" after ...
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
Proximo Spirits, the owner of Irish whiskey brand Proper No 12, will no longer feature Conor McGregor's name or image on the drink.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
It took defeat in civil case against a woman who accused him of rape for brands and fans to disown UFC fighter.
A woman who accused the MMA star of raping her six years ago has won her civil claim against him.
Two companies have cut ties with Conor McGregor after a civil court jury in Ireland ruled that he must pay a woman who accused him of raping her.
Dublin wine shop owner says he poured Proper No 12 whiskey down the toilet in 2019 when reports circulated of alleged sexual assault.
Less than a week after a court asked Mixed Martial Arts superstar Conor McGregor to pay $257,000 to a woman who had accused him of raping her, brands have ...
Conor McGregor's Forged Irish Stout is no longer available at airports in Cork and Dublin.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
Conor McGregor will no longer be the face of the popular Irish whiskey brand that he helped create after he was found liable in a sexual assault case.
I am quietly awed by Nikita Hand and others like her who stand up outside a courthouse to address the media.