Stalker 2

2024 - 11 - 20

STALKER 2: Kun päivitykset eivät ole pelkästään bugikorjauksia!

stalker 2 review pelipäivitykset - STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Ukrainan kulttuuri - Xbox Game Pass - yksinpelaaminen - stalker 2 review

STALKER 2 saamassa massiivisen päivityksen! Tässä kaikki mielenkiintoiset yksityiskohdat ja huikeat aseet!

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl on pian meidän ulottuvillamme, ja sen odotus on saanut mielenkiintoisia käänteitä huikeiden päivitysten myötä. Kehittäjä GSC Game World on julkaissut pelin ensimmäisen päivityksen, jonka koko on hämmästyttänyt monia pelaajia. Tämä ennakko-päivitys lupaa parannuksia pelikokemukseen ja valmistelee peliä sen suurta julkaisua varten. Erityisesti hardcore-faneilla on nyt syytä riemuitsia, sillä tämä päivitys saattaa korjata useita ongelmia, joita pelaajat olettivat näkevänsä vain pelin julkaisun jälkeen. Toinen mielenkiintoinen seikka pelissä on sen lisäversiot, kuten Deluxe Edition, joka tuo mukanaan upeita ainutlaatuisia aseita: PTM-pistoolin "Monolith", Integral-A SMG "Riemann" ja Lavina SA -kiväärin. Pelaajat voivat myös varustautua eksklusiivisilla reppuja ja muilla Steam-exclusiivisilla sisällöillä, jotka piristävät pelikokemusta erityisesti niille, jotka ovat aktiivisia Steam-yhteisössä. Tämä tasoittaa tietä pelaajille, jotka aikovat tutkia vaarallista ja salaperäistä Zonan aluetta. Pelin vaatimukset eivät kuitenkaan ole höpsöjä: suorituskyvyssä on yli 35 eri asetta, ja monilla pelaajilla on vaikeuksia pärjätä, ellei heillä ole tehokasta laitteistoa käytössään. Suositeltu kokoonpano, kuten Intel Core i7-9700K tai AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, yhdistettynä RTX 2070 Super tai RTX 4060 -grafiikkakortteihin, on lähes ehdoton, jotta pelaajat voivat nauttia pelistä parhaimmillaan. Tämä voi nostaa pelaajien stressitasoa, mutta toisaalta se myös luo jännityksen tunnetta ja intensiivisen kokemuksen, jota vain STALKER-maailma voi tarjota. Tämän lisäksi STALKER 2 saapuu Xbox Game Passiin 20. marraskuuta, mikä tarkoittaa, että se on helposti saavutettavissa yhä useammalle pelaajalle. Peli on kehitetty vaikeissa olosuhteissa – sota-ajan Ukrainassa – ja se on testamentti kehittäjien sitoutumiselle ja päättäväisyydelle luoda unohtumaton pelikokemus. Kun STALKER 2 hallitsee pelikenttää, se tarjoaa faneilleen hauskoja hetkiä, jännitystä ja paljon käytännön haasteita. Tiesitkö muuten, että STALKER 2:n maailmassa on yli 40 erilaista asetta, joista jokaisella on oma, ainutlaatuinen tarinansa? Ja tämä ei ole vain perinteisiä aseita - mukana on myös monia eksoottisia ja innovatiivisia varusteita, jotka antavat pelaajille mahdollisuuden suunnitella omia pelityylejään! Akustisen lisääjän käyttö tekee esimerkiksi äänettömistä operaatioista tehokkaampia ja hämmästyttävän jännittäviä. Lopuksi, STALKER 2 on enemmän kuin vain pelkkä peli. Se on kokemus, yhteisö ja jopa elämäntapa monille faneille ympäri maailmaa, ja se yhdistää pelaajat, jotka kaipaavat syvemmälle sukellusta pelimaailmaan. On siis selvää, että STALKER 2 ei ole vain peli, vaan todellinen ilmiö, jonka ympärillä kuhisee!

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Image courtesy of "Game Rant"

STALKER 2 Gets Gigantic Update Right Before Launch (Game Rant)

Ahead of its release, STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl receives its first patch, surprising some early adopters by its sheer size.

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Image courtesy of "SiegeGG"

STALKER 2 Editions: Everything you need to know (SiegeGG)

"The Tourist" unique weapon; "Early Bird" exclusive backpack. Steam Exclusive content, including: Dynamic Theme; Animated Avatar; Avatar Frame. Digital Deluxe ...

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Image courtesy of "Windows Central"

Don't have the hardware to run STALKER 2? Play one of my favorite ... (Windows Central)

You'll want at least an Intel Core i7-9700K/AMD Ryzen 7 3700X CPU, with RTX 2070 Super, RTX 4060, and Radeon RX 5700 XT GPUs listed. Memory requirement is ...

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

STALKER 2 headlines big month for Xbox Game Pass (Polygon)

STALKER 2, the Ukrainian game that's been in development during wartime in the region, comes to Xbox Game Pass Nov. 20.

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Image courtesy of "Video Games on Sports Illustrated"

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl release time – When does the game ... (Video Games on Sports Illustrated)

Full list of Stalker 2 release times in each time zone so you know when you can start playing.

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Image courtesy of "SiegeGG"

STALKER 2 gun list: All weapons available at launch (SiegeGG)

This survival first-person shooter will be released with over 35 weapons at launch and more coming via DLC. However, some leaks have revealed some of the guns ...

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

Stalker 2 release time – the countdown to the horror-soaked FPS is ... (GamesRadar+)

Developer GSC Game World canceled the game and closed the studio following financial difficulties. Two years later, GSC reformed as an entity before confirming ...

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Image courtesy of "GameSpot"

Game Pass Adds Five More Games For November, Including Stalker 2 (GameSpot)

Microsoft isn't finished bringing more titles to Xbox Game Pass this month, with five new games announced for the subscription service. These additions to the ...

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Image courtesy of "Rock Paper Shotgun"

Does Stalker 2 have multiplayer? (Rock Paper Shotgun)

Here is everything you need to know about a multiplayer mode in Stalker 2 to help you take on The Zone and any anomalies.

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Image courtesy of "XboxEra"

STALKER 2 has another patch on Xbox (XboxEra)

STALKER 2 now has its 3rd patch since the pre-load went up on Xbox. The game goes live tomorrow at 11am EST. stalker 2 patch xbox.

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

Stalker 2 release date and launch times (PC Gamer)

With the Deluxe Edition, players will have access to bonus weapons like the PTM pistol "Monolith", Integral-A SMG "Riemann", and the Lavina SA assault rifle " ...

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Image courtesy of "ReadWrite"

All Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl guns at launch (ReadWrite)

Survive the harsh Stalker universe with an arsenal of nearly 40 weapons. Find the perfect Stalker gun for your adventures in the exclusion zone.

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Image courtesy of "IGN Southeast Asia"

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Global Release Times Confirmed (IGN Southeast Asia)

The high graphics preset is what GSC calls 'recommended,' and provides 60fps gameplay at 1440p. For that high graphics preset you'll need a Nvidia GeForce RTX ...

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

STALKER 2 needed more time (Polygon)

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl presents a beautiful, intoxicating chunk of Ukrainian ruin. But its vaunted living AI and buggy animations still need work.

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Image courtesy of "TheGamer"

Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl Review - Par For The Zone (TheGamer)

The experience is comparable to Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Stalker 2 is set in a large, open world with points of interest scattered about. The main gameplay loop ...

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl review: "The best but most broken ... (GamesRadar+)

Unfortunately, due to a litany of bugs, it's the greatest game you shouldn't play right now. Give it some time, and this will be one of the best survival ...

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Image courtesy of "Shacknews"

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl review: I would walk 500 miles (Shacknews)

And I would probably walk 500 more, I just need a man to deliver some mods to my door.

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Image courtesy of "VICE"

'STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl' Is a Walk Through Hell I Can't Put ... (VICE)

'STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl' is a worthy sequel to one of the most beloved first-person shooters of all time and worth waiting for.

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Image courtesy of "IGN"

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Review in Progress - IGN (IGN)

So far, severe bugs have been holding back a refreshingly brutal single-player FPS.

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Image courtesy of "The Verge"

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 review: a glorious and beautiful pain in the ass (The Verge)

GSC Game World's S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a long-awaited survival epic that launches on November 20th on the Xbox and PC.

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Image courtesy of "SiegeGG"

STALKER 2: The game's difficulty levels explained (SiegeGG)

While this will likely be difficult compared to other games, those who don't like the survival aspects can pick this mode. Hardcore players will argue that ...

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

5 beginner's tips before starting STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Polygon)

STALKER 2 Heart of Chornobyl is an open-world game that doesn't give you an inch. Our STALKER 2 beginners tips can help.

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

Should you shoot or knock out Solder in Stalker 2? (GamesRadar+)

The Stalker 2 Solder choice to shoot him or knock him out seems like it might have serious consequences, but not much changes.

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

The first bug I saw in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is the same bug I ... (PC Gamer)

Even a decade and a half later in a new engine, a specific bit of jank still abides.

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Image courtesy of "Digital Trends"

How to fix reputation in Stalker 2 | Digital Trends (Digital Trends)

Two groups pointing at each other in Stalker 2. GSC Game World. Unless you played any of the previous games, it might come as a surprise to learn just how many ...

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Image courtesy of "Windows Central"

For the love of The Zone, play STALKER 2 with Ukrainian voice ... (Windows Central)

STALKER 2 is finally here, but its English voice acting leaves a lot to be desired. Trust me: you should play in Ukrainian.

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

I've already played Stalker 2 for 50+ hours, and I promise you'll have ... (PC Gamer)

Scar looks ominously into the camera, face bathed in a flame's. (Image credit: GSC Game World). It's brilliant, ...

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Image courtesy of "VG247"

Stalker 2 review (VG247)

Stalker 2 review. four stars out of five. Stalker 2 is an excellent work of struggle an loneliness, sadly plagued by bugs.

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

If your PC isn't powerful enough to handle Stalker 2's impeccably ... (GamesRadar+)

The performance tier has no ads, six hour play sessions, and Nvidia RTX, so the game will look better on it. The ultimate tier has eight hour sessions (though ...

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Image courtesy of "Rock Paper Shotgun"

Stalker 2: Should you side with the Ninth in The Lost Boys? (Rock Paper Shotgun)

This guide explores the outcomes of Stalker 2's "The Lost Boys" side quest, and explains whether it's best to side with the Ninth or kill him.

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Image courtesy of "Rock Paper Shotgun"

Here's a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 performance and settings guide I hope ... (Rock Paper Shotgun)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a great game but a technical mess, with even deep setting quality cuts unable to fully fix its uneven performance.

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

Stalker 2 is killing it on Steam because we stan a janky weirdo (PC Gamer)

We're all living our worst lives in the Zone and loving it.

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Image courtesy of "Destructoid"

STALKER 2's A-Life is either broken or nonexistent (Destructoid)

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is a phenomenally atmospheric take on the beloved franchise, but if you're a series veteran, then you've probably noticed ...

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Image courtesy of "PCGamesN"

Stalker 2 review - a brutal and rewarding FPS (PCGamesN)

Stalker 2 demands your patience if you're to survive, but those who get to grips with their surroundings will find a lot to love here.

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl has a brutal autosave system which is ... (GamesRadar+)

It's thrilling and intimidating in equal measure, which is partly why the brutal autosave system is slowly killing me – death by a thousand reloads. It isn't ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Lifestyle Singapore"

Stalker 2 Is A Very Good Game Buried Under Bugs And ... (Yahoo Lifestyle Singapore)

Another crash. I sighed because this was far from the first time Stalker 2 had frustrated me with bugs, crashes, or performance problems. It's a shame, because ...

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Image courtesy of "Wccftech"

STALKER 2 Mods Already Give Unlimited Carry Weight and No ... (Wccftech)

There are already a few STALKER 2 mods available on Nexus that give unlimited carry weight and remove weapon durability loss.

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Image courtesy of "GamesRadar+"

Modders are already making Stalker 2 run better and have removed ... (GamesRadar+)

Stalker 2 has only been out for a day, barely over 24 hours, but there are already 19 mods available for it on Nexus. Honestly, I can see why. As Andy wrote in ...

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Image courtesy of "PC Gamer"

Unlimited carry weight? Nerfing Bloodsuckers? The first mods are ... (PC Gamer)

Look, I'm not one to tell someone they're playing a game wrong. There's nary a yum you'll find me yucking. You do you, man. Want to turn the Sims into a ...

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Image courtesy of "Windows Central"

STALKER 2 interactive map: Find every stash, location, and more in ... (Windows Central)

Looking for specific items in STALKER 2's vast open world? With this interactive map, you can easily figure out where everything in the game is.

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