Trumpin valinta Linda McMahonista koulutusministeriksi herättää ihmettelyä - uutisia, joita et halua missata!
Donald Trump on jälleen kerran yllättänyt kansan ja nimennyt WWE:n perustajajäsenen, Linda McMahonin, Yhdysvaltain koulutusministeriksi. McMahonilla on takanaan valtava ura ammattipainin parissa, mutta onko hänellä riittävästi koulutuspoliittista kokemusta tämän vaativan tehtävän hoitamiseen? McMahon on toiminut myös Yhdysvaltain pienyrityshallinnon johtajana, ja häntä pidetään yhtenä Trumpin läheisimmistä liittolaisista.
Donald Trumpin valinta McMahonista nostaa kysymyksiä koulutuksen tasosta ja ministerin roolin merkityksestä. Kritiikkiä on tullut opettajilta ja koulutuskentän asiantuntijoilta, jotka pitävät nimitystä "läimäyksenä kasvoille" ja pelkäävät sen negatiivisia vaikutuksia maan koulutusjärjestelmään. Onko WWE-kokemus riittävä kriteeri ministeripaikkaan, jossa vaaditaan syvällistä ymmärrystä opetuksesta ja yhteiskunnallisista kysymyksistä?
Samaan aikaan Trump on ilmoittanut nimittävänsä myös Mehmet Oz:n terveysministeriksi, mikä herättää lisää keskustelua asianmukaisista pätevyyksistä hallinnossa. Mikäli McMahon ja Oz pääsevät ministeriöihinsä, voidaan odottaa suuria muutoksia hallituksen lähestymistavassa poliittisiin kysymyksiin, mukaan lukien koulutus ja terveys.
Linda McMahonin ja Trumpin yhteistyö on ollut pitkäaikainen, ja heidän yhteinen historia auttaa heitä navigoimaan valtionvelvollisuuksien monimutkaisessa maailmassa. Tämä nimitys on jälleen yksi esimerkki Trumpin kyvystä shokeerata ja ylläpitää mielenkiintoa poliittisessa kentässä.
Mielenkiintoista on, että McMahon on myös yrittänyt urheilla politiikassa, ja hän on kilpaillut kerran Yhdysvaltain senaattiin Connecticutista, vaikka ei ole saavuttanut voittoa. WWE:n maailmanlaajuisen brändin luojana hän on erittäin tunnettu ja saanut osakseen laajaa mediahuomiota – nyt nähdään, miten tämä näkyy hänen mahdollisessa ministerikautensa aikana.
The choice of the WWE co-founder and former SBA administrator is another out-of-the-box Cabinet selection for the incoming president. Published Nov.
Donald Trump has nominated Linda McMahon for education secretary and Mehmet Oz as picks after Elon Musk, Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Linda McMahon served as the Small Business Administrator director during Donald Trump's first term and is the co-founder of WWE.
President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday night he plans to nominate Linda McMahon, the co-chair of his transition team, to lead the Education Department in ...
President-elect Donald Trump tapped the billionaire professional wrestling mogul to be secretary of the Department of Education.
Donald Trump has nominated three more people for top roles in his administration, but leading jobs including Treasury secretary remain unfilled.
The US president-elect's choice for education secretary has a long history with WWE, and his new health pick is a former TV doctor.
Linda McMahon stepped down from her position as WWE's chief executive to enter politics. She ran twice for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut, but lost in 2010 ...
President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday night he plans to nominate Linda McMahon, the co-chair of his transition team, to lead the Education Department in ...
Updated November 19, 2024 at 23:31 PM ET. President-elect Donald Trump announced he will nominate Linda McMahon, a former head of the U.S. Small Business ...
Trump picks lead for Education Department. And, tips to bridge political divides. November 20, 20247:48 AM ET.
President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday night he plans to nominate Linda McMahon, the co-chair of his transition team, to lead the Education Department in ...
The president-elect made another cabinet selection, this time from the world of professional wrestling and with Connecticut ties.
Linda McMahon has been a constant presence in Donald Trump's tumultuous orbit, serving in his first administration and supporting his presidential campaigns ...
The choice of the WWE co-founder and former SBA administrator is another out-of-the-box Cabinet selection for the incoming president. Published Nov.
Linda McMahon has been a constant presence in Donald Trump's circle, serving in his first administration and supporting his presidential campaigns.
President-elect Donald Trump announced he will nominate Linda McMahon, a former head of the U.S. Small Business Administration during his first term and a ...
Educators are appalled—but not surprised—that Donald Trump has nominated another grossly unqualified candidate to run the U.S. Department of Education.
Jennifer Jenkins, chair of Educated We Stand joined ABC News Live to discuss what Linda McMahon heading the Department of Education may mean for schools and ...
Linda McMahon speaks during the Republican National Convention on July 18, 2024, in Milwaukee. McMahon has been selected by President-elect Trump to serve as as ...
But it has also been met with praise by supporters of parental rights and school choice. Geoff Bennett discussed more with Jon Valant of the Brown Center on ...
Connecticut could continue its connection to the U.S. Education Department, as President-Elect Donald Trump has picked Linda McMahon to run the agency. ...
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated former wrestling executive Linda McMahon to lead the Department of Education (ED). McMahon served during Trump's ...
President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate Linda McMahon, the co-chair of his transition team, to lead the Education Department.
President-elect Donald Trump's choice of education secretary is on a collision course with the country's teachers unions as Republicans eye major reforms ...
A recent lawsuit alleges Linda McMahon, who President-elect Donald Trump tapped to lead the Department of Education, knowingly enabled the sexual ...
Learn about President-Elect Trump's unconventional pick of a wrestling entertainment mogul for Secretary of Education and what her nomination means for ...
I have a lesson for district leaders from my (limited) interactions with Trump's pick for U.S. secretary of education.
Trump's favorite wrestling tycoon may now oversee education. Great news for elite private school kids and “segregation academies.”
A lawsuit alleges that Linda McMahon, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Department of Education, knowingly enabled the sexual abuse of ...
McMahon is the chair of the board of America First Policy Institute, a loudly anti-trans right-wing nonprofit that says it opposes “radical gender ideology.
The suit claims McMahon and others at the WWE were aware of misconduct decades ago and negligent in failing to prevent it.
Linda McMahon, who ran World Wrestling Entertainment for decades, was accused in the lawsuit of not preventing one of the organization's employees from ...