Donald Trump yllätti kansanjoukon puheessaan Arnold Palmerista, mutta ei ihan odotetulla tavalla! Mitä tapahtui Latrobessa?
Entinen presidentti Donald Trump aiheutti hämmennystä Latrobe, Pennsylvaniassa järjestetyssä kampanjatilaisuudessaan, jossa hän viittasi golflegendaan Arnold Palmeriin. Tilaisuuden avausepistelässä Trump kertoi tarinan Palmerista, mutta ei rajoittunut pelkkään ylistykseen. Pikemminkin hän keskittyi Palmerin, valitettavasti jo edesmenneen, anatomiaan – ja erityisesti hänen sukupuolielimiinsä. Tämä kummallinen huomio sai aikaan sekä naurua että hämmennystä paikalla olevissa, mutta hyväntahtoisetkin golffanit saattoivat tuskin uskoa korviaan.
Trumpin puheessa yhdistyivät myös perinteiset politiikan teemat, kun hän hyökkäsi varapresidentti Kamala Harrisin kimppuun, saatuaan samalla kannatusta paikallisilta terästyöläisiltä. Kun Trump mainitsi Palmerin, monet arvelivat hänen olevan valmis ottamaan oikein golfmailan esiin, kuitenkin ilmeisesti puhuessaan ennemminkin painavista asioista kuin lyönneistä. Kun Trump ja Palmer yhdistettiin näin outoon tapaan, monet kysyivät, mitä golflegendan perheessä ajateltiin puheesta – ja näytti siltä, että Arnold Palmerin tytär oli vähintäänkin tyrmistynyt isänsä kunnian yllättävästä käsittelystä.
Näitä kummallisia ilmiöitä ei kuitenkaan nähdä ensimmäistä kertaa Trumpin kohdalla. Hän on tunnettu kyvystään kääntää perinteiset puhe-aiheet odottamattomilla tavoilla ja jättää kuulijansa ihmettelemään, onko hän tosissaan vai vain leikittelee. Latrobessa on kuitenkin historiaa, sillä se oli Palmerin syntymäkaupunki, joka varmasti antoi oman sävynsä Trumpin yllättävälle improvisaatiolle. On syytä alkaa miettiä, ovatko golf-kilpailut seuraava iso areena poliittisille rikkaudelle vai ehkä purjehdus Mannerheim-ristin saaneissa pukuissa!
Jos puhumme Arnold Palmerista, ei voi unohtaa, että hän oli myös tunnettu siitä, että hän kehitti oman juomansa, Arnold Palmerin, joka on sekoitus jääteetä ja sitruunalimonadia. Hän oli yksi 1900-luvun suurimmista golfpareista, mutta tässä tapauksessa hänen legendansa ja seksuaalinen sävy saavat uudenlaista huomiota, kun Donald Trump astuu peliin. Arnold Palmer sai myös Golf Hall of Fame -palkinnon vuonna 1974 – mikä tekee hänen perintönsä ja Trumpin välinpitämättömyyden huudosta vieläkin starkimmaksi!
Former President Donald Trump circuitously referenced golfer Arnold Palmer's genitalia but more directly insulted Vice President Harris at a winding rally ...
Although it is common for political candidates to name-check hometown heroes during their travels, former President Trump's focus on the late golfer Arnold ...
The late golf icon Arnold Palmer was “appalled” by former president Donald Trump, who weirdly started boasting about Palmer's genitals at a campaign rally ...
Former President Donald Trump opened a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, on Saturday by talking about late golfer Arnold Palmer—and sharing a story about ...
But the former president kicked off his rally with a detailed story about Arnold Palmer, at one point even praising the late, legendary golfer's genitalia.
Trump spent the opening of his speech reminiscing about the late golf legend Arnold Palmer, at one point praising Palmer's “unbelievable” genitalia. Trump's ...
Donald Trump attacked his rival Vice President Kamala Harris, touted endorsements from steelworkers, and appeared to make surprising remarks about late ...
"Don't say it again. We don't have to say it," House Speaker Mike Johnson said when asked about the comments Trump made on the golfer's penis size.
Donald Trump held a rally Saturday in Latrobe, Pa., birthplace of the late Arnold Palmer, and boasted about his relationship with the legendary golfer.
Trump speech turns bizarre with praise for Arnold Palmer's anatomy and profanity for Harris ... Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Latrobe, Pa., on ...
Mike Johnson was questioned by CNN's Jake Tapper after the former president insinuated the late golfing legend was well-endowed.
Former President Donald Trump said of golfer Arnold Palmer, "this is a guy that was all man."
Wears said that she had only had passing encounters with Trump at functions decades ago but that her father and the GOP presidential nominee, an avid golfer who ...
Wears said that she had only had passing encounters with Trump at functions decades ago but that her father and the GOP presidential nominee, an avid golfer who ...
Donald Trump has pivoted to making his closing argument to voters heading into the final stretch of his race for the White House.
Golf legend Arnold Palmer's daughter said she was “not really upset” by the lewd story former President Donald Trump told about her father at a rally in his ...
Trump opened his speech at the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport by paying tribute to the legendary golfer Arnold Palmer – with an apparent focus on Palmer's ...
Peg Palmer Wears, daughter of the late golf legend, spoke with the Associated Press on Sunday following Trump's rally comments.
Golf legend Arnold Palmer's daughter Peg Palmer Wears calls Donald Trump's references to her father's genitalia “a poor choice of approaches" to honoring ...
Trump kicked off his rally in Latrobe, Pa., with a detailed story about the late legendary golfer Arnold Palmer.
One of the late golf legend Arnold Palmer's daughters calls Donald Trump's references to her father's genitalia "a poor choice of approaches” to honoring ...
Peg Palmer Wears speaks out after the former president's bizarre comments about the golf legend's privates.
Trump kicked off his rally in Latrobe, Pa., with a detailed story about the late legendary golfer Arnold Palmer.
"We have fifteen days—there's still time for us to stop him," Mary Trump wrote in her "The Good In Us" newsletter.
Peg Palmer Wears, the daughter of golf legend Arnold Palmer, once said her late father was “appalled” by Donald Trump's “lack of civility” and character ...
Peg Palmer Wears told Inside Edition that her late father would not have appreciated Trump's vulgar comments about his genitalia.
Donald Trump stands and raises his fist in front of a crowd at a campaign rally. Former President Donald Trump arrives for a campaign rally ...
Arnold Palmer's daughter, Peg Palmer Wears, reacted to former President Donald Trump's vulgar comments about her late father, calling them "disrespectful," ...
During a weekend appearance in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump spent 12 minutes rambling about golfer Arnold Palmer — including a bizarre aside about the size of ...
In light of Trump's latest bizarre behavior, Meyers assured his viewers that covering this stuff isn't as fun as it sounds.