
2024 - 10 - 15

Albania ja Italia: Asemakoordinaattoreita vai pelastajia?

Albania - EU - ihmisoikeudet - Italia - maahanmuutto - politiiikka - turvapaikanhakijat

Miksi Albania ottaa nyt Italian turvapaikanhakijat vastaan? Lue tämä jännittävä tarina ja sen käänteet!

Albanian pääministeri Edi Rama on tehnyt rohkean päätöksen hyväksyä Italiasta turvapaikanhakijoita maan rajoilla, ja tämä saattaa muuttaa Euroopan turvapaikkakäytäntöjä radikaalisti. Italia on ollut viime vuosina suuri kohde turvapaikanhakijoille, ja nyt se on alkanut siirtää osa heistä Albaaniaan käsittelyä varten. Sopimus on herättänyt paljon keskustelua, sillä siinä puhutaan jopa 36 000 turvapaikanhakijan siirtämisestä.

Sopimus allekirjoitettiin viime vuonna Italian pääministeri Giorgia Melonin ja Edi Raman välillä. Nyt Italia on jo siirtänyt ensimmäiset 16 turvapaikanhakijaa Albanian keskuksiin, ja Meloni on luonnehtinut sopimusta "kokeiluhenkiseksi". Vaikka sopimus voi tuoda helpotusta Italian ylikuormitukseen, monet humanitaariset järjestöt ovat tuominneet hankkeen ja varoittavat mahdollisista ihmisoikeusloukkauksista. Onko tämä siis enemmän vastuullista hallintoa vai ihmisoikeuksien polkemista?

Albania, joka on pyrkinyt liittymään Euroopan unioniin vuodesta 2014, näkee mahdollisuutensa tässä sopimuksessa. Edi Rama on ilmoittanut, että Albanian tavoitteena on olla EU:n jäsen vuoteen 2030 mennessä, mutta matka on täynnä esteitä, kuten korruption vähentäminen ja uudistusten toteuttaminen. Tämä uusi diili voisi olla tilaisuus näyttää, että Albania pystyy hoitamaan asioitaan, mutta samalla se voi myös herättää epäilystä EU:n suuntaan, sillä useat jäsenvaltioista ovat olleet skeptisiä Albanian edistymistä kohtaan.

Kun puhumme kansainvälisistä suhteista ja siirtolaispolitiikasta, on tärkeää muistaa, että jokainen tekemämme päätös voi vaikuttaa tuhansien ihmisten elämään. Turvapaikanhakijat, jotka pakenevat väkivaltaa ja epäoikeudenmukaisuutta, löytävät usein itsensä tilanteesta, jossa heitä käsitellään kuin tavaroita. Tämä uusi sopimus voi mahdollistaa joillekin turvapaikanhakijoille pääsyn EU:n suojiin, mutta entä ne, jotka jäävät Albanian rajojen ulkopuolelle?

Samaan aikaan kun Italia ja Albania solmivat tätä sopimusta, Albania on myös aloittanut neuvottelut EU:hun liittymiseksi. Pääministeri Rama on optimistinen Albaniasta EU:n jäsenenä, mutta hänen hallituksensa on myös kohdannut kritiikkiä korruption vähentämisestä ja muista sisäisistä ongelmista. Tulevaisuus näyttää mielenkiintoiselta – niin Albanian kuin koko Euroopan osalta!

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Albania will intake Italy's asylum seekers, as a gesture of gratitude ... (Los Angeles Times)

Prime Minister Edi Rama says his country forged a deal to take in Italy's asylum seekers, but won't OK any more such deals with other EU countries.

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Image courtesy of "International Rescue Committee"

What is the Italy-Albania asylum deal? (International Rescue Committee)

Italy has agreed a deal with Albania that will detain up to 36000 asylum seekers outside of EU borders. Find out more.

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Italy sends first group of 16 migrants to asylum processing centres in ... (Euronews)

The agreement was signed last November by Meloni and her Albanian counterpart, Edi Rama. Meloni's far-right government formally opened the two centres in ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Humanitarian NGOs Condemn Start Of Italy's Albania Migration ... (Forbes)

Italy has begun its controversial scheme to send asylum seekers arriving by sea to Albania for processing. Years in the making, the scheme is a response to ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Italy's Meloni calls plan to send migrants to Albania courageous ... (Reuters)

Italy is setting an example for the rest of Europe by sending migrants to third countries to process their asylum requests, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ...

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Image courtesy of "Peoples Dispatch"

Asylum seekers to be deported from Italy to Albania, according to ... (Peoples Dispatch)

Italy begins offshoring asylum seekers to Albania, sparking fears of even worse European migration policies and further human rights violations.

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Image courtesy of "Standard Speaker"

Italian PM hails 'courageous' Albania migrant deal (Standard Speaker)

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday brushed aside criticism of a controversial deal to send migrants for processing in Albania, ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Albania begins EU accession talks (

The Balkan country, which was granted candidate status in 2014, held its first accession conference with the EU in July 2022, but the opening of the first ...

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Image courtesy of "EU News"

Second meeting of the Accession Conference with Albania at ... (EU News)

The Albanian delegation was led by Mr Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania. The meeting served to open negotiations with Albania on Cluster 1: Fundamentals, ...

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Albania aims to be EU member by 2030, PM Rama says after ... (Euronews)

The EU gave a largely positive initial assessment of Albania's progress towards joining the bloc, though Brussels notes room for improvement on corruption, ...

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Image courtesy of "Balkan Insight"

As Talks Begin, EU Chides Albania's 'Limited Progress' in Tackling ... (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto and European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi in Luxembourg, 15 October ...

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Image courtesy of "Balkan Insight"

Albania Opens EU Accession Negotiations, Seeks Membership by ... (Balkan Insight)

In Luxembourg on Tuesday, Albania opened its first negotiation 'cluster', with Prime Minister Edi Rama saying his country has its sights set on joining the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

First Italian ship with 16 intercepted migrants docks at Albanian port ... (The Associated Press)

An Italian navy ship docked at the Albanian port of Shengjin to bring the first group of 16 migrants intercepted in international waters.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Italian navy ship with migrants arrives in Albania's port (Reuters)

An Italian ship carrying a first group of migrants to be processed in Albania arrived in the port of Shengjin on Wednesday morning, setting in motion a ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News"

Italy Sends First Migrants to Albania Under Controversial Deal (Yahoo News)

(Bloomberg) -- An Italian naval vessel delivered the first group of asylum seekers to Albania as part of a controversial deal that raises the stakes in how ...

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Image courtesy of "Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty"

First Migrants Under Controversial Deal With Italy Arrive In Albania (Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty)

The Italian Navy ship Libra arrives at the port of Shengjin in northwestern Albania on October 16 carrying the first group of migrants who were intercepted ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

First Italian ship with 16 intercepted migrants docks at Albanian port ... (ABC News)

An Italian navy ship docked at the Albanian port of Shengjin to bring the first group of 16 migrants intercepted in international waters.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Italy ships migrants to Albania for first time under controversial plan (CNN)

The first 16 migrants rescued at sea while trying to reach Europe by way of Italy arrived at the Albanian port of Shengjin on Wednesday aboard an Italian ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Albania says only Italy is allowed to operate migrant asylum centers ... (The Associated Press)

Albania's prime minister says his government turned down many requests from other European Union countries to take in thousands of asylum-seekers but made ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS19 News"

First migrants arrive in Albania under contested Italy deal (CBS19 News)

A ship carrying migrants intercepted in Italian waters docked Wednesday in Albania, nearly a year after Rome and Tirana reached a controversial deal to ...

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Image courtesy of "Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty"

Amid Criticism, Italy Sends First Migrants To Albania (Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty)

Albania has received the first group of migrants from Italy under an agreement to house up to 3000 male migrants while Rome fast-tracks their asylum ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Italy sends first asylum seekers to Albania under controversial deal (

Rome boasts of deal processing asylum seekers outside EU. Critics complain of 'cruel experiment' that undermines rights.

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

First Italian ship carrying intercepted migrants arrives in Albania (FRANCE 24)

An Italian navy ship carrying 16 men rescued at sea after departing from Libya arrived in the Albanian port town of Shengjin on Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "Balkan Insight"

First Italian Ship With Refugees Arrives in Albania (Balkan Insight)

The first Italian ship holding 16 refugees intercepted at sea arrived in Albania early on Wednesday, as Italy's controversial plan to 'offshore' the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Economist"

Italy starts outsourcing its migrant crisis to Albania (The Economist)

The first camp for asylum-seekers built by an eu country outside the eu spreads across an area the size of ten football pitches near the village of Gjader ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Italy sends first migrants to Albania, an offshoring model for Europe (The Washington Post)

Italy's far-right government is rolling out what it says could be a model for solving one of the West's most politically charged problems: illegal ...

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Image courtesy of "Courthouse News Service"

Italy begins 'offshoring' asylum claims at centers in Albania (Courthouse News Service)

Italy's scheme to transfer asylum seekers to Albania has gotten underway. Critics accuse the far-right government in Rome of violating international ...

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Image courtesy of "KGET 17"

Italian ship transfers 16 intercepted migrants to Albania in a first ... (KGET 17)

SHENGJIN, Albania (AP) — An Italian navy ship on Wednesday docked at the Albanian port of Shengjin to bring the first group of 16 migrants intercepted in ...

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Activists protest as first group of 16 migrants on Italian ship arrive in ... (Euronews)

Opponents of the Italy-Albania migrant deal argue it is undemocratic because the people of both countries have not been consulted.

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