Uusi leffa kertoo Trumpin nuoruusvuosista Roy Cohnin opastuksella – ja se on yhtä aikaa kammottava ja hauska!
"The Apprentice" on elokuva, joka vie meidät ajassa taaksepäin 1970-luvun New Yorkiin, esittelemään nuorta Donald Trumpia, jota esittää Sebastian Stan. Elokuva ei vain kerro Trumpin noususta nuoresta slumlordista Manhattanin huipulle, vaan myös hänen kytköksistään haitalliseen lakimieheen Roy Cohnin, jota esittää vaikuttavasti Jeremy Strong. Cohnin rooli on kuin kauhuelokuvista, sillä hänen vaikutuksensa Trumpiin oli kerta kaikkiaan myrkyllinen, mutta samalla myös kutkuttavan mielenkiintoinen. Elokuvan ohjaaja Ali Abbasi maalaa komean kuvan Trumpin elämän varhaisista vuosista, jotka ovat kuin Pygmalionin muunnelma huonoista päätöksistä ja hämäristä liikesuhteista.
Elokuvan arvioijat ovat olleet varsin äänekkäitä, ja monet pitävät elokuvaa jopa Trumpia itseään parempana. Kriitikot kehuvat etenkin Stanin ja Strongin huikeita esityksiä, jotka elävöittävät hahmojensa erikoista dynamiikkaa, kuin öljy ja vesi. Trumpin ja Cohnin välinen suhde on jännittävä ristiriita, jossa uhkaava huumori ja ennakoimattomuus yhdistyvät. Elokuvan tarina avaa uskottavasti, miten nuoren Trumpin kunnianhimo ja Cohnin laiton valtapeli ovat yhdessä luoneet perustan myöhemmälle, mielettömän kitkerälle poliittiselle uralle.
Osana elokuvan markkinointia, "The Apprentice" teki itselleen kovan nousun vaatimattomasta indie-elokuvasta sykähdyttävään mestariteokseen. Sen ensi-ilta osui Telluride Elokuvafestivaaliin, joka kirvoitti myyntiaallon. Vaikka elokuvan teemat ovat vakavia ja jopa ahdistavia, se ei silti estä katsojia nauramasta Trumpin kömmähdyksille ja huonoille valinnoille, jotka ovat kaikkien teille tutuissa uutisissa. Onko siis elokuva vain komedia vai kenties varoitus tulevalle sukupolvelle?
Elokuvan lopullinen vaikutus saattaa olla suurta, mutta se herättää huomiota myös kiinnostavilla ja innoittavilla faktoilla. Esimerkiksi, Roy Cohn muistetaan Yhdysvaltojen historiassa erityisesti hänen roolistaan McCarthyismissä, mikä ylitti lain rajat ja nosti oikeudenmukaisuuden kysymykset pinnalle. Toiseksi, Trumpin ja Cohnin välinen suhde osoittaa, miten liikesuhteet saattavat muuttaa kerrannolla jopa koko poliittista maisemaa, kiitos vahvojen yksilöiden, jotka hivelevät valtaa ja nauttivat vaarallisten pelien pelaamisesta.
Richard Brody reviews “The Apprentice,” directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabriel Sherman, starring Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump and Jeremy Strong as ...
In this ribald fictional telling of a young Trump's rise, the man responsible is the lawyer Roy Cohn, played to sleazy perfection by Jeremy Strong.
Ali Abbasi's new film The Apprentice shows ex-President Donald Trump's years as a real estate businessman under the tutelage of lawyer Roy Cohn.
The Apprentice, a film detailing the life of a young Donald Trump in 1970s New York premieres on Friday, October 11. Starring Sebastian Stan as the future ...
Director Ali Abbasi frames the film as a riff on "Pygmalion," with an aspiring young slumlord from Queens becoming the toast of Manhattan under the toxic ...
Girded by powerhouse performances from Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong, the Donald Trump biopic is better than the former president would like you to ...
Briarcliff Entertainment executive Tom Ortenberg, who is releasing The Apprentice and Magazine Dreams, has a history of backing controversial films.
Two days later there was a sold-out screening at Telluride Film Festival and less than a week after that, Toronto International Film Festival hosted an invite- ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Even in an election year, most seem to agree on one aspect about Ali Abbasi's much-debated Donald Trump film “The Apprentice”: Sebastian.
No movie on the fall calendar has stoked as much pre-release controversy as “The Apprentice,” a dramatization of the early years of Donald Trump that hits ...
I Was Trump's Ghostwriter. A New Biopic Gets the Most Important Thing Right. ... A photo illustration of two actors portraying Roy Cohn and Donald Trump with ...
Few movies this year have made as many headlines as “The Apprentice.” Ali Abbasi's film about a young Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) under the tutelage of ...
"The Apprentice," the new Trump biopic about his early career, features Oscar-worthy performances, says SFGATE columnist Drew Magary.
The movie, starring Sebastian Stan as former President Donald Trump, includes many a moment to make viewers clutch their pearls.
The “Apprentice” stars and the director Ali Abbasi say their film is a “humanistic” treatment of the former president and his mentor, Roy Cohn.
Few movies this year have made as many headlines as “The Apprentice.” Ali Abbasi's film about a young Donald Trump ( Sebastian Stan ) under the tutelage of ...
Vogue invited Stan and Strong onto “The Run-Through” to discuss their performances in Ali Abbasi's controversial new Trump biopic, how the film came ...
Tony Schwartz says 'central warning' from The Apprentice is that the former president is 'the same person today that he was as a child'
Deny, deflect, delay': Jeremy Strong channels Trump's mentor in 'The Apprentice': The Succession actor plays lawyer Roy Cohn in a new film. Strong says U.S. ...
'The Apprentice' director Ali Abbasi, writer Gabe Sherman and stars Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong discuss the journey of the Donald Trump movie.
The Apprentice Directed by Ali Abbasi Written by Gabriel Sherman Starring Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Strong, and Maria Bakalova Runtime 2 hours
"The Apprentice" artisans on how they filmed the Donald Trump liposuction and hair transplant scenes with Sebastian Stan.
The film looks at how Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, former chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. He went on to represent Trump as he ...
The Donald Trump biopic The Apprentice is gorier and more gruesome than you'd expect for a film about the former president. A Frankenstein-style origin ...
The Apprentice” director Ali Abbasi reacts to receiving a cease-and-desist letter from former President Donald Trump's legal team shortly after the film's ...
But as his protégé built Trump Tower, grew more powerful, married his first wife, Ivana, and eclipsed the legacy established by his father, Fred, Cohn faced a ...