Miksi Tim Walzin hymyt ja JD Vancen ilmeet saavat kansan kuuntelamaan? VP-debatin huippuhetket täällä!
Viimeinen vaalidebatti, jossa Minnesota osavaltion kuvernööri Tim Walz ja Ohion senaattori JD Vance kohtasivat, oli kuin makoisa kananmuna aamiaisella: täynnä odotuksia, mutta lopulta loppusiivo tässä tapauksessa voitti. Jos olisit kuullut kuinka he kitaransoitolla alkoivat keskustella talouden haasteista, olisit varmaan unohtanut, että tämä on vaalitentti etkä jokin vuosittainen äänenvoimakkuuden tarkistus. Walz ja Vance livahtivat estradille kuin vanhat ystävät, mutta politischen pistot välillä saivat tunnelman kaipaamaan sokkelolle epämiellyttävää voimaa.
Debatin suurimmat höyryt tuskin nousivat talouskysymyksistä, vaan pikemminkin siitä kuinka paljon eripuraa voidaan välttää yhden akateemisen kitaransoiton ympärillä. Walz luki vilpittömästi kysymyksiaeidänsä, kun taas Vance nosti kaulansa ylös kuin haluten huutaa jotakin, mutta piti kuitenkin kielen hampaittensa väliin. Kun he käsittelivät inflaatiota ja talouden tilaa, debatin tyyli oli selkeästi enemmän keskustelutyyppinen kuin kiihkeä taistelu. Miksi meillä ei ole aina näin mukavaa?
Väten olisiko se, että kahden hyväntahtoisen kandidaatin, jotka ylpeilivät äänestäjiensä hyvästä tunteesta, välinen keskustelu tuotti enemmän iloa kuin olisimme osanneet odottaa? Ei ainoastaan kitaramusiikilla, vaan myös rauhallisella keskustelulla vaikeista aiheista, kuten koulutuksesta ja kunnallispolitiikasta. Tämä oli kenties viesti, jota etsimme mielummin sulkulevyn sijasta, ja se antoi raskailta tunteilta suuntaa rauhoittavampaan suuntaan.
Kuitenkin – jännittävyydestä huolimatta – ankkuroiduimme vielä politiikan todellisuuteen. Esimerkiksi Tim Walz nousi vaalipoliittisissa mielipiteissä entistä korkeammalle tämän debatin jälkeen, mutta silti Vancen ja Walzin äänten jakautuminen jäi tasaiseksi. Tämä puhuu sen puolesta, että vaikka keskustelu oli ystävällistä, arvioijat haluavat nähdä enemmän ennen äänestyslipun pudottamista. Ja kun jossain kohdin Vance vain vältteli kysymystä siitä, aikooko hän kyseenalaistaa vaalituloksia, hermostus oli käsin kosketeltavissa.
Loppukaneetiksi, muistakaa, että vaikka vice-presidential debatessa voi olla vähemmän tulista tai dramaattista kuin puheenjohtajien välillä, se voi kuitenkin olla hyödyllinen tilaisuus. Ja jos joskus saat kitaran ääntä ja ammattilaiset ovat kyettömiä, ehkäpä voisit harkita politiikan suuntautumista! Kuka tietää, ehkä Löydämme seuraavan suuren poliitikon sieltä kitaran takaa!
Registered voters who watched Tuesday's debate between vice presidential nominees Tim Walz and JD Vance were closely divided over which candidate did the ...
The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary...
The mostly amicable debate, with some moments of tension, was a departure from the polarization on display daily during the campaign.
Watch highlights of the first vice-presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz on WSJ.com. The Ohio senator and the Minnesota governor took the stage ...
SAINT PAUL — Tim Walz and JD Vance played attack dog for their presidential partner in a policy-focused debate about the economy, inflation and rising ...
Tim Walz and JD Vance shared a number of misleading claims during the CBS vice presidential debate.
J.D. Vance and Tim Walz offer solace to a riven America | United States.
Vice presidential candidates are unlikely to make a fundamental difference in this election, but there were some takeaways from an interesting night.
However, two flash polls showed the Republican challenger Vance winning by a slim margin in the vice-presidential debate.
Most tense exchange came when Vance avoided question over whether he would challenge result if Trump loses in November.
Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Republican Ohio U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance squared off Tuesday night in a vice presidential debate that marked the last ...
The debate was largely civil, but Vance and Walz clashed over the economy, immigration and reproductive rights. It was a very substantive debate, and there ...
Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Republican Ohio U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance squared off Tuesday night in a vice presidential debate that marked the last ...
Reporters watch Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz participate in a ...
The debate was largely civil, but Vance and Walz clashed over the economy, immigration and reproductive rights. It was a very substantive debate, and there ...
The candidates sparred on numerous topics, including immigration, school shootings, reproductive rights and the economy. We fact-checked several of their ...
The vice presidential candidates faced off in New York on Tuesday night to debate their platforms and defend their respective running mates.
The debate between Republican nominee Ohio Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Democratic nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was civil.
The debate was largely civil, but Vance and Walz clashed over the economy, immigration and reproductive rights. It was a very substantive debate, and there ...
According to a post-debate poll by CBS and YouGov, voters felt tied between the candidates running for vice president, with 42 percent of voters believing Vance ...
Ohio Republican Sen. JD Vance and Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz met in an Oct. 1 vice presidential debate hosted by CBS News that was cordial and heavy ...
Minnesota lawmakers are sharing their thoughts after Tuesday night's vice presidential debate between Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Republican Ohio ...
Get the latest news on what happened in the vice presidential debate featuring Trump running-mate JD Vance and Harris running-mate Tim Walz.
There has been much debate on who won the vice presidential debate between the Democratic and Republican opponents.
Tim Walz let J.D. Vance out of America's doghouse at the vice presidential debate on Tuesday. Polls suggest they both received a boost.
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Harris's running mate for the US presidential election. Here's everything you need to know about him.
The governor didn't seem to have a clear objective in his face-off with Republican JD Vance.
Right-wing lawmakers, pundits, and trolls have jumped on the moment in the vice presidential debate when Tim Walz said he was “friends with school shooters.
When the issue of gun violence came up at the vice presidential debate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz had a personal story to tell: His teenage son, Gus, ...
Vance and Walz met in an Oct. 1 vice presidential debate hosted by CBS News that was cordial and heavy on policy discussion.
Gov. Tim Walz is pictured at the 2024 Vice Presidential Debate. Some Democrats were deflated after a clearly nervous Tim Walz tripped over ...
Here are fact-checks from the first 2024 vice presidential debate between Senator JD Vance, Republican, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Democrat.
Gov. Tim Walz during the Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday night revealed that his teenage son Gus had witnessed a shooting at a community center in St.
Trump running mate says debate went 'pretty well' and derides rival for 'friends with school shooters' slip.
(FOX 9) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz spoke about Minnesota a lot during the vice presidential debate on Tuesday night, mentioning the state's name dozens of times.
Former football coach Tim Walz did not lose his lone debate to Sen. JD Vance, but his game plan kept his GOP rival in the game.
When the issue of gun violence came up at the vice presidential debate, Tim Walz had a personal story to tell: His teenage son, Gus, had been at a sports ...
The debate in 2020, between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, drew 57.9 million viewers. That ranked as the second-most-watched vice-presidential matchup since 1976 ...
The vice presidential debate marked the last scheduled in-person meeting for the campaigns as Americans decide the country's next chapter.
The October 2020 debate between Harris and Pence was the second-most watched vice presidential debate ever.
Tim Walz wore two friendship bracelets inspired by Taylor Swift to the vice presidential debate earlier this week.