Miksi Gen X naiset uskovat tarvitsevansa yli 2 miljoonaa dollaria eläkkeelle jäämiseksi? Lue lisää!
Tämä on yhä aikaa, jolloin Gen X -naiset tuntevat painetta taloudelliseen valmistautumiseen eläkkeelle jäämistä varten. Keskiverto Gen X -nainen uskoo tarvitsevansa yli 2 miljoonaa dollaria eläkevuosiaan varten, ja syy tähän on kuoppa, joka on ilmestynyt sukupolvien välille 1980-luvun Reaganomics-politiikkojen myötä. Tämän sukupolven naiset ovat edelleen kaukana eläkkeelle jäämisen tavoitteistaan, sillä heillä on keskimäärin vain 95 000 dollaria säästössä eläkettä varten. Tämä huolestuttava trendi nostaa esiin kriittisiä kysymyksiä siitä, miten parantaa taloudellista turvattomuutta.
Worried About Wealth: Gen X women report higher levels of financial anxiety about retirement preparedness. "Generation Zeal:" Gen Z women plan to retire ...
About one-quarter of U.S. adults over age 50 say they expect to never retire and 70% are concerned about prices rising faster than their income, ...
Gen X women report being furthest away from their retirement goals, having $95,000 on average saved for retirement. Women (Average), Gen Z Women, Millennial ...
In 2021, 22% of Gen Xers admitted to daily struggles with stress followed by Millenials (17%), Gen Z (14%), and Baby Boomers (8%). A big reason for the ...
"With Gen Z, I've witnessed that if technology is not fully automated or if they come across a technical issue that needs attention, they pretty much just ...
They are embracing reinvention, independence, and entrepreneurship at an age when previous generations were preparing for retirement.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, her vice presidential pick, have gotten a lot of mileage out of labeling Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance “weird.” It's a ...
Northwestern Mutual noted, however, that the biggest generational difference between women concerns their attitudes and beliefs. Sixty percent of Gen Z women ...
In contrast, Boomer women estimate their retirement savings target at $902,000, while millennial women expect they'll have to set aside $1.5 million. Just as ...
In contrast, Boomer women estimate their retirement savings target at $902,000, while millennial women expect they'll have to set aside $1.5 million. Just as ...