Laura Loomer

2024 - 9 - 13

Laura Loomer ja Trump: Ystävyys vai salaliitto?

amerikkalainen politiikka - Donald Trump - George H.W. Bush - JD Vance - Laura Loomer - MAGA - oikeistolainen aktivismi - politiikka - rasismi - sosiaalinen media

Laura Loomer matkustaa Trumpin mukana, mutta kuka hän oikeastaan on? Ota selvää salaliittojen kuningattaren tarinasta!

Laura Loomer on viime aikoina herättänyt huomiota matkustamalla entisen presidentti Donald Trumpin mukana erikoisissa tapahtumissa. Hänen läsnäolonsa ei jäänyt huomaamatta, kun hän liittyi Trumpin seuraan presidentinvaalikeskustelussa ja myös eri tilaisuuksissa. Mutta kuka tämä Laura Loomer oikeastaan on? Oikeistolainen aktivisti, joka on tunnettu kiistanalaisista ja usein rasistisista kommenteistaan, on onnistunut kiinnittämään huomiota eivätkä kaikki ole hänen kannallaan. Loomer on saanut osakseen ankaraa kritiikkiä jopa omilta liittolaisiltaan, mikä tekee hänen roolistaan Trumpin lähipiirissä entistä mielenkiintoisemman.

Trumpin ja Loomerin liitto on aiheuttanut keskustelua myös Valkoisessa talossa, joka on tuominnut presidentin yhteyksiä tällaisiin äärioikeistolaisiin henkilöihin. Esimerkiksi Valkoisen talon tiedottaja Karine Jean-Pierre kritisoi Loomerin rasistisia julkaisuja, jotka kohdistuivat varapresidentti Kamala Harrisin intialaista perintöä kohtaan. Tämä osoittaa, kuinka kiistanalaiseksi Loomerin ja Trumpin kumppanuus on käynyt myös poliittisessa kentässä, ja se on herättänyt pelkoja jopa swing-äänestäjissä, jotka pitävät Trumpia mahdollisena '_alustana_' äärioikeistolaisille näkemyksille.

Loomerin ja Trumpin suhde on saanut myös Marjorie Taylor Greene -kaltaisten Trumpin tukijoiden huomion. Greene, joka aiemmin on ollut Loomerin puolella, on nyt osoittanut tukevansa Kamala Harrisia Loomerin rasististen kommenttien vuoksi. Tämä sisäpiirin kiista näyttää jälleen kerran sen, kuinka volatiili poliittinen ilmasto tällä hetkellä on ja kuinka pikkuasiat voivat laukaista suuria riitoja, jopa Trumpin kannattajien keskuudessa. On koomista nähdä, kuinka nämä äärioikeistolaiset aktivistit käyvät toistensa kimppuun, kun he itsekin ovat olleet niin äärimmäisiä.

Silti on tärkeää huomata, että Laura Loomerin tarina ei ole pelkkää draamaa ja kohuja. Hänen kuulumisensa Trumpin sisäpiiriin voi heijastaa laajempia trendejä Amerikan politiikassa, erityisesti oikeiston äärilaidan ja populistisen liikkeen välillä. Twitterissä ei ole harvinaista nähdä Loomeria provosoivan sanoilla ja kommenteilla, jotka saavat ihmiset reagoimaan, olivatpa reaktiot myönteisiä tai kielteisiä. Ja kun otetaan huomioon Loomerin ja Trumpin äärimmäiset näkemykset, voimme odottaa lisää kummallisia käänteitä heidän tarinassaan!

Loppujen lopuksi Laura Loomer ei ole vain toinen vaihtelevista poliittisista nimistä, vaan hän edustaa myös sosiaalisessa mediassa vaikuttavien aktiivisten ja kiistanalaisten henkilöiden nousevaa roolia. Hänen viestinsä ja toimintansa eivät ainoastaan kertaa ajatuksia, vaan ne myös haastavat perinteisiä käsityksiä oikeistopolitiikasta Yhdysvalloissa. Olipa sitten kyse Trumpin nostamasta äänekkäästä teematalkista tai syvemmistä ideologisista kysymyksistä, Loomerin asiat tekevät hänestä todellisen ja turvallisen ilmiön poliittisessa keskustelussa. Jos tykkäät salaliitoista, äärioikeistosta ja dramaattisista sosiaalisista taisteluista, tässä on henkilö, jota kannattaa seurata!

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Laura Loomer: Who is conspiracy theorist travelling with Trump? (BBC News)

She joined Trump at an event on Wednesday, and travelled to the presidential debate the day before on his plane.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Who is Laura Loomer, the right-wing activist in Trump's inner circle ... (CNN)

As right-wing activist Laura Loomer has emerged as a member of former President Donald Trump's inner circle, CNN's Elle Reeve looks back on Loomer's history ...

Opinion | Something Important Is Happening With JD Vance, Laura ... (The New York Times)

Right-wing absurdities — Donald Trump's comments about Haitian migrants eating pets, JD Vance's comments about “childless cat ladies” (among other things), ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

White House criticizes Donald Trump's ties to Laura Loomer (NBC News)

Karine Jean-Pierre was asked for President Joe Biden's response to a racist post in which Loomer targeted Vice President Kamala Harris' Indian heritage.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

At a Key Moment in Trump's Campaign, a Social-Media Instigator Is ... (The New York Times)

The former president's decision to elevate Laura Loomer, a far-right activist known for racist and homophobic posts online, has stunned even some Trump ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

White House condemns Trump ties to conspiracy theorist Laura ... (Reuters)

The White House rebuked former President Donald Trump on Thursday for his association with far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Greene, Loomer get into back-and-forth over 'racist' Harris attack (The Hill)

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Loomer, two top allies of former President Trump, are engaged in a heated social media battle over a bigoted post mocking ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Beast"

Lindsey Graham Joins MAGA Civil War With Hit on Laura Loomer (Daily Beast)

He joins Marjorie Taylor Greene in criticizing the far-right influencer and 9/11 truther, who was seen traveling with the former president to recent events.

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Image courtesy of "Raw Story"

Swing voters fear 'incompetent' Trump may be a 'vessel' for ... (Raw Story)

A shift is happening among undecided voters following the debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris: they're starting to ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Far-right activist Laura Loomer's access to Trump reveals a crisis in ... (NBC News)

No one can keep former President Donald Trump away from Laura Loomer. Throughout his third presidential campaign, aides and advisers have done their best to ...

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Image courtesy of "FOX 5 Atlanta"

Marjorie Taylor Greene slams Laura Loomer for 'racist' comments ... (FOX 5 Atlanta)

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, appears to be now defending Vice President Kamala Harris against ...

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Image courtesy of "West Hawaii Today"

White House condemns Trump ties to conspiracy theorist Laura ... (West Hawaii Today)

Ahead of Trump's debate with Democratic Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris on Tuesday, Loomer said that if Harris, who is of Indian descent ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

MAGA is turning against Laura Loomer (Newsweek)

Donald Trump ally Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene accused Laura Loomer of making "appalling and extremely racist" remarks.

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Laura Loomer's proximity to Trump draws backlash (The Hill)

Laura Loomer arrives with former President Donald Trump at Philadelphia International Airport on Sept. 10, 2024, in Philadelphia. Far-right activist Laura ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Why MAGA Blames Far-Right Conspiracist Laura Loomer For ... (Forbes)

Trump allies, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., blasted Loomer this week over her racist tweets about Vice President ...

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Image courtesy of "The Nation"

How Donald Trump Got Loomered (The Nation)

Laura Loomer's strange journey from stalker to unofficial Trump confidant. ... Laura Loomer, in large sunglasses, stands in front of a courthouse wearing a shirt ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Trump says he doesn't control far-right agitator Laura Loomer, calls ... (CNN)

Former President Donald Trump said he doesn't control far-right agitator Laura Loomer, whom he described as a “free spirit” and “supporter,” in response to ...

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Image courtesy of "Semafor"

'She's a free spirit': Donald Trump defends Laura Loomer as GOP ... (Semafor)

The self-proclaimed “pro-white nationalism” activist has been traveling with Trump.

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

GOP senator hits Loomer: 'DNC plant couldn't do better job' hurting ... (The Hill)

North Carolina GOP Sen. Thom Tillis criticized former President Trump's close relationship with Laura Loomer, a far-right provocateur and conspiracy theory ...

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Image courtesy of "Rolling Stone"

Trump Wants to Hire 'Free Spirit' Laura Loomer. MAGA Allies Think ... (Rolling Stone)

Donald Trump wants to give Laura Loomer, the bigot and conspiracy theorist, a position in his second administration, should he win in November.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Trump Defends Far-Right Conspiracist Laura Loomer As She Battles ... (Forbes)

Trump allies, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., blasted Loomer this week over her racist tweets about Vice President ...

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Image courtesy of "Deadline"

News Networks Dip In And Out Of Donald Trump's Press ... (Deadline)

Networks carried portions of his press conference in Rancho Palos Verdes.

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Donald Trump confronted on relationship with Laura Loomer (Newsweek)

It came after Loomer posted a racially charged diatribe aimed at Vice President Kamala Harris on X, formerly Twitter.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Reporter asks Trump about GOP concern over Laura Loomer. Hear ... (CNN)

During a press conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, former President Donald Trump was pressed by reporters about far-right agitator Laura Loomer's ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

What to know about Laura Loomer, Trump's conspiracy theorist ally (Axios)

Far-right activist Laura Loomer has been at former President Trump's side this week as he campaigns, though the GOP candidate claimed Friday he's unaware of ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Who Is Laura Loomer, the Far-Right Activist Who Traveled With ... (The New York Times)

After fellow Republicans criticized her appearance on the trail, noting her history of offensive remarks, former President Donald J. Trump praised her but ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Beast"

Top MAGA Republican Thom Tillis Calls Laura Loomer 'Disgusting ... (Daily Beast)

A DNC plant couldn't do a better job than she is doing to hurt President Trump's chances of winning re-election,” GOP Senator Thom Tillis tweeted. “Enough.”

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Far-right activist Laura Loomer pushes back amid criticism of her ... (ABC News)

Laura Loomer, the social media figure and far-right activist, has accompanied former President Donald Trump to several events this week.

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Image courtesy of "The Jerusalem Post"

Far-right provocateur Laura Loomer is back in Donald Trump's cadre (The Jerusalem Post)

What makes this backlash different is that it's coming from another far-right figure who has herself been accused of hate speech: Georgia Rep.

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Should Donald Trump ditch Laura Loomer? Experts weigh in (Newsweek)

One political scientist told Newsweek being associated with Laura Loomer will "damage Trump's standing with undecided voters."

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

loomer: Trump's aide Laura Loomer claims she is single because ... (Economic Times)

Laura Loomer, a far-right activist, revealed in a recent interview that her strong support for Donald Trump is the reason she remains single.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself 'white advocate', audio reveals (The Guardian)

Loomer, who accompanied Trump on flight to TV debate, made comments at white nationalist conference in 2022.

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Image courtesy of "MSNBC"

Trump disavows Laura Loomer's 'statements' but keeps her close (MSNBC)

Donald Trump made a feeble attempt to distance himself from Laura Loomer, saying she is not part of his campaign and that he disagrees with her "statements.

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Image courtesy of "Emptywheel"

The Laura Loomer Problem Is the Same as the Vladimir Putin ... (Emptywheel)

At about the same time that several of Donald Trump's most loyal supporters were warning that Laura Loomer's access to the former President threatens his ...

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Who is Laura Loomer? What to know about the conspiracy theorist ... (USA TODAY)

Now she has the ear of former President Donald Trump, who repeated a conspiracy theory about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats in Ohio during his first ...

Laura Loomer Called Herself a 'White Advocate' (

Russell Moore: “The accusation that Haitian immigrants in a small Ohio city are abducting and eating their neighbors' cats and dogs relies not on one falsehood ...

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