Chad McQueen, Karate Kidin pahis ja Steve McQueenin ainut poika, kuoli 63-vuotiaana. Hänen tarinansa elää ikuisesti!
Chad McQueen, ikonisen näyttelijän Steve McQueenin poika, on valitettavasti menehtynyt 63-vuotiaana. Hänet tunnettiin erityisesti roolistaan pahiksena Dutchina kulttiklassikossa "The Karate Kid", jossa hänen karismaattinen esiintymisensä teki hänestä unohtumattoman hahmon. Chad oli monien nuorten sankari, jonka roolisuoritus vaikutti niin moniin elokuvafaneihin ympäri maailmaa.
Chad McQueenin ura alkoi nuorena ja hän vaelsi isänsä jalanjäljissä, ei vain näyttelijänä, vaan myös ammattikilpa-autoilijana. Hänen intohimonsa autoihin ja elokuvataiteeseen näkyi kaikessa, mitä hän teki. Hän oli myös tunnettua alaa laajentavia projekteja, jotka ponnistivat hänet Hollywoodin valokeilaan ja antoivat hänelle tilaisuuden luoda omaa uraa Steve McQueenin poikana.
Valitettavasti Chad McQueenin elämä päättyi äkillisesti, kun hän kuoli sisäelinten vajaatoimintaan Kaliforniassa Palm Desertissa. Hänen perheensä ja ystävänsä surivat häntä suuresti. Chad McQueenin muisto elää kuitenkin monien fanien sydämissä, ja hänen roolinsa "The Karate Kid" -elokuvissa tulee aina olemaan osa elokuvahistoriaa.
Chad ei ollut ainoastaan Steve McQueenin poika, vaan hän myös itse saavutti paljon urallaan. Hän oli mukana myös muissa elokuvissa ja dokumenteissa, jotka juhlivat isänsä elämää ja uraa. Tiesitkö, että Steve McQueenistä tuli aikanaan legendaarinen ikonihan myös urheiluautoilussa? Häntä on yhä pidetty yhtenä kaikkien aikojen parhaista kilpa-auton ajajista! Hienoa on myös se, että vaikka Chad kuoli nuorena, hänen perintönsä elää ja inspiroi tulevia sukupolvia.
Chad McQueen, the son of the legendary actor, star of "The Karate Kid" and professional race car driver, died Wednesday. He was 63.
Mr. McQueen, the son of Steve McQueen, is most widely recognized for his recurring role as Dutch in the 1980s cult classic franchise “The Karate Kid.”
Chad McQueen's attorney Arthur Barens confirmed the actor died of organ failure at his Palm Desert, Calif., ranch on Wednesday.
Chad McQueen, who followed his father, Steve McQueen, into acting and auto racing and played the Dutch in two Karate Kid movies, has died at 63.
Chad McQueen, who played Dutch in the first two 'Karate Kid' films, appeared in about other movies and was the son of actor Steve McQueen, has died at 63.
Actor Chad McQueen, who played Dutch in the "Karate Kid" movies had died at the age of 63. He was the only son of star Steve McQueen.
Chad McQueen, the only son of the late Hollywood legend Steve McQueen and an actor in his own right who starred in the Karate Kid franchise as the character ...
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and racer Steve McQueen, has died.
On screen, McQueen is best known for playing Dutch in 1984's "The Karate Kid" and reprising the role in the sequel.
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and racer Steve McQueen, has died.
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and race car driver Steve McQueen, has died.
Chad McQueen, who played Dutch in "Karate Kid" and the son of legendary actor Steve McQueen, died this week at 63 years old, his family confirmed.
McQueen followed his famous father into acting and auto racing, and was widely known for his portrayal of bad guy Dutch in the 1984 classic “The Karate Kid.
Chad McQueen, the son of actor Steve McQueen best known for his role as “Dutch” in “The Karate Kid” series, has died at 63, the actor and producer's family ...
Actor Chad McQueen, son of Hollywood legend Steve McQueen, has died at age 63. McQueen got his big break in 1984 when he was cast in the hit movie "The ...
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the 'Karate Kid'; movies has died.
Chad McQueen, son of the legendary actor Steve McQueen who played “Dutch” in “The Karate Kid” film series, died Wednesday in Palm Springs.
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and race car driver Steve McQueen, has died.
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the 'Karate Kid' movies who was the son of the late actor and racer Steve McQueen, has died. He was 63.
Chad McQueen, an actor known for his performances in the “Karate Kid” movies and the son of the late actor and race car driver Steve McQueen, has died.
Chad McQueen, son of legendary actor Steve McQueen, has passed away in Palm Springs California. He was 63 years old.