2024 - 9 - 11

Kun Porschet ja poliitikot kohtaa: hämmennys ja huumori samassa paketissa!

9/11 muistotilaisuus - 911 hätäpuhelumäärä - AT&T - Chattanooga Motorcar Festival - hätätilanteet - politiikka - Porsche 911 - T-Mobile

Porsche 911 SC RS = auto, jota ei löydy joka kulman takaa, ja poliitikot - no, heitä löytyy usein samasta paikasta!

Tämän lokakuun aikana Chattanooga Motorcar Festivalissa tulee olemaan esillä yksi harvinaisimmista ja kauneimmista Porsche-malleista: 1984 Porsche 911 SC RS Gruppe B Evolutionsserie. Tämä ainutlaatuinen ajoneuvo ei ole vain yksi auto muiden joukossa; se on osa autoilun historiaa ja keräilijöiden unelmia. Eikä siinä kaikki - tämän huipputason Porsche-mallin avustuksella fanit voivat päästä ikimuistoiseen kilpailumielentilaan, joka vie heidät suoraan rallin maailmaan.

Samaan aikaan, kun Porschet kiihdyttävät moottoriradoilla, poliittinen kenttä on sekin elämyksellinen. Kesällä, eräässä kaupungissa, soitettiin hätänumeroon 911 ilmoittamaan tappelusta. Tätä tarinaa seurasi valitettavasti myös laukauksia, jotka oikeuttivat tilanteen vakavuuden ja muistuttivat siitä, kuinka kiihkeä elämä voi välillä olla. Kuntoutuminen väkivaltaisista tilanteista on haastavaa, mutta toivottavasti paikalliset pystyvät kokoontumaan yhteen ja tukemaan toisiaan.

Viimeisimmässä uutisessa, historian saatossa merkittävästä hetkestä - 9/11 muistomerkkitilaisuudessa - presidentti Joe Biden, varapresidentti Kamala Harris ja entinen presidentti Donald Trump tapasivat suunnilleen samassa tilaisuudessa. Vaikka poliittiset erot ovat suuria, muistomerkissä heillään oli yhteinen tavoite kunnioittaa ja muistaa tragediasta selviytymisestä. Ajatus siitä, että kilpailulliset poliittiset vastustajat voivat asettua samaan joukkoon ainutlaatuisessa tilanteessa, tuo mieleen valokuvan, jota voimme kutsua "poliittiseksi huumoriksi" – ja mahdollistaa meille myös keskustelun siitä, kuinka tärkeää on yhdistyä yhteisten asioiden äärellä.

Kaikesta huolimatta elämme aikakautta, jolloin autoteollisuus ja politiikka saavat voimaa eristyneisyydestään. Meidän ei tulisi unohtaa, että mielenkiintoisia tarinoita voi syntyä myös näiden kahden erilaisen maailman risteyksessä. Tiesitkö, että Porsche 911:stä on valmistettu yli miljoona kappaletta yli viiden vuosikymmenen aikana? Se tekee siitä yhden yleisimmistä ja merkittävimmistä urheiluautoista historiassa! Toisaalta, 9/11 muistopäivä on tärkeä, sillä se muistuttaa meitä kaikkia yhteenkuuluvuudesta ja haavoittuvuudesta, joita me kaikki koemme – riippumatta siitä, missä päin maailmaa olemme tai ketä olemme. Aina löytyy syitä nauraa, kunhan muistaa kysyä, miltä se auto ja sen kuski näyttävät!

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Image courtesy of "stupidDOPE.com"

1984 Porsche 911 SC RS Gruppe B Evolutionsserie to Cross ... (stupidDOPE.com)

This October, one of the rarest and most coveted Porsche 911s ever built will make its appearance at the 2024 Chattanooga Motorcar Festival, ready to ...

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Image courtesy of "The Fayetteville Observer"

Man called 911 to report a fight in Spring Lake, then gunshots rang out (The Fayetteville Observer)

On Aug. 26, according to a news release from the Spring Lake Police Department, Jahkhari Hurley, 21, of Fayetteville, and two others were shot about 2 a.m. ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Biden, Harris, Trump, Vance appear together at 9/11 memorial ... (CBS News)

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump appeared together at Ground Zero just hours after Tuesday's contentious debate​.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Harris and Trump to attend same 9/11 ceremony hours after their ... (NBC News)

President Joe Biden will also attend the service at ground zero in New York. kamala harris donald trump politics political politicians solemn 9/11 memorial ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Kamala Harris, Donald Trump shake hands again at 9/11 ... (ABC News)

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump shook hands again Wednesday morning as they arrived at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony in ...

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Image courtesy of "UPI.com"

Biden, Harris; Trump, Vance attend 9/11 ceremony in New York ... (UPI.com)

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump and running mate J.D. Vance will all attend 9/11 memorial ceremonies ...

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Image courtesy of "Washington Times"

Kamala Harris, Donald Trump attend 9/11 ceremony in New York ... (Washington Times)

Just hours after their debate face-off, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump will be in the same place again Wednesday when they ...

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Image courtesy of "American Family Association"

The Answer to 911: God's Word and Psalm 91 (American Family Association)

In the United States, 911 is used as the universal phone number throughout our nation to call to get help in emergency situations. In the late '60s, ...

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Image courtesy of "WWMT-TV"

911 outage impacting AT&T customers across multiple states ... (WWMT-TV)

Kalamazoo County Sheriff's deputies warned community members Wednesday of a 911 outage affecting AT&T customers across multiple states, including Michigan.

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Image courtesy of "Fox17"

Deputies: 911 outage impacts AT&T customers in multiple states (Fox17)

The Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) says AT&T is working to restore service. If an emergency occurs before the issue is rectified, Kalamazoo County ...

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Image courtesy of "q1065.fm"

Old Town Family Calls 911 For a Man Stranded, Hurt On An Island (q1065.fm)

An Old Town family was having a quiet evening at home when they heard a man calling for help from a nearby island.

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Image courtesy of "NBC Bay Area"

Oakland promised $2.5M to fix 911. Answer times remain worst in ... (NBC Bay Area)

Exactly one year after Oakland leaders announced a $2.5 million investment to save the city's failing 911 Emergency Call Center, average answer times remain ...

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Image courtesy of "NOLA.com"

New Orleans AT&T, T-Mobile customers can't connect to 911 during ... (NOLA.com)

AT&T and T-Mobile customers in New Orleans are having trouble connecting with 911 services as of 8 p.m. Wednesday night as Hurricane Francine barrels into ...

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Image courtesy of "WGNO"

Some AT&T, T-Mobile users having difficulties reaching 911 in New ... (WGNO)

Officials with the Orleans Parish Communication District are advising residents who have AT&T and T-Mobile and are experiencing issues calling 911 to use ...

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Image courtesy of "WWL First News"

T-Mobile and AT&T wireless customers having trouble calling 911 (WWL First News)

Cell phone customers who use T-Mobile and AT&T are having difficulty calling 911 in New Orleans, the Orleans Parish Communications District reports.

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Image courtesy of "Kaiser Health News"

In Montana, 911 calls reveal hidden impact of heat waves on rural ... (Kaiser Health News)

A photo of an elderly woman holding a cold water bottle to her forearm to cool. (iStock/Getty Images). Missoula is one of Montana's largest cities but ...

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Image courtesy of "The News Journal"

A man's boat was sinking near England. How these Delaware 911 ... (The News Journal)

The 911 caller was frantic. Their brother's boat was sinking in the English Channel and they were trying to reach emergency responders in Dover, England.

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Image courtesy of "News-Medical.net"

In Montana, 911 calls reveal impact of heat waves on rural seniors (News-Medical.net)

Missoula is one of Montana's largest cities but is surrounded by rural mountain communities where cattle ranching is king.

Ceremony for 911 memorial erected by Eagle Scout Grady Young ... (Americus Times-Recorder)

A memorial for 911 was held in Plains Georgia on Sept 11, dedicating a monument that contained metal from the wreckage. New Eagle Scout Grady Young, with help ...

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Image courtesy of "TVLine"

'911' Cast 'Family Feud' Episode — Oliver Stark & Ryan Guzman ... (TVLine)

Watch the cast of '9-1-1' compete in a hilariously awkward clip from their upcoming episode of 'Celebrity Family Feud.'

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Image courtesy of "Kawartha 411"

City Pushing For Secondary Farm Field Entrances To Receive 911 ... (Kawartha 411)

KAWARTHA LAKES-The City of Kawartha Lakes could soon join Farm 911, an initiative to improve emergency response at vacant farm field entrances in Kawartha ...

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Image courtesy of "News/Talk 94.9 WSJM"

Berrien County considering architects for new 911 Center (News/Talk 94.9 WSJM)

The Berrien County Board of Commissioners has been asked to hire Wold Architects and Engineers out of Palatine, Illinois to do the design and planning work ...

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Image courtesy of "Summit Daily News"

Get Wild: How to make the perfect 911 call from the backcountry (Summit Daily News)

Making a 911 call for help sounds simple, but if you've ever had to do it during a true emergency you know that stress, anxiety and confusion can get in the ...

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Image courtesy of "wpde.com"

Darlington Co. 911 dispatchers now recognized as first responders (wpde.com)

Darlington County Council members approved a proclamation this week recognizing Darlington County 911 telecommunicators as first responders.

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