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Kun 9/11 muuttaa muistikuvia – ja some-etikettiä!

911 9/11 - gen Z - huumori - muistot - palomiehet - sosiaalinen media - tragediat - yhteisö - 911

Muistaessamme 9/11-päivää on tärkeää yhdistää menneisyys ja nykyisyys, ja miksi Gen Z saa aikaan meemihuumorin!

Elokuu 23 vuotta sitten, 11. syyskuuta 2001, USA koki tragedian, joka herättää muistoja ja kunnioitusta ympäri maailmaa. Septemberin yksittäiset hetket, jolloin neljä lentokonetta kaapattiin ja käytettiin ihmishenkien riistämiseen, lähes 3 000 ihmistä menetti henkensä – tarinoita, joita emme koskaan saa unohtaa. Tänä päivänä, muistoseremoniat, kuten Pullmanin poliisi- ja pelastuspalvelujen järjestämä tilaisuus, yhdistävät yhteisöt ja tarjoavat tilaisuuden muistella niitä, jotka menettivät henkensä ja kunnioittaa pelastustyöntekijöitä, jotka uhmasivat vaaroja.

Kansakuntana keskitämme huomiomme 9/11:n uhreihin ja heidän perheisiinsä. Nykyisin, kun yhä useampi nuori ei ole elänyt tuona kohtalokkaana päivänä, on tärkeää välittää tarinoita ja muistoja uusille sukupolville. Tämä on erityinen haaste, mutta samalla mahdollisuus jakaa päättäväisyyden ja yhteisöllisyyden viestejä. New Yorkin vuotuinen seremonia, joka pidetään 23. kerran, ei ole vain muisto menneestä, vaan myös sulautuva tilaisuus, jossa perinteet ja nykyisyys kohtaavat.

Eri puolilla Yhdysvaltoja, kuten Baltimore Countyssä ja Rhode Islandilla, ihmiset jakavat henkilökohtaisia muistoja ja kokemuksia 9/11:stä. Kahden lentokoneen kaappauksen kaiku on edelleen läsnä, ja muistot ovat voimaantuvia, kooten yhteen ystäviä ja tuntemattomia. Viime vuosina jopa yhteiskunnalliset mediat ovat saaneet osaksensa uusia sävyjä, kun esimerkiksi Gen Z on ottanut osakseen ja kehittänyt omia meemikulttuurejaan, joissa 9/11 yhdistyy humoristisiin ja absurdin haastaviin tilanteisiin – onko se kunnioitusta vai vain hullunhauskaa?

Olipa kyseessä 9/11:stä muistaminen tai internetissä leviävät meemitrendit, kummassakin asiassa on yhdistävä teema: yhteisöllisyys ja muutos. Osallistuminen muistoseremonioihin antaa tilaisuuden liittyä yhteen ja vahvistaa sosiaalisia siteitä. Tiesitkö, että 9/11 johtui al-Qaidan järjestön ohella myös laajemmasta globaaleista ja poliittisista jännitteistä? Mikään tunnusomainen ilmiö ei synny tyhjästä. Ja tämän päivän nuoret, jotka eivät muista itse tapahtumia, luovat silti keskustelua äkillisen menneisyyden ympärille - tärkeä askel kohti ymmärrystä ja muistamista.

Yksi mielenkiintoinen fakta on se, että 9/11:n muistomerkit eivät ainoastaan ole paikkoja kunnioitusta, vaan ne ovat myös koulutuksen keskuksia, joissa käydään keskustelua ammattilaisista, jotka kantoivat omaa raskasta taakkaansa tuona päivänä. Ja ennen kuin ajatuksesi siirtyvät muihin aiheisiin, mieti, kuinka netti on avannut uusia mahdollisuuksia dynaamiseen vuorovaikutukseen ja keskusteluun 9/11:stä – voiko humoristinen lähestymistapa johtaa syvempään ymmärrykseen?

Pullman first responders honor 9/11 (Moscow-Pullman Daily News)

PULLMAN — Pullman police and fire departments will hold the annual Sept. 11, 2001, remembrance ceremony this morning.

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Image courtesy of "WPRI.com"

Remembering the 9/11 victims from Southern New England (WPRI.com)

Jessica Leigh Sachs, 23, a native of Rhode Island, was on Flight 11. Shawn M. Nassaney, of Pawtucket, was aboard Flight 175 with Lynn Goodchild for a getaway ...

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Image courtesy of "Williamson Source"

9/11: Never Forget, Always Remember (Williamson Source)

September 11th is a tragic and unforgettable day for the United States of America. Today, we remember the triumph found during tragedy and thank those who ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

NYC pauses to remember 9/11 victims 23 years after terror attacks ... (CBS News)

Nearly 3,000 people were killed when al Qaida hijackers crashed four jetliners into the twin towers, the Pentagon and a field in southwest Pennsylvania. On this ...

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Image courtesy of "businessjournaldaily.com"

9/11 Anniversary Tradition Is Handed Down to a New Generation (businessjournaldaily.com)

Commemorating and understanding the Sept. 11 attacks one day will be up to a world with no first-hand memory of them.

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Image courtesy of "Times-Enterprise"

Remembering dark day of 9/11 (Times-Enterprise)

A third plane in Washington, D.C., ramming the Pentagon. A fourth plane forced down in the wreckage of a Pennsylvania field. All planes grounded across the ...

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Image courtesy of "Baltimore Sun"

Balt. Co. firefighters and others, reflect on 9/11 attacks 23 years later (Baltimore Sun)

Kelvin Seigle was at the doctor's office with his wife, who was 6 months pregnant, on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when he learned of the terrorist ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC New York"

US commemorates 9/11 attacks with victims in focus, but politics in ... (NBC New York)

File. World Trade Center terrorist attack victims names are seen on the Memorial Pool at the National 9/11 Memorial in New York City, United States on July 13, ...

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Image courtesy of "Spectrum News NY1"

New York City prepares to mark 23rd anniversary of 9/11 (Spectrum News NY1)

The annual remembrance ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday in Lower Manhattan. The commemoration will include the ...

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Image courtesy of "Metro Philadelphia"

Never forget: Local events honor heroes of 9/11 (Metro Philadelphia)

People embrace as they visit the 9/11 Memorial Saturday on the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky.

Commentary: Memories and reflections of 9/11 | Morristown Green (Morristown Green)

Some had good news. Others did not. One student's mother was a flight attendant on the United Airlines plane that went down in Pennsylvania. The interns, for ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC New York"

'I never got to meet you': NYC reflects on 9/11 terror attacks 23 years ... (NBC New York)

Nearly 3000 people died on Sept. 11, 2001, when al-Qaida hijackers crashed four jetliners into the twin towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.

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Image courtesy of "Tillamook Headlight-Herald"

Tillamook County remembers 9/11 (Tillamook Headlight-Herald)

Last week, the Headlight Herald and Tillamook Air Museum Curator Christian Gurling asked readers to submit their stories from September 11, 2001, ...

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Image courtesy of "Business Insider"

How 9/11 become Gen Z's favorite internet meme, joke (Business Insider)

Gen Z has no memories of 9/11. But they're flooding social media with absurd 9/11 memes.

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Image courtesy of "Israel Hayom"

Daniel Lewin: The brilliant leader Israel lost on 9/11 (Israel Hayom)

Twenty-three years ago today, my dear friend Daniel Lewin fell victim to Al-Qaeda terrorists aboard American Airlines Flight 11 – the first casualty of the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Presbyterian Outlook"

9/11 firefighter Tim Brown talks about loss, healing and faith - The ... (The Presbyterian Outlook)

Wednesday marks the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in this deadliest terrorist attack ever on American ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Everything Donald Trump has said about 9/11 (Newsweek)

The anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks is a difficult day for any New Yorker, but this year, it will also be politically challenging for one New York ...

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Image courtesy of "Point/Plover Metro Wire"

Editorial: On 23rd anniversary of 9/11, remind yourselves, your ... (Point/Plover Metro Wire)

By Brandi Makuski. Most adults can tell you exactly where they were on Sept. 11, 2001. The date needs no introduction. Many of us watched the deadliest ...

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Image courtesy of "Reason"

9/11/2001 in Staten Island, New York (Reason)

I post this essay every year in honor of September 11th, 2001 (see 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023).

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Image courtesy of "Watauga Democrat"

Three locals reflect on witnessing 9/11 and aftermath firsthand (Watauga Democrat)

This story originally ran on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

After the debate, Harris, with Biden, and Trump will commemorate 9 ... (NPR)

Vice President Harris will join President Biden on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 with visits to all of the crash sites. Former President Donald Trump will ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Harris and Trump to attend same 9/11 ceremony hours after their ... (NBC News)

President Joe Biden will also attend the service at ground zero in New York. kamala harris donald trump politics political politicians solemn 9/11 memorial ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC4 Washington"

Pentagon marks 23 years since 9/11 attacks (NBC4 Washington)

NBC Universal, Inc. Defense secretary Lloyd Austin spoke at the Pentagon to mark 23 years since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks took the lives of 184 people in ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Harris and Trump shake hands at New York 9/11 remembrance ... (CNN)

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attacks with visits to each of three sites of ...

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Image courtesy of "Department of Defense"

Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III in Memory of ... (Department of Defense)

Family members of the fallen, survivors and first responders, our outstanding troops, ladies and gentlemen: thank you all for being here. I'm honored to join ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

More FDNY members have died from 9/11-related illnesses than ... (Axios)

Over 370 FDNY members have died from 9/11-related illnesses since the Twin Towers were struck.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

9/11's long legacy: How the attack on the World Trade Center is still ... (BBC News)

Diseases related to the dust and smoke produced by the collapse of the Twin Towers have claimed twice as many lives as the attacks themselves 23 years ago.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

WATCH: U.S. remembers 9/11 victims in ceremonies at Pentagon ... (PBS NewsHour)

Sept. 11 — the date when hijacked plane attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001 — falls in the thick of the presidential election season every four years, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both attend New York 9/11 ... (The Guardian)

Both presidential candidates marked the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

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Image courtesy of "alreporter.com"

Opinion | Remembering 9/11 (alreporter.com)

It was 23 years ago on September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our country. It was a day in infamy and a wakeup call for America.

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Image courtesy of "themedialine.org"

9/11 Documentary Brings Together Daughters of Terrorism Victims ... (themedialine.org)

A new mini-documentary, “Our 9/11 Story,” connects Kristin Marino, daughter of a 9/11 firefighter, and Maya Peretz, whose father died saving her in Israel, ...

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Image courtesy of "The National Herald"

9/11 - A Tragedy in Progress (The National Herald)

FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2001 file photo smoke rises from the burning twin towers of the World Trade Center after hijacked planes crashed into the towers, ...

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Image courtesy of "fox23maine.com"

9/11 anniversary marked by political presence and solemn tributes (fox23maine.com)

Sept. 11 — the date when hijacked plane attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001 — falls in the thick of the presidential election season every four years, ...

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Image courtesy of "Department of Defense"

Pentagon Honors the Heroes and the Fallen in the 9/11 Attacks (Department of Defense)

"We don't just work near a memorial. We work in a memorial," Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said during a ceremony honoring the lives lost at the ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

In photos: Harris, Trump, Biden attend same 9/11 memorial services (Axios)

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump attend a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at Ground Zero in New York City on Sept. 11.

Twenty-Three Years On: The Lasting Memories of 9/11 (dchsystem.com)

Shock, sadness, fear, anger: the 9/11 attacks inflicted a devastating emotional toll on Americans. Many of us watched in horror as the terrorist attacks of ...

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Image courtesy of "United States Army"

Silent and Invisible: A 9/11 Memory (United States Army)

With the 23rd anniversary ceremonies planned worldwide for 9/11, there will probably be many words spoken and visual effects to reflect upon.

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Image courtesy of "KKCO-TV"

9/11 anniversary brings Biden, Harris and Trump together at ground ... (KKCO-TV)

From left, Democratic ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Across NYC, Mourners Remember 9/11 (The New York Times)

Commemorations for those killed in the attacks 23 years ago took place throughout the city, with politicians joining those assembled at ground zero.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

9/11 anniversary: US commemorates attacks with politics in view (The Associated Press)

Some 9/11 victims' relatives have appealed to presidential candidates for accountability as the U.S. marks an anniversary laced with election-season ...

MCC remembers the lives lost and sacrifices made on 9/11 (WXXI News)

The 9/11 memorial at the MCC campus in Brighton was built the year after the attacks, in 2002.

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Image courtesy of "Vicksburg Post"

I hope we never forget 9/11, but also remember what came next ... (Vicksburg Post)

It has been 23 long years since the terrorist attacks on America in 2001, the day we now refer to as 9/11. For those of us who are old enough to remember ...

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Image courtesy of "Jacksonville Daily News"

Jacksonville community remembers lives lost on and after 9/11 in ... (Jacksonville Daily News)

The air was cool, but the mood was solemn Wednesday morning at the annual Patriot Day Observance in Jacksonville.

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Image courtesy of "Hawaii Police Department"

9-11-24 (Correction) Affray at a Football Game at Keaukaha Field ... (Hawaii Police Department)

Hawai'i Police Department Juvenile Aid Section – Area I Lieutenant Robert P. Pauole Phone: (808) 961-2254. Report No.: 24-082325 ...

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Image courtesy of "Ocala Gazette"

9/11 Memorial Service at the Ocala-Marion County Veterans ... (Ocala Gazette)

Speakers and guests recall terrorist attacks, sacrifices, during annual 9/11 Memorial Service. Diane and Philip Rosler are glad to see annual events like the 9/ ...

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Image courtesy of "TVTV"

Health Watch: Survivors still struggle with the aftermath of 9/11 (TVTV)

FAIRBANKS, Alaska ( ...

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Image courtesy of "North Coast Citizen"

Tillamook County remembers 9/11 (North Coast Citizen)

Last week, the Headlight Herald and Tillamook Air Museum Curator Christian Gurling asked readers to submit their stories from September 11, 2001, ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

The Fire Department's Painful 9/11 Legacy (The New York Times)

John Delendick, who was 74 when he died on Nov. 23 of what the Fire Department called “World Trade Center-related cancer.” A longtime pastor in Brooklyn, ...

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Image courtesy of "Montgomery Independent"

Remembering 9/11 (Montgomery Independent)

It was 23 years ago on September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our country. It was a day in infamy and a wakeup call for America. Allow me to share.

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Image courtesy of "AFL-CIO"

Service & Solidarity Action: 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health ... (AFL-CIO)

In the wake of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, tens of thousands of emergency workers, construction workers and others rushed to the World Trade Center, ...

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Image courtesy of "WSKG.org"

9/11 anniversary brings Biden, Harris and Trump together at ground ... (WSKG.org)

With presidential candidates looking on, some 9/11 victims' relatives appealed to them Wednesday for accountability as the U.S. marked an anniversary laced ...

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Image courtesy of "UNC Chapell Hill"

Hundreds remember 9/11 heroes at stair climb | UNC-Chapel Hill (UNC Chapell Hill)

Participants saluted the victims of terrorist attacks in 2001 and heard from a New York firefighter.

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Image courtesy of "The American Legion"

'We work in a memorial': Pentagon remembers 9/11 victims on 23rd ... (The American Legion)

Pentagon observance ceremony allowed family members to honor the 184 people who lost their lives when terrorists crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into ...

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Image courtesy of "Mainstreet Daily News"

The Rock School honors Fire Station 80 on 9/11 (Mainstreet Daily News)

(From left) Marlin Tyson (Jr.), Malik Johnson (Sr.), Jennifer DiSanto (captain of recruitment and public education for all of Alachua County Fire Rescue), and ...

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Image courtesy of "Cap City News"

Laramie County Crime Clips (9/11/24–9/12/24) (Cap City News)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Here is a summary of notable crimes in and around Cheyenne, obtained through law enforcement reports compiled by the Cheyenne Police.

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Image courtesy of "Cap City News"

Laramie County Recent Arrests (9/11/24–9/12/24) (Cap City News)

The log does not contain information for juvenile offenders, suspects recommended for charges of a sexual nature, or information for persons arrested in Laramie ...

Remembering 9/11 – Chelsea Record (Chelsea Record)

The replays on TV this week of the hijacked jets crashing into the twin towers still seem like a nightmare — did it really happen or was it all just a dream?

State Employees Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity for September ... (michigan.gov)

LANSING, Mich. — State employees of the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity (LEO) partnered with Habitat for Humanity Michigan to volunteer ...

Explore the last week