Mike Lynch

2024 - 8 - 22

Miksi Mike Lynch valitsi laivanliput ja tuulet?!

hannah lynch Autonomy Software - Hewlett-Packard - Luksusjahti - Mike Lynch - Onnettomuus - Sicilia - Teknologia - hannah lynch

Miksi yksi Britannian tunnetuimmista teknologiapioneereista päätti lähteä purjehtimaan, kun taivaalla oli mustia pilviä? Opi lisää Mike Lynchin traagisesta tarinasta ja superyachtin kohtalosta!

Mike Lynch, brittiläinen teknologiaguru 59-vuotias, jäi ikuisesti muistettavaksi traagisessa onnettomuudessa Sicilian rannikolla, jossa hänen perheen yhtiöjätin purjevene kaatui. Yrittäjä, jota on verrattu Britanniassa Bill Gatesiin, oli juuri voittanut oikeusjutun petoksesta, ja monet olivat juhlinneet hänen vapautumistaan hänen superyachtillaan, Bayesianilla. Valitettavasti koko tilanne kääntyi painajaiseksi, kun purjevene kaatui myrskyn aikana lahdelle, joka oli täynnä jännitystä ja tunteita.

Kaatumisen aikaan Lynch ei ollut pelkästään juhlituista kunnianosoituksista vapautunut; hänen ympärillään oli myös 21 muuta matkustajaa, ystäviä ja perheenjäseniä. Huolimatta Italian viranomaisten nopeista pelastustoimista, Lynch ja neljä muuta eivät valitettavasti selvinneet onnettomuudesta. Aikaisemmin tällä viikolla pelastustyöt päättyivät sydäntäsärkevään hetkeen, jolloin Lynchin ruumis löydettiin laivan jäänteistä. Hänen traaginen kuolemansa jättää jälkeensä monta kysymystä ja murheellista pohdintaa siitä, kuinka nopeasti onni voi kääntyä.

On tärkeää huomata, että Lynch oli merkittävä ohjelmistoyritys Autonomian entinen toimitusjohtaja, joka oli kunnostautunut erityisesti teknologisen innovaation alueella. Hänen voittonsa Yhdysvaltain oikeudessa petoksesta oli pitkäaikaisen taistelun huipentuma, mutta valitettavasti hänen matka päättyi vain hetkeä myöhemmin traagisesti merellä. Kauas näistä traagisista tapahtumista on jäänyt tinkimätön palava halu ymmärtää, mitä oikein tapahtui tuona kohtalokkaana yönä.

Kaikesta huolimatta Lynchin tarina on varoitus niille, jotka luulevat, että kaikki voi olla hyvin, koska juhlat kestävät. Se muistuttaa meitä myös merellisen vapauden ja riskien suhteesta, ja että vaikka elämmekin kiireisessä teknologiamaailmassa, luonto voi aina yllättää. Ja kun tulevaisuus näyttäytyy pimeänä, voimme vain toivoa, että Lynchin kaltaiset innovatiiviset ajatukset elävät ikuisesti, vaikka fyysinen olomuoto olisi kadonnut.

Jännittävää on myös, että Sicilian vesillä on historian saatossa ollut useita muita merihirviöitä, ja paikallisten tarinoissa vilahtelee merilohet ja taikapallo, jotka auttavat merimiesten pelastuksessa! Niinpä saattaisi olla, että Lynchin tarina ei ole vain tarina teknologiasta, vaan myös henkien leikkiä, joka elää veden syvyyksissä.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Mike Lynch's body retrieved from sunken yacht in Sicily (Reuters)

The body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch was retrieved on Thursday from the wreck of his family yacht that sank earlier this week off the coast of Sicily ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Mike Lynch, Tech Mogul Acquitted of Fraud, Dies at 59 (The New York Times)

The British entrepreneur, who was acquitted of fraud charges in the sale of his company to Hewlett-Packard, was celebrating his acquittal on a yacht that ...

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Image courtesy of "WIRED"

Mike Lynch, 'Britain's Bill Gates,' Confirmed Dead in Superyacht Wreck (WIRED)

The serial software entrepreneur's passing comes only weeks after he was cleared of fraud by a jury in the US.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch retrieved from Sicily ... (CNBC)

Lynch was one of 22 passengers aboard the Bayesian superyacht, which capsized while anchored off the coast of Sicily.

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

There are 3 major theories as to why Mike Lynch's Bayesian yacht ... (Fortune)

On Thursday, Italian authorities retrieved a fifth body from the Bayesian superyacht that sank in a storm earlier this week, killing British technology ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Superyacht sinking latest: Mike Lynch's body recovered off Sicily (NBC News)

A fifth body was recovered Thursday from the wreck of the Bayesian superyacht that sank off the coast of Sicily, as rescuers searched for a remaining ...

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Mike Lynch found: Body of tech tycoon recovered from sunken ... (USA TODAY)

Authorities recovered the body of tech tycoon Mike Lynch on Thursday after his family yacht sunk off the coast of Italy and spurred a massive search.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Mike Lynch, man once dubbed 'Britain's Bill Gates,' dies at age 59 (CNBC)

Mike Lynch, who had just recently won a landmark U.S. fraud trial, was found dead in the wreckage of a yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily. He was 59.

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

Mike Lynch was 'Britain's Bill Gates'—but the late tech millionaire ... (Fortune)

Mike Lynch was 'Britain's Bill Gates'—but the late tech millionaire would spend many of his final months under house arrest · Lynch's early years · Hewlett ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

What to Know About the Sunken Sicily Yacht's Passengers ... (The New York Times)

Mr. Lynch, the former chief executive of the software firm Autonomy, who was acquitted on fraud charges in June, was with friends and family when the yacht ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Mike Lynch confirmed dead after yacht sinking, say reports (The Guardian)

Tech tycoon, 59, had been missing since early hours of Monday morning after yacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

5th body recovered from Mike Lynch's family yacht off Sicily as ... (CBS News)

Divers have recovered five of the victims of the Bayesian superyacht wreck who were left missing after it sank off Sicily.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Mike Lynch obituary (The Guardian)

British tech entrepreneur who sold his Autonomy software group to Hewlett-Packard and was later cleared after a long-running US fraud case.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Tech mogul Mike Lynch's body is found as the search goes on for 1 ... (NPR)

Italian authorities say tech mogul Mike Lynch is among the five people whose bodies have been recovered after they went missing while aboard the sailing ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Mike Lynch was a British tech trailblazer who died at sea after US ... (Reuters)

Mike Lynch, the tech tycoon who died when his luxury yacht sank off Sicily, spent more than a decade building Britain's biggest software company and almost ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Bayesian yacht sinking: Body of Mike Lynch recovered but daughter ... (BBC News)

UK tycoon Mike Lynch's body is recovered from the wreck of the yacht Bayesian, but his daughter Hannah is still missing.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Body of tech magnate Mike Lynch is recovered from wreckage of ... (The Associated Press)

The bodies of Lynch and four others were recovered by rescue crews. One woman remains missing.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Mike Lynch Obituary: Tech Entrepreneur Dies at 59 (Bloomberg)

Mike Lynch, the British tech tycoon who was attempting to restore his reputation over the ill-fated sale of his software company to Hewlett Packard Co., ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch recovered from yacht ... (CNN)

The body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch has been recovered from the sunken Bayesian superyacht, Italian interior ministry office Massimo Mariani ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Mike Lynch's body is sixth found in yacht wreckage; daughter is last ... (The Washington Post)

The body of Lynch, 59, was recovered from the wreckage of the Bayesian, according to an Italian government official. The Bayesian yacht sank in a storm this ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Mike Lynch's Body Is Found After Sicily Yacht Sinking, Official Says (The New York Times)

The body of the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch was among those recovered by Italian divers, an official in the Sicilian capital, Palermo, ...

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Image courtesy of "West Hawaii Today"

Four bodies retrieved from Mike Lynch's sunken yacht in Sicily ... (West Hawaii Today)

PORTICELLO, Italy — Four bodies were retrieved on Wednesday from the sunken wreck of a yacht belonging to the wife of British tech magnate Mike Lynch, ...

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