Miksi Jannik Sinner ei saanut pelikieltoa kahden positiivisen dopingtestin vuoksi? Hikiset kisat ja kiistelyt jatkuvat!
Italialainen tennistähti Jannik Sinner, maailmanlistan ykkönen, on jälleen päässyt otsikoihin – ja ei, tällä kertaa ei hyvällä tavalla. Hänet kaappaavat tukevasti kiksit, sillä hän on saanut tutkittuaan positiivista tulosta kahdesti. Steroidit eivät kuitenkaan estä häntä osallistumasta U.S. Open -turnaukseen, jonka on kuitenkin määrä alkaa pian. Mikä on tämän skandaalin takana? Kuinka tämä on mahdollista, että ykköspelaaja voi vain pyyhkiä kätensä ja jatkaa matkaa?
Sinner väittää, että dopingaine clostebol päätyi hänen kehoonsa sattuman kautta fysioterapeutin hieronnassa. Tämän vuoksi dopingkomitea on päätynyt siihen, ettei keskeytys ole tarpeellinen toimenpide hänen uransa osalta. Mutta tämä herättää kysymyksen: onko säännöissä kaksoisstandardeja? Monet muiden pelaajien, kuten Nick Kyrgioksen ja Denis Shapovalovin, mukaan tämä tilanne ei ole reilu. He ovat kritisoineet sääntöjen soveltamista ja kyseenalaistavat sen, miksi Sinner pääsi helpolla.
Vaikka Sinner on vapaa pelamaan, tämän tapauksen jälkiseuraukset saattavat olla pitkäkestoisia ja vaikuttaa hänen maineeseensa. Tennismaailma on täynnä draamaa, ja tämä on vain yksi pala valtavasta palapelistä. Jännite nousee, kun jokainen katsoo tiukasti, miten tämä aihe vaikuttaa muiden pelaajien suhteisiin ja tapahtumien kulkuun kentällä. Kuinka Sinnerin tilanne vaikuttaa toisiin pelaajiin ja miten heidän ammatilliset kunnianhimonsa saavat uuden ulottuvuuden tässä doping-draamassa?
Molemmat osapuolet – Sinner ja hänen kriitikkonsa – ovat sitoutuneet jatkamaan taistelua. Tennis on enemmän kuin peli; se on show ja taistelu olettamuksia vastaan. Kuka voittaa? Tämä kysymys löytää vastauksen vain kentällä. Ja jos sinä luet tämän, muista, että tennis ei ole vain mailan heiluttamista, vaan myös mielen ja strategian taidetta. Onko Sinnerin tilanne loistava esimerkki siitä, kuinka riskejä otetaan urheilun maailmassa?
No. 1-ranked men's tennis player Jannik Sinner will be playing in the U.S. Open — which begins in New York next week — even though word just emerged that he ...
Top-ranked Jannik Sinner's escape from a doping ban has prompted claims of double standards from some tennis players.
Nick Kyrgios and Denis Shapovalov are amongst the players who have criticised the process which led to Jannik Sinner avoiding a ban for two failed drugs ...
Sinner was twice found to have clostebol in his system but successfully convinced a tribunal he had been contaminated by a physiotherapist giving massages ...
Denis Shapovalov was among a string of tennis players who called out what they said are double standards in the game after world number one Jannik Sinner ...
Top-ranked tennis player Jannik Sinner tested positive twice for an anabolic steroid in March but will not be suspended because the International Tennis ...
The tribunal convened by Sport Resolutions accepted the Australian Open champion's explanation that the anabolic agent clostebol entered his system from a ...
No. 1-ranked men's tennis player Jannik Sinner will be playing in the U.S. Open —...
But there have been questions about how Sinner escaped a provisional suspension from the time of the positive test until the independent tribunal when other ...
Top-ranked tennis player Jannik Sinner tested positive twice for an anabolic steroid in March but will not be suspended because the International Tennis ...
Tennis News: Sinner faced a challenging situation when he tested positive for clostebol during the Indian Wells tournament in March.
Timeline: Sinner, the men's No 1-ranked player, twice tested positive for the banned substance clostebol but successfully argued he had been inadvertently ...
Jannik Sinner twice tested positive for clostebol in March, a substance on WADA's prohibited list, but was allowed to compete and will not be suspended.
The tribunal convened by Sport Resolutions accepted the Australian Open champion's explanation that the anabolic agent clostebol entered his system from a ...
Moore was sidelined for 19 months after failing a drugs test before being cleared of wrongdoing last year.
Sinner was twice found to have clostebol in his system but successfully convinced a tribunal he had been contaminated by a physiotherapist giving massages ...
Jannik Sinner has been worn down "physically and mentally" by the investigation into his positive tests for a banned substance, says the world number one's coach Darren Cahill. The Italian twice tested positive in March for clostebol - a steroid that ...
Tennis is a sport of double standards. Players know this — but when they are perceived in matters of integrity, they catch light.
Speaking to Chris McKendry from ESPN, Cahill explained how the world No. 1 came to test positive for the banned substance clostebol, for which he was ...
The world No. 1 tested positive for an anabolic steroid but was not suspended.
Eurosport expert Barbara Schett says "there is a big inconsistency" in how the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has ruled on anti-doping cases ...
No. 1-ranked men's tennis player Jannik Sinner will be playing in the U.S. Open — which begins in New York next week — even though word just emerged that he ...
Former tennis pro Mats Wilander has criticised the process surrounding world No. 1 Jannik Sinner's anti-doping ruling.
World No 1's complex case asks familiar questions of doping authorities and just why it was kept secret for so long.
Nick Kyrgios says it is "ridiculous" world No. 1 player Jannik Sinner was not suspended after twice testing positive for a banned substance.
Nick Kyrgios believed Sinner should have been handed a ban after twice testing positive to the anabolic agent clostebol. What's next? Sinner will contest the US ...
No. 1-ranked men's tennis player Jannik Sinner will be playing in the U.S. Open — which begins in New York next week — even though word just emerged that he ...
The first time I saw Jannik Sinner play tennis in person was a couple of years ago during a practice session the Sunday before the US Open started.
Jannik Sinner has been cleared after twice testing positive for a banned substance. Some of his peers have an issue with the process rather than the player.