Wizz Airin raikkaat uutuudet lentotarjouksista: maksaa vai ei? Ota selvää!
Wizz Air on astumassa täysin uuteen aikakauteen lentomatkustamisessa lanseeraamalla rajattoman lentotarjouksen, joka maksaa vain 499 euroa vuodessa! Tämä ainutlaatuinen, Euroopassa ensimmäinen laatuaan oleva malli houkuttelee säästöystävällisiä matkustajia, mutta onko tarjouksessa muita syitä miettiä? Tarjous on varmasti houkutteleva kaikille, jotka unelmoivat matkoista meren yli tai Euroopan suurkaupungeissa, mutta tarkkuus on valttia, koska ehtoja on kuitenkin useita, joista on hyvä olla tietoinen.
The ailrine is launching a first-of-its-kind model in Europe, but buyers should beware of the conditions.
Here is everything you need to know about the brand-new unlimited membership offer from Wizz Air, including the catch.
Bad luck, and war in Ukraine, have been factors in its plunging share price but so have bad decisions and hubris.
If you are lucky enough to live near Luton airport, and have a property abroad, the deal could work very well for you.
Wizz Air, the Hungary-based budget carrier, has announced an “all you can fly” pass offering unlimited flights for a calendar year. But is it worth buying?
Wizz Air has launched an 'all you can fly' annual subscription, allowing passengers to pay a lump sum and receive 'unlimited' air travel.
Low-cost carrier Wizz Air – one of Europe's top 10 biggest airlines – has announced an 'All You Can Fly' subscription service priced at €599 per year.
Subscribers will be required to pay a €9.99 fee each time they fly and also be allowed to book flights only three days in advance. Social media users have ...
Pass must be purchased today to obtain bargain price. After today, pass increases to 599 euro.
Detailed planned Wizz Air capacity cuts during the fourth quarter for each market in the former Yugoslavia.
Budget airline subscription deal offering customers 'unlimited' cheap flights for annual fee criticised as 'irresponsible' in midst of climate crisis.
Hungarian-based Wizz Air launched an 'All You Can Fly' 12-month subscription program this week, with a limited number of memberships available.
Budget airline subscription deal offering customers 'unlimited' cheap flights for annual fee criticised as 'irresponsible' in midst of climate crisis.
The budget airline's subscription has sparked excitement in some - and angered others who have suffered delays and cancellations.