
2024 - 8 - 15

Stonehenge'n Altarikivi: Skottimaasta kotoisin, ei Walesista!

Altar Stone - arkeologia - historia - muinaiset rituaalit - Skotlanti - Stonehenge - tutkimus

Uusimmat tutkimukset paljastavat, että Stonehenge'n keskuskivi, Altarikivi, on matkustanut yli 700 kilometriä Skotlannista – ei Walesista!

Stonehenge, yksi maailman tunnetuimmista neoliittisista monumenteista, ei lakkaa ihastuttamasta sekä asiantuntijoita että kävijöitä. Tällä kertaa huomio kiinnittyy Altarikiveen, kuuden tonnin painavaan kalkkikiven lohkareeseen, joka sijaitsee monumentin sydämessä. Tuoreimpien tieteellisten tutkimusten mukaan Altarikivi on alkuperältään Skotlannista, ja tutkimuksessa käytetyt mineraalianalyysit vahvistavat, että kyseinen kivi on peräisin Pohjois-Skotlannista – ei Walesista kuten aiemmin on oletettu. Nämä uudet havainnot haastavat aikaisemmat käsitykset kiven alkuperästä ja tuovat esiin kysymyksiä siitä, miten ja miksi tämä valtava kivi on kuljetettu niin pitkän matkan yli 700 kilometriä.

Tutkimusryhmä, joka teki tämän paljastuksen, käytti nykyaikaisia mineralogisia testejä arvioidakseen Altarikiven koostumusta. Havainnot osoittavat, että kiven mineraalinen koostumus vastaa tarkasti pohjoisessa Skotlannissa löytyviä kiviä, mikä poissulkee mahdollisuuden, että Altarikivi olisi peräisin Walesista. Altarikiven kuljetusmatka on hämmästyttävä – jopa 435 mailia – mikä herättää mielenkiintoisia kysymyksiä sen merkityksestä ja käytöstä preritualistisessa yhteydessä.

Stonehenge ja sen kivet ovat olleet maailmankuuluja jo lähes 5000 vuoden ajan, mutta Altarikiven alkuperän selvittäminen tarjoaa tutkijoille uudenlaista valoa monumentin ympärillä leijuviin kysymyksiin. Mikäli kiven siirtäminen todella onnistui aikakauden tekniikoilla, se paljastaa paljon esi-isistämme ja heidän ihmeellisistä kyvyistään. Erityisesti kysymys siitä, miten näin suuret ja raskaat kivet voitiin liikuttaa ilman nykyaikaisia kuljetusvälineitä, on erittäin kiehtova ja tarjoaa uusia näkökulmia aikakauden insinööritaitoihin.

Lopuksi, tutkimus tuo myös esiin sen, kuinka tärkeä Stonehenge on edelleen kulttuurisesti ja historiallisesti. Se toimii edelleen ihmeellisenä ja salaperäisenä monumenttina, joka auttaa meitä ymmärtämään menneitä aikakausia ja ihmisten sitoutumista rituaaleihin. Tiesitkö, että Stonehenge oli alun perin pyhä paikka? Ja että megalitit, kuten Altarikivi, mahdollisesti liittyivät astronomisiin havantoihin? Stonehenge ei ole vain kiviä, vaan aikamatka menneisyyteen, joka yhä kiehtoo meitä!

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Stonehenge's Altar Stone Is From Scotland Not Wales, Scientists Say (Forbes)

The six-tonne Altar Stone at the center of Stonehenge, the world's most famous neolithic monument in southern England, is from northern Scotland, ...

Stonehenge's 'altar stone' originally came from Scotland and not ... (1330 WFIN)

The ancient ritual meaning of Stonehenge is still a mystery, but researchers are one step closer to understanding how the famous stone circle was created.

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Image courtesy of "Interesting Engineering"

Stonehenge Altar Stone mystery solved: 6-ton slab was carried 434 ... (Interesting Engineering)

The Altar Stone's mineral composition matched rocks found in northeast Scotland, ruling out a Welsh origin.

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Image courtesy of "India Today"

Stonehenge's hefty Altar Stone made a long journey to become ... (India Today)

This discovery challenges long-held beliefs about the stone's origins · The Altar Stone is a recumbent feature of the iconic megalithic monument · This finding ...

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Image courtesy of "Mathrubhumi English"

New research reveals Stonehenge's 'altar stone' originated in ... (Mathrubhumi English)

Washington: Stonehenge's ancient origins remain a mystery, but researchers have made a massive breakthrough in understanding how the famous stone circle was ...

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Image courtesy of "Actual News Magazine"

2024 - A Scottish altar at Stonehenge (Actual News Magazine)

One of the main stones of the Stonehenge megalithic complex in England comes from northern Scotland, a new study shows. The discovery raises many questions.

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

Mystery of Stonehenge deepens as scientists discover altar stone ... (Fortune)

The Neolithic circle of giant stones has been a source of wonder and mystery for nearly 5000 years.

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Shock as study shows famous Stonehenge Altar Stone came from ... (Euronews)

Researchers were astounded to discover that the megalith travelled over 450 miles to its resting place in Wiltshire, England. What does this revelation mean ...

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Image courtesy of "The Independent"

Stonehenge: What we know and don't know after shock discovery (The Independent)

Mineralogical tests on the monuments central stone has shown that it could have come from some part of Scotland, even as far as the remote northern island of ...

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Image courtesy of "WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale"

Century-old theory of where Stonehenge's Altar Stone came from ... (WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale)

(CNN) — Stonehenge's Altar Stone, which lies at the heart of the ancient monument in southern England, was likely transported over 435 miles (700 ...

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Image courtesy of "WION"

A six-tonne stone in Stonehenge was transported from 750km away ... (WION)

The largest 'bluestone' of the ancient Stonehenge, a six-tonne rock, had been moved from some 750 kilometres away in Scotland to its current location in ...

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Image courtesy of "Hot Springs Sentinel"

'Altar stone' of Stonehenge originally came from Scotland and not ... (Hot Springs Sentinel)

WASHINGTON -- The ancient ritual meaning of Stonehenge is still a mystery, but researchers are one step closer to understanding how the famous stone circle ...

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Image courtesy of "Jefferson City News Tribune"

New research shows Stonehenge's 'altar stone' came from Scotland (Jefferson City News Tribune)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The ancient ritual meaning of Stonehenge is still a mystery, but researchers are one step closer to understanding how the famous stone ...

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Image courtesy of "Press and Journal"

Steenhenge? One of the world's most famous stones is now ... (Press and Journal)

The largest Altar Stone at the heart of Stonehenge is actually Scottish not Welsh and scientists have been left stunned.

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Image courtesy of "Eurasia Review"

Great Scott: Stonehenge's Altar Stone Origins Reveal Advanced ... (Eurasia Review)

New research led by Curtin University has revealed Stonehenge's monumental six-tonne Altar Stone, long believed to originate from Wales, actually hails from ...

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Image courtesy of ""

The Conversation: A surprising discovery at Stonehenge (

The focal point of these festivities is the Altar Stone – the six-tonne sandstone slab that lies flat at the centre of Stonehenge. The ancient society that ...

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Image courtesy of "Chemistry World"

Stonehenge Altar stone likely came from Scotland, not Wales (Chemistry World)

Pale green in colour, the sedimentary sandstone also includes particles of other minerals produced by weathering of nearby rocks as the sandstone formed.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Researchers say they've found the surprising source of a key piece ... (NPR)

Researchers say they've found the surprising source of a key piece of Stonehenge · The prehistoric monument Stonehenge, near Amesbury in southern England.

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Image courtesy of "Art Newspaper"

Mysterious Stonehenge altar rock was transported 500 miles, finds ... (Art Newspaper)

Researchers have found that the six-tonne feature of the neolithic monument likely came from the Orcadian Basin in north-east Scotland, rather than Wales.

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Image courtesy of "The Week Magazine"

Stonehenge Altar Stone came from Scotland, study finds (The Week Magazine)

New analysis says the six-ton megalith at the center of Stonehenge actually came from Scotland and not Wales, as previously thought.

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Image courtesy of "Archaeology"

News - Altar Stone at Stonehenge May Have Originated in Scotland ... (Archaeology)

Anthony Clarke of Curtin University and his colleagues analyzed the composition of the minerals in the Altar Stone with mass spectrometry, and found that it has ...

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Image courtesy of "Smithsonian"

Stonehenge's Massive Central Stone May Have Been Shipped From ... (Smithsonian)

August 15, 2024 3:36 p.m.. Stonehenge The Altar Stone lies at the center of the prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. David Goddard / ...

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Image courtesy of ""

A Mystery of Stonehenge May Finally Have Been Solved, But It ... (

In a new study, a group of researchers claim that the giant "Altar Stone" that sits at the heart of the mysterious monolith can actually be traced to ...

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Image courtesy of "VOA Learning English"

Study: Stonehenge's 'Altar Stone' Came from Far Away Scotland (VOA Learning English)

Researchers are one step closer to understanding how Britain's ancient circular structure, Stonehenge, was created. The circle of huge rocks stands in southern ...

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Image courtesy of "Good News Network"

The Stonehenge 'Altar Stone' Came from Scotland 460 Miles Away ... (Good News Network)

It may have been transported along the coast by marine vessels of a sophistication unheard of for Neolithic Britons.

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Image courtesy of "ExplorersWeb"

'Shocking' Study Shows Stonehenge Altar Stone Came From ... (ExplorersWeb)

A new study shows that Stonehenge's six-tonne altar stone came from northern Scotland. Ancient people moved it an astonishing 750km to southwest England.

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