Sukella sanojen maailmaan ja selvitämme, mitä kaikkea kiehtovaa sanapeli voi paljastaa! Ja puolivälissä, koirinkin omistajat miettivät nimityksensä vaihtamista.
Tänään esittelemme sanapelin, joka varmasti herättää aivosolusi liikkeelle! Sana tänään on "neuraal" ja se liittyy hermostoon – aivan kuten kaikki melkein kaikki kodin eläimet, eläimet ja ihmiset ovat omalla tavallaan enemmän tai vähemmän "neuraalisia"! Joten laita kypäräsi päähän ja valmistaudu haastamaan itsesi 20 minuutin ajaksi. Rakkaat sanapelaajat, onko teillä tämän päivän avaimet toiseen maailmaan? Oletko valmis?
Kun kaikki ovat ottaneet haasteen vastaan, siirrymme kuuden sanan pulmapeliin. Taidollanne selata nämä kirjaimet ehjäksi sanaksi, onko se helppoa vai kunnon aivopähkinä? Kuka löytää ensimmäisenä voittosanan? Täällä on myös mahdollisuus oppia uutta, sillä jokainen sana, jonka löydät, on askel kohti sanavaraston laajentamista. Tiesitkö, että kieli on kuin aivojen treeni?
Samalla kun uppoamme sana- ja numeropelien maailmaan, poiketkaamme hetkeksi koiramaailmaan. Kysymys kuuluu: onko muita nimityksiä kuin 'lemmikin omistaja' koiranomistajille? Kelly Conaboy, joka kirjoittaa meille kertomuksen Peter-nimisestä keskikokoisesta koirastaan, pohtii, olisiko uusia, jännittäviä titteleitä luotava. Kysymys onkin, voiko koiran rakastava omistaja sietää perinteisiä nimityksiä? Koirat ovat ystäviämme ja perhettämme, mutta me olemmeko vain heidän huoltajiaan vai jotain suurempaa?
Tutkimukset ovat myös paljastaneet, että jokaisesta 72:sta Michiganderista yksi googlaa vaikeaa SAT-sanaa kuukausittain. Tämä kertoo meille, että meillä on jatkuva tarve oppia ja kehittyä, olipa kyseessä sitten tärkeä testi tai vain arjen sanapeli. Eikä oppiminen pysähdy koskaan!
TODAY'S WORD — NEURAL (NEURAL: NURE-ul: Of, relating to, or affecting a nerve or the nervous system.)Average mark 12 wordsTime limit 20 minutesCan you find ...
Are you on your word-solving A-game today? Let's put your wordy skills to the test by unscrambling these letters to find their hidden words!
Today's Gospel foretells Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection, showing how His sacrifice deals with sin and reveals God's unbreakable love.
My dog's name is Peter. His size is medium. His sex is male. According to the law, his owner is Kelly Conaboy, the creature writing these words to you right ...
New research based on online search trends has also found that, every month, one in 72 Michiganders looks up an SAT word.
Each day, he prayed, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus forgave cheaters, so Leo did too.
In this latter half of Bishop Barron's conversation with Patrick Deneen, they address topics like freedom, truth, and the political order.
The literal meaning of [morph] is “shape or form.” In Linguistics, a morpheme is a part of a word, either a prefix, a root, or a suffix. Every word has at least ...
When The Beatles started out they were famously recast by manager Brian Epstein as four boys next door, their suits and mop top haircuts quickly.
There are plenty of informal ways to describe this phenomenon. You drew a blank. The word was on the tip of your tongue. You had a brain fart or a mental lapse.
This is Lingít Word of the Week. · Gunalchéesh to X̱'unei Lance Twitchell, Goldbelt Heritage Foundation and the University of Alaska Southeast for sharing the ...
A while ago I saw a person in the ditch on 9th Avenue NW picking up trash and hauling it away. Kudos to them also. When we went to Japan for the first time in ...
Need to create a mass mailing or bulk email message? In Microsoft Word, you can set up a mail merge that inserts your recipients and their details automatically ...
The literal meaning of [morph] is “shape or form.” In Linguistics, a morpheme is a part of a word, either a prefix, a root, or a suffix. Every word has at least ...
.…as quoted on LinkedIn by Turnkey Secure business development specialist Carson Elvis, following last week's Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference. The Bisnow ...
Colin Mash, a 22-year-old Conshohocken native and 2020 graduate of Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, is starring as Danny Zuko with Ocean City Theater ...
In her recent decision in Caporaso Pty Ltd v Mercato Centrale Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 138 (Caporaso v Mercato), the Honourable Justice Charlesworth of ...
noun: a 100th anniversary, or the celebration of it. adjective: of, relating to or completing a period of 100 years. Listen to the pronunciation.
The medical term once encompassed any form of pregnancy loss, including miscarriage.
TODAY'S WORD — MATINAL (MATINAL: MAT-ih-nul: Early.)Average mark 14 wordsTime limit 35 minutesCan you find 19 or more words in MATINAL?
A 58-year-old client came to financial planner Michael Kitces' office seeking a plan that would allow him to retire at age 65 with $1 million.
The Northern Lights season has begun, but how do you talk about the phenomenon in Swedish?
When style guides offer an unviable solution to a complicated grammar question, editors can use their own best judgment.
Looking around at all the yard signs and hearing politicians tell us on television what a lying crook their competition is, I have to admit I miss Guv Reeve ...
Kula—School, academy; to teach school.
Riding from a forest trailhead into the wilderness, we immediately flushed out two coyotes. Mr. Law identified mountain lion prints in sandy washes, wolf scat ...