YouTube-kamelia ajoi loppusijoituksensa. Susan Wojcicki, 56, menehtyi keuhkosyöpään ja jätti jälkeensä pysyvän muiston internetin historiaan!
Susan Wojcicki, entinen YouTube-pomo ja yksi Silicon Valleyn vaikutusvaltaisimmista naisista, on kuollut vain 56-vuotiaana keuhkosyövän vuoksi. Hän oli yksi Googlen aikaisimmista työntekijöistä ja värittänyt monilla tavoilla internetin kehitystä viimeisen kahden vuosikymmenen aikana. Hänet tunnettiin visionäärinä, joka auttoi muovaamaan YouTuben nykyistä muotoa ja kehittämään sen kytköksiä laajempaan digitaalisuuteen.
Wojcicki aloitti uransa Googlessa vuonna 1999, ja hänen asiantuntemuksensa tuotiin käytäntöön YouTuben johdossa, jonne hän nousi vuonna 2014. Hänen aikanaan YouTube levisi maailmanlaajuisesti, ja se on nykyään yksi käytetyimmistä alustoista niin viihdyttämiseen kuin oppimiseenkin. Wojcicki oli todellinen trailblazer, joka avasi ovet tuleville naisille teknologiamaailmassa, näyttäen, että voimaa ja vaikutusta voidaan saavuttaa kyvyillä ja visiolla.
Wojcicki oli keskeisessä roolissa myös monien kiistanalaisten päätösten takana, kuten demonetisoinnin ja tekijänoikeuskysymysten ratkaisemisessa, jotka muovasivat YouTubesta sen nykyisen version. Hänen poismenoaan surevat monet korkean teknologian ammattilaiset, ja Google CEO Sundar Pichai on jo kunnioittanut hänen muistoaan. Tämä jättää suuren tyhjön internetin kehitykselle ja erityisesti naisjohtajuuden esikuville.
Oli kyse rahanteosta tai viihteestä, Susan Wojcicki vaikutti suuresti siihen, miten mediaa kulutetaan tänä päivänä ja miten vaikuttajat saavat äänensä kuuluviin. Suuren teknologisen perinnön ja rohkeutensa myötä hän jättää vahvan jäljen, joka pysyy elossa pitkään.
Hauska fakta: Tiesitkö, että Susan Wojcicki on myös erittäin lahjakas golfharrastaja? Hänellä on aikaa hioa taitojaan sekä teknologiamaailman huipulla että kentillä! Toinen mielenkiintoinen seikka on se, että Wojcicki oli ensimmäinen nainen, joka sai vastata Googlen markkinoinnista ja liiketoimintamalleista, avaten uuden aikakauden naisjohtajuudelle teknologiateollisuudessa.
YouTube's former chief executive and long-time Google executive Susan Wojcicki died on Saturday at the age of 56 after a two-year battle with lung cancer.
Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, a tech pioneer who was one of Google's earliest employees, has died after living with lung cancer for two years, ...
Ms. Wojcicki was one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley before stepping down from YouTube last year. Her husband said she had lung cancer.
Early Google staffer and one of the most influential women in Silicon Valley has died of lung cancer.
She was 56. The daughter of Palo Alto High School journalism teacher Esther Wojcicki and Stanford University physics professor Stanley Wojcicki, she grew up on ...
Google chief Sundar Pichai Paid tribute to his former colleague after Wojcicki's husband shared the news.
YouTube's former chief executive and long-time Google executive Susan Wojcicki died on Saturday at the age of 56 after a two-year battle with lung cancer.
Wojcicki, one of the most prominent women in tech, had been living with cancer for two years.
Susan Wojcicki, an early Google executive and long-time head of its YouTube video service who shaped how fortunes and fame are created on the internet, ...
(Reuters) -YouTube ex-CEO and one of the first Google employees Susan Wojcicki has died at the age of 56 after two years of living with cancer, Google Chief ...
The business executive helped turn Google into an internet juggernaut and became one of the most prominent women in Silicon Valley.
Wojcicki was among Google's longest-serving employees and one of the highest-profile female executives in Silicon Valley. Few people had greater sway over ...
Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki died on Friday, according to social media posts from her husband Dennis Troper and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.
One of Google's earliest employees, Ms Wojcicki had been ill with lung cancer for two years.
Former YouTube chief executive officer and longtime Google executive Susan Wojcicki has died, according to her husband.
Key figure in Google's rise stepped down last year after nearly a decade running its video platform.
Susan Wojcicki served as CEO of YouTube for nine years before stepping down in February 2023.
Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has died of cancer at the age of 56, her family and former colleagues said in social media posts on Friday night.
Over the past three decades, Susan Wojcicki had a knack for seeing a startup's potential. Her intuition helped shape the growth of YouTube and Google.
The technology and business executive was 56 years old. In a Facebook post Wojcicki's husband, Dennis Troper, broke the news. Wojcicki lost her battle with lung ...
Susan Wojcicki is one of this era's great unsung executives—and was crucial to Google's trajectory from its very beginnings in her garage.
Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube chief executive officer and longtime Google executive, has died, her husband said. She was 56.
She told us years ago we'd abandon TV for short-form video on our phones. And she was the woman who rented her garage to the founders of Google.
Susan D. Wojcicki '90, a Silicon Valley pioneer who played an instrumental role in the rise of Google and later served as the chief executive officer of ...
The 56-year-old battled lung cancer for two years. Her husband, in a social media post, called her "a brilliant mind, a loving mother and a dear friend to ...
Wojcicki spoke at Fortune's 2016 Most Powerful Women Summit about the massive growth of YouTube and her vision for media.
"As long as you guys pay your rent on time, you guys can build your Googly thing here," Susan Wojcicki recalled telling Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
I am deeply saddened to hear of Susan Wojcicki's passing. She was a vibrant light in this world and an inspiration to me and countless others.
Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube chief executive officer and longtime Google executive, has died, her husband said. She was 56.
Her husband said Wojcicki had been living with lung cancer for two years. She is survived by her four children. After Wojcicki and her husband rented their ...