ATR 72

2024 - 8 - 10

Hirveä lentokonesuru: Voepassin ATR 72 romahti São Paulossa!

Brazil plane crash -- Voepass ATR 72 - ilmailuhistoria - lentoturvallisuus - São Paulo - Voepass - Brazil plane crash

Kaikki 62 matkustajaa menettivät henkensä karmaisevassa onnettomuudessa, joka järkytti Brasiliaa. Lue lisää tästä järkyttävästä tapauksesta!

Perjantaina 9. elokuuta 2024 tapahtui kauhea lento-onnettomuus, kun brasilialaisen Voepassin ATR 72-500 -mallinen lentokone syöksyi maahan São Paulon lähellä. Lento, joka oli matkalla Cascavelista São Pauloon, oli täynnä ihmisiä, ja tragedia aiheutti suuren surun ja järkytyksen. Onnettomuus koettiin Vinhedossa, ja sen seurauksena kaikki 62 koneessa olijaa menettivät henkensä. Voepassin mukaan inhimillinen vahinko oli traaginen ja tuskaisa hetki kaikille osapuolille.

Silminnäkijöiden raporttien mukaan kone syöksyi maahan nopeammin kuin kukaan ehti reagoida. Järkyttäviä kuvia tapahtuneesta levisi nopeasti sosiaaliseen mediaan, mikä lisäsi kansallista huolta ja keskustelua lentoturvallisuudesta Brasiliassa. Paikalliset viranomaiset aloittivat heti tutkimukset onnettomuuden syistä, mutta alustavat tiedot viittaavat siihen, että kone saattoi olla määränpäässään lähestymässä, kun se yhtäkkiä alkoi pyöriä hallitsemattomasti.

Onnettomuudesta on tullut nopeasti keskustelun aihe, joka on saanut ihmiset pohtimaan lentoturvallisuuteen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Lentokonesimulaattorissa harjoitelleet ammattilaiset ovat tuoneet esille, kuinka tärkeitä etenkin sään muutokset ja koneen tekniset ongelmat voivat olla lentojen turvallisuudessa. ATR 72 -malli on tunnettu sen luotettavuudesta, mutta tällaiset tapahtumat muistuttavat siitä, kuinka herkkä lentoliikenne voi olla.

Vaikka onnettomuus oli sydäntäsärkevä, historiassa on ollut monia muita merkittäviä lentoonnettomuuksia, jotka ovat muuttaneet lentoturvallisuuden käytäntöjä ympäri maailmaa. Esimerkiksi vuoden 1982 Air Florida 90 -onnettomuus johti merkittäviin muutoksiin jäätymisen ehkäisemiseen lentokoneissa. Kuka tahansa lentäjä voi olla samassa tilanteessa kuin Voepassin ATR 72, ja siksi lentoturvallisuus on aina etusijalla.

Jatkamme Voepassin tapausta seuraamista, ja toivomme, että lentoliikenne hyötyy tästä surullisesta tapahtumasta. Muista silti, että lentäminen on edelleen yksi turvallisimmista tavoista matkustaa.

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Image courtesy of "Flightglobal"

Voepass ATR 72 crashes near Sao Paulo (Flightglobal)

Brazilian carrier Voepass has confirmed that one of its ATR 72 turboprops has been involved in an accident while operating to Sao Paulo Guarulhos airport.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Brazilian plane crash outside São Paulo killed 61, says airline (CNN)

A passenger plane carrying 61 people crashed on the outskirts of São Paulo on Friday afternoon, killing everyone on board, according to a statement issued ...

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

VoePass plane suddenly drops from the sky and crashes in Brazil ... (Fortune)

The aircraft involved in the crash was an ATR 72 model, a twin-engine turboprop model that typically seats about 70 people.

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Image courtesy of ""

Voepass Linhas Aéreas ATR 72-500 crashes near São Paulo, Brazil (

The accident occurred early Friday afternoon, August 9, 2024, when an ATR 72-500 twin-engine aircraft carrying 62 people crashed in Vinhedo, ...

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Image courtesy of "View from the Wing"

Horrible Disaster: Voepass ATR-72 Spirals Out of Control, Crashes ... (View from the Wing)

❗️✈️ – Images from the crash site of a Voepass Linhas Aéreas ATR 72-500 plane, which was heading from Cascavel (CAC) to São Paulo (GRU) and crashed recently in ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard ... (ABC News)

A Brazilian airliner says one of its passenger plane with 61 people aboard has crashed into a gated residential community in Brazil's Sao Paulo state Friday ...

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Image courtesy of "Simple Flying"

Breaking: Voepass ATR-72-500 Enters A Flat Spin & Crashes In Brazil (Simple Flying)

Shocking videos have captured aircraft falling from the sky. An ATR-72-500 operated by Brazilian airline Voepass Linhas Aéreas crashed in a residential area ...

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Image courtesy of "Aviation Week"

Voepass ATR-72-500 Crashes Near São Paulo | Aviation Week ... (Aviation Week)

A Voepass Linhas Aéreas ATR 72-500 en route to São Paulo went down northwest of the city center; local reports said all 61 people on the aircraft were ...

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Image courtesy of "AIRLIVE"

BREAKING A Voepass ATR-72 has crashed in Sao Paulo, Brazil (AIRLIVE)

Imágenes adicionales del trágico y aparatoso accidente aéreo que acaba de protagonizar una aeronave ATR-72-500 de Voepass, hace minutos en Vinhedo, São Paulo.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Sao Paulo plane crash: All 61 on board killed (Reuters)

A regional turboprop plane crashed near Sao Paulo in Brazil on Friday, killing all 61 people on board, the airline said.

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Image courtesy of "One Mile at a Time"

Beyond Horrifying: Voepass ATR-72 Crashes In Brazil (One Mile at a Time)

A Voepass ATR-72 had a horrific crash in Brazil, killing all 62 people onboard. This has to be the most disturbing plane crash I've ever seen.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Plane crash in Brazil's São Paulo state kills all 61 on board (BBC News)

EPA Aerial view of the site where a Voepass airline plane crashed, in Vinhedo, ... A plane has crashed in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, killing all 61 people ...

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Image courtesy of "Airways Magazine"

VOEPASS ATR Turboprop Crashes in Vinhedo, Brazil (Airways Magazine)

A VOEPASS ATR-72 headed for Sao Paulo has crashed near the city of Vinhedo with 62 souls on board.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Brazilian authorities are investigating the cause of the fiery plane ... (ABC News)

Brazilian authorities are working to piece together what exactly caused the plane crash in Sao Paulo state the prior day that killed all 61 people aboard.

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Image courtesy of "WDBJ7"

Brazilian authorities are investigating the cause of the fiery plane ... (WDBJ7)

VINHEDO, Brazil (AP) — ...

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Image courtesy of "Flightglobal"

Flight recorders retrieved from crashed Voepass ATR 72-500 (Flightglobal)

Brazilian investigators have recovered both flight recorders from the Voepass ATR 72-500 which crashed in the vicinity of Sao Paulo, with no survivors among ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Brazil investigates cause of fiery plane crash that killed 62 (Voice of America)

Local airline Voepass' plane, an ATR 72 twin-engine turboprop, was headed for Sao Paulo's international airport in Guarulhos with 58 passengers and 4 crew ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

What We Know About the Crash of VoePass Flight 2283 in Brazil (The New York Times)

The twin-engine turboprop passenger aircraft crashed near São Paulo, killing all 62 people onboard. Officials are investigating the cause.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Brazil: Authorities investigate the cause of the fiery plane crash that ... (The Associated Press)

A Local airline was headed for Sao Paulo's international airport in Guarulhos with 57 passengers and 4 crew members when it went down in the city of ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Brazilian authorities recover bodies, probe cause of deadly plane ... (

Civil defence teams are working to recover bodies of 58 passengers, four crew killed in fiery crash in Sao Paulo state.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Families of Brazilian plane crash victims gather in Sao Paulo as ... (ABC News)

Families of victims of an airliner crash in Brazil are gathering at a morgue and hotels in Sao Paulo hours as forensics expert work to identify the remains ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Brazil authorities recover bodies of all 62 plane crash victims (Reuters)

Four people with dual citizenship were among the victims, three Venezuelans and one Portuguese woman.

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