Taylor Swiftin Wienin konsertit peruttiin vakavan terroriuhan vuoksi! Mikä tilanne ja miten fanit reagoivat? Lue lisää!
Viime viikolla Wienissä oli suunnitelmissa järjestää kolme erityistä Taylor Swiftin konserttia osana hänen maailmankuulua Eras-kiertuettaan. Kuitenkin, kun Itävallan poliisi sai tietoonsa suunnitellun terrori-iskun, konserttien järjestäminen muuttui mahdottomaksi. Barracuda Music ilmoitti, että liput näihin peruttuihin esityksiin palautettaisiin faneille, jotka olivat innoissaan pääsemästä elämään Swiftin musiikin rytmissä.
Fanien reaktiot peruutukseen ovat olleet sydäntäsärkeviä. Esimerkiksi Tiffany Kidd, 41-vuotias sairaanhoitaja Arizonasta, oli ensimmäistä kertaa jättämässä Yhdysvaltoja, ja hän oli nauttimassa matkastaan Eurooppaan vain Taylorin konserttia varten. Hänen sydämensä murskautui, kun hän sai tietää, että konsertti oli peruttu turvallisuusuhan vuoksi. Toiset fanit ilmaisivat helpotusta siitä, että mahdollinen tragedia saatiin estettyä. "Miksi tällaista tapahtuu juuri Taylorin konserteissa?" kysyttiin internetin syövereissä.
Itävallan sisäministeri, Karl Nehammer, lupasi, että tilannetta seurataan tiiviisti ja että terveys- ja turvallisuusasiat ovat ensisijaisia. Kahden epäillyn, joiden väitetään olevan yhteydessä ISIS:iin, pidättäminen herätti suurta huomiota, ja viranomaiset ovat lisänneet turvatoimenpiteitä alueella. Lähivuosina tämä on ollut jo toinen kerta, kun uhka kohdistuu musiikkitapahtumiin Euroopassa, ja niin fanit kuin artistitkin ovat huolestuneita tulevasta.
Taylor Swift on aiemmin maininnut, että yksi hänen suurimmista peloistaan konserteissa on mahdollinen väkivalta tai terrori-isku. Nyt, kun hänen pelkonsa näyttää toteutuvan, fanit ovat yhdistyneet tukemaan häntä ja toisiaan sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tämä tilanne on muistutus siitä, kuinka tärkeää on tietää, että taide ja musiikki voivat yhdistää ihmisiä, mutta samalla myös nostaa esiin tärkeitä turvallisuuskysymyksiä, jotka meidän on otettava vakavasti.
Samaan aikaan, kun turvatoimista keskustellaan, voimme myös miettiä Taylorin uraa, joka on kestänyt yli kymmenen vuotta ja sisältänyt monia huikeita hetkiä. Esimerkiksi Swift on myynyt yli 50 miljoonaa albumia Yhdysvalloissa ja voittanut kymmeniä Grammy-palkintoja. Hänen kykyensä yhdistää henkilökohtaisia tarinoita lauluihinsa ovat tehneet häntä rakastetuksi ympäri maailmaa. Tällaisten hetkien huipentamiseksi on kuitenkin tärkeää, että hänen faniensa turvallisuus toteutuu ennen kaikkea.
Barracuda Music said tickets will be refunded for the three canceled concerts, after officials announced arrests in an apparent plot to attack an event in ...
Tiffany Kidd, a 41-year-old nurse from Arizona, had never left the United States – but Taylor Swift was worth it.
Three upcoming Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna have been cancelled following a possible security threat. The shows, part of Swift's Eras tour, ...
Taylor Swift's Eras Tour shows in Vienna have been canceled because of what Austrian police say was a planned terrorist attack targeting the concerts.
One of Taylor Swift's Eras Tour stops in Vienna was allegedly targeted in a terror attack. Two have been arrested and security has been increased for the ...
An interview has resurfaced in which Taylor revealed such a scenario would be her "biggest fear".
Organizers of three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna this week say they have been canceled over fears of an attack.
Taylor Swift's three concerts in Vienna, Austria, this week have been canceled after two suspects were arrested for allegedly plotting a terror attack.
Taylor Swift's three shows in Vienna were canceled after two suspects were arrested and accused of plotting a terror attack.
Authorities say two suspected extremists believed to be tied to ISIS appeared to be planning an attack on an event in the Vienna area.
Chancellor Karl Nehammer says threat was 'very serious' and a 'tragedy was averted' after police detain two suspects.
The main suspect in a planned attack on a Taylor Swift concert in Austria had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State militant group and had chemical ...
More than 170000 spectators were expected to attend the shows, bringing in some 100 million euros.
Austria's intelligence chief says chemical substances were found at the house of a 19-year-old Austrian suspected of planning an attack on upcoming Taylor ...
Chemical substances and technical devices were found at the house of a 19-year-old Austrian suspected of planning an attack on upcoming Taylor Swift ...
The cancellations left tens of thousands of fans devastated, many of whom planned to travel from across the globe to the Austrian capital. Others had already ...
Swift was scheduled to play at the Austrian capital's Ernst Happel Stadium on Thursday, Friday and Saturday as part of her Eras Tour. Event organizer Barracuda ...
The prime suspect in the plot to attack Taylor Swift's upcoming Eras Tour shows in Vienna said he had planned to kill himself and a large number of other ...
Police found Islamic State group and al-Qaida material at the home of the second suspect in a foiled plot to attack Taylor Swift shows in Austria.
Organizers have canceled three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria after authorities arrested two suspects for allegedly planning a terror attack during the ...
Austrian authorities say both suspects in a foiled plot to attack Taylor Swift shows in Vienna appeared to be inspired by the Islamic State group and ...
VIENNA (AP) — Pricey tickets for sold-out Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. Hundreds of euros, if not more, dropped on flights and hotels.
Police in Austria have questioned three teenagers suspected of plotting a suicide attack at a Taylor Swift show, sparking renewed concerns over the ...
An ISIS-connected terrorist plot against Taylor Swift's concerts in Vienna have led to the arrest of two men.
"To have all this taken away by some men being so fueled by hatred for no reason at all makes me so beyond angry I can't put it into words," one fan said on ...
Taylor Swift's performances in Austria were canceled after authorities arrested two people planning a terror attack at the event. Swifties say they "won't ...
Three shows were called off after Austrian officials arrested two men and accused them of plotting a terrorist attack, and said that one had been focused on ...
Swift's three concerts in Vienna, Austria, were canceled after officials arrested two suspects accused of plotting an attack on the stadium, ...
Taylor Swift has provided a roadmap for my daughter and me. Her songs have given words to our feelings and allowed us to talk and become closer.
Taylor Swift's Vienna concerts were canceled after a terrorism plot was uncovered. Now, ticket refund info has been announced for fans.
Taylor Swift fans congregated in the streets of Vienna after a failed terrorist attack led to the cancellation of Swift's three Austrian concerts.
Taylor Swift's concerts in Austria were called off after officials arrested two teenagers accused of plotting a terrorist attack. Roughly 200000 people were ...
Taylor Swift fans from around the world grappled with disappointment and fear after a terrorism plot derailed the Vienna dates of the Eras Tour.
Austrian officials say the suspect wanted to kill "a large crowd of people" in a suicide attack.
The biggest tour in music had to cancel three shows in Austria because of a possible terrorist plan on the concert, but Taylor Swift's Eras Tour is still ...