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Sheikh Hasina: Ruorista vapauteen – Bangladeshissa tapahtuu!

Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh - demokratia - independenssi - mielenosoitukset - Muhammad Yunus - Sheikh Hasina

Bangladeshin pääministeri Sheikh Hasina päätti 15 vuoden vallan ja pakeni maanpakoon, kun mielenosoitukset riemuitsivat! Mitä oikein tapahtui?

Bangladeshin pääministeri Sheikh Hasina järjesti maanvallan esityksensä ja otti pakomatkalle, taustallaan yli 15 vuotta kestänyt hallintokausi ja kymmeniä uhreita nousseissa mielenosoituksissa. Kun mielenosoittajat valtasivat hänen palatsinsa, tuntuivat tappelut kentillä ja kaduille välttämättömiltä. Tilanne kärjistyi niin, että armeija auttoi Hasinaa lunastamaan vapaudenlippunsa lentokoneessa – ja kyllä, siskokin oli mukana seikkailussa!

Hasinan viimeinen päivä vallassa oli väkivaltainen; lähes 100 ihmistä menetti henkensä mielenosoituksissa, joissa vaadittiin hänen eroa. Kun tilanne oli kriittinen, Bangladeshin armeijan uusi päällikkö, kenraali Waker-Uz-Zaman, otti ohjat käsiinsä ja ilmoitti hallituksen siirtymästä, jättäen vastuun kansalliselle rauhalle. Oppaanaan hänellä oli vain hornetta tuottavat mielenosoittajat, jotka riemuitsivat kuin olisivat voittaneet maailmanmestaruuden.

Yli 170 miljoonan asukkaan Bangladeshissa tilanne on monimuotoinen. Hasina oli hallinnut rautaisella otteella vuodesta 2009, ja monilla oli selkeä tuomio tuollaiselle vallan kaipuulle. Nyt kun peli on muuttunut, herää kysymys – mikä seuraavaksi? Pystyykö väliaikainen hallitus todellakin pacifioimaan kiihkeästi tyytymättömät kansalaiset?

Tapaukset jäävät katsojien mieleen, mutta aina kannattaa muistaa myös hauskoja faktoja! Tiesitkö, että Sheikh Hasina on opiskelija-aktivisti ja että hänen isänsä, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, oli Bangladeshin ensimmäinen pääministeri? Nyt mainosten nopeus ja koukuttava muutos ovat tehneet Bangladeshin poliittisesta näyttämöstä yhä houkuttelevamman, ja sen tulevaisuus jännittää monia!

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns, ending 15 years in power ... (NPR)

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned on Monday, ending 15 years in power as thousands of protesters defied a military ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Bangladesh prime minister is ousted after weeks of deadly protests (NBC News)

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and left the country on Monday, the army chief said, a day after nearly 100 people were killed in clashes.

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Image courtesy of ""

Bangladesh PM Hasina quits and flees as protesters storm palace (

Hasina's departure appears to have defused the high tension in Dhaka, where more deadly protests were feared on Monday.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

What's behind Bangladesh's protest against PM Sheikh Hasina? (Reuters)

Bangladesh is on the boil again with close to 100 people killed on Sunday as protesters, calling for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's resignation, ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees country as ... (BBC News)

Summary · Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled the country after anti-government protests in which hundreds of people have been killed · Reports say ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns, interim government to be ... (Voice of America)

Media reports said she had flown in a military helicopter with her sister and was headed to the eastern Indian state of West Bengal just across the border.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Bangladesh prime minister resigns, flees country amid deadly protests (ABC News)

The Bangladeshi military facilitated Hasina's "safe passage" out of the country and the army chief is expected to make a speech on Monday.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Sheikh Hasina: How Bangladesh's protesters ended a 15-year reign (BBC News)

The 76-year-old Ms Hasina had ruled the South Asian nation of 170 million with an iron fist since 2009 - just a month ago, protests demanding her resignation ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Who is the Bangladesh army chief who announced Sheikh Hasina's ... (Reuters)

Just over a month after he became Bangladesh's army chief, General Waker-Uz-Zaman has been thrust into the limelight, announcing the resignation of Prime ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Bangladesh's PM Sheikh Hasina resigns (The Associated Press)

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Bangladesh's prime minister resigned and fled the country Monday, after weeks of protests against a quota system for government jobs ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Resigns: Protest Live ... (The New York Times)

The country's army chief said an interim government would be formed. Dozens of protesters were killed on Sunday as they challenged Prime Minister Sheikh ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Bangladesh prime minister resigns as deadly anti-government ... (CNN)

The prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, resigned on Monday after weeks of deadly anti-government demonstrations gripped the South Asian nation.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Sheikh Hasina: Bangladesh's pro-democracy icon who became an ... (BBC News)

Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed has resigned and left the country after weeks of student-led protests spiralled into deadly, ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina flees as army chief ... (CBS News)

Protesters stormed the residence of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, with images from local television showing the apparent looting of furniture.

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Image courtesy of ""

Bangladesh's Sheikh Hasina forced to resign: What happened and ... (

Prime minister reportedly flees to India after weeks of antigovernment protests. People shout slogans as they take part in a protest against Prime Minister ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Sheikh Hasina: Euphoria in Bangladesh after PM flees country (BBC News)

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned after weeks of deadly anti-government protests, putting an end to more than two decades at the top of ...

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Image courtesy of ""

World reacts to Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina's removal from power (

Reactions as Hasina is forced to resign and flee the country after weeks of deadly unrest in the country.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Bangladesh's Sheikh Hasina falls from grace in nation her father ... (Reuters)

Sheikh Hasina, who resigned as Bangladesh's prime minister and fled the country on Monday following weeks of protests, has been one of the dominant figures ...

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Image courtesy of "Vox"

Bangladesh's prime minister just fled the country in a helicopter. Why? (Vox)

Student-led protests just brought down the country's leadership. What happens next to the young democracy is unclear.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Photos: Bangladesh PM flees the country after weeks of deadly ... (NPR)

This follows the weeks of protests over job quotas that saw clashes between protestors and ruling party supporters, and several instances of police ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Sheikh Hasina Thought Her Grip on Bangladesh Was Unbreakable (The New York Times)

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who once brought democratic hope to Bangladesh, turned increasingly autocratic and met her downfall in a crackdown on ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina flees, army says interim government ... (Reuters)

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country on Monday after hundreds of people were killed in a crackdown on demonstrations that ...

A look at Bangladesh's new chapter (NPR)

Bangladesh's army chief says he'll form an interim government after the long-serving prime minister fled the country amid outrage over violent crackdowns ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Bangladesh waits on army chief for interim government after PM flees (Reuters)

Bangladesh's army chief will meet student protest leaders on Tuesday as the country awaits the formation of a new government a day after Prime Minister ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

After toppling Hasina, protesters want Nobel laureate Muhammad ... (ABC News)

A key organizer of Bangladesh's student protests says Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus is their choice as head of an interim government a day after ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Bangladesh protesters want Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus to ... (

Yunus, known as the 'banker to the poor', is the choice of the student movement to head the new interim government.

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Image courtesy of ""

Bangladesh frees Hasina rival Khaleda Zia from house arrest (

Head of Bangladesh Nationalist Party was an opponent of Prime Minister Hasina, who resigned and fled the country.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Bangladesh's 'Gen Z revolution' toppled a veteran leader. Why did ... (CNN)

Inside Bangladesh it's being dubbed a Gen Z revolution – a protest movement that pitted mostly young student demonstrators against a 76-year-old leader who ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Bangladesh protesters call on Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus to ... (NBC News)

Bangladesh's parliament has been dissolved, paving the way for an interim government that protest leaders said should be led by Nobel laureate Muhammad ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Who is Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, Bangladesh protesters ... (Reuters)

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, the pioneer of the global microcredit movement who could shepherd Bangladesh's new interim government, was an arch foe of ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Facing Mass Protests, Bangladesh Leader Quits, Setting Up Power ... (The New York Times)

Demonstrators defied a curfew, expecting another in a series of bloody crackdowns, but instead Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Bangladesh awaits interim government, protestors want Nobel ... (The Associated Press)

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Bangladesh's president dissolved parliament Tuesday, clearing the way for new elections to replace the longtime prime minister who ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Bangladesh parliament dissolved after PM flees country (BBC News)

The dissolution of parliament, a key demand of protesters, paves the way for an interim government.

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Image courtesy of "Foreign Affairs"

The Remarkable Downfall of Bangladesh's Iron Lady: How a ... (Foreign Affairs)

In a move that would have seemed unimaginable just a few weeks ago, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ended a decade and a half of uninterrupted rule ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Bangladesh Protesters Want Nobel Laureate to Advise New ... (The New York Times)

Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, has emerged as a central figure in talks about an interim government. The ousted prime minister largely saw ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Explainer: Why did Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resign and ... (Reuters)

Sheikh Hasina resigned as Bangladesh's prime minister and fled the country on Monday following weeks of dedly protests that began as demonstrations by ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Bangladesh dissolves Parliament; protesters call for Nobel laureate ... (The Washington Post)

The student protesters behind the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rejected army rule and backed peace prize winner Muhammad Yunus to head the interim ...

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Image courtesy of "Amnesty International"

Bangladesh: Any new Interim Government must prioritize human ... (Amnesty International)

Reacting to the announcement that a new interim government is to be formed following the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina amid mass protests in ...

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