Kun yksi presidentti astuu alas, toiset nousevat - tai ainakin yrittävät! Seuraa Venezuelan vaaliseikkailua, jossa tanssitaan protestien rytmissä!
Venezuelassa vallankumouksen tuulet puhaltavat jälleen, mutta tällä kertaa tanssin tahdissa! Coloradoon kokoontui suuri joukko paikallisia venezuelalaisia, jotka toivoivat uuden aikakauden alkavan maan politiikassa. Monien mielessä on kysymys: onko tämä se hetki, jolloin demokraattinen prosessi saa jalansijaa vai jatketaanko protesteja kadulla? Vaikka juhlinta oli vilkasta, taustalla väreili epävarmuus ja toivo paremmasta huomisesta.
Kuitenkin todellisuudessa maan presidentti Nicolas Maduro pyrkii pitämään valta-asemansa tiukasti. Sunnuntaina pidettyjen vaalien tuloksia on kyseenalaistettu laajasti, ja protestit nousivat katukuviin, kun kansalaiset vaativat presidenttiä myöntämään tappionsa oppositiolle. Vaalien jälkeiset tapahtumat saavat yhä uusia käänteitä, kun kansainväliset järjestöt, kuten Carter Center, julkaisivat huomautuksia siitä, kuinka vaalit eivät täyttäneet kansainvälisiä vaatimuksia avoimuudesta ja demokraattisista periaatteista.
Presidentti Maduron ja opposition välinen taistelu ei rajoitu vain perinteiseen vaaliväittelyyn. Tuohtuneet kansalaiset ovat nostaneet äänensä ja vaativat hallitusta vastaamaan kritiikkiin, kun Presidentti Maduron puolustajat syyttävät opposition johtajaa, María Corina Machadaa, ongelmien aiheuttamisesta. Caracasissa tilanne kärjistyi, ja ainakin 16 ihmistä on raportoitu kuolleeksi levottomuuksien aikana.
Venezuelalaiset ovat jaksaneet pysyä toiveikkaina, vaikka haasteet ovat suuret. Silti ehkä ancient wisdom -tyylisesti järkevin ajatus on se, että noin puolet äänestäjistä sitoutuu edelleen vahvasti Bolivaariseen projektiin. Se tarkoittaa, että vaikka vaaleista tulee sotku, niin yhteisön ystävällinen ja värikäs yhdyskunta Colorado'ssa toivoo, että asiat voivat vielä parantua. Muista vain: kun yksi presidentti astuu alas, toiset nousevat - tai ainakin yrittävät!
Many gathered at an Aurora parking lot to celebrate what they hoped would be a new era in their country's politics.
Protesters took to the streets across Venezuela on Tuesday, demanding that President Nicolas Maduro acknowledge he lost Sunday's election to the opposition, ...
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro after the presidential election results were announced in Caracas on July 29, 2024. Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images. Who's ...
Nine signatory international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announced results of Venezuela's July 28 presidential elections.
The United States has been closely monitoring Venezuela's presidential election that took place on Sunday, July 28 and the subsequent announcements by.
Tensions in Caracas grew Tuesday as President Nicolás Maduro accused opposition leader María Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo González of ...
The Carter Center said it was unable to verify the results of Venezuela's presidential election and blamed authorities for a “complete lack of transparency” ...
About half of Venezuela's voting population is reliably wedded to the Bolivarian project. No other political project in Venezuela has the kind of election ...
ATLANTA — Venezuela's 2024 presidential election did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic. The Carter ...
Reuters Demonstrators gather to protest election results that awarded Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with a third Reuters. Venezuelans have been gathering ...
Venezuela's opposition, which says that it - and not President Nicolas Maduro - won Sunday's presidential election, is scrambling for ways to find a path to ...
Colombian leader urges Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro to 'allow transparent vote count' as opposition alleges fraud.
Danny Ocean and Nacho headed to social media to plead with police and armed forces of Venezuela.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro claimed victory in the country's elections early this week, but the opposition contested the result and said multiple ...
As Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro claims an unverifiable victory, anti-government protests there grow.
Nicolás Maduro stole the election. So why is a longtime opposition leader in such a good mood?
“On Sunday, millions of Venezuelans went to the polls in a historic presidential election. The election presented an opportunity for Venezuelan voters to ...
Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro says he has asked the country's Supreme Court to conduct an audit of the presidential election after opposition leaders ...
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro faces mounting pressure to release evidence that would verify the results of Sunday's presidential election as both he ...
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has insisted his party is ready to present all the vote tallies from his country's disputed election after election ...
Jordan Guy MacDonald Goudreau, 48, of Melbourne, Florida, and Yacsy Alexandra Alvarez, 43, of Tampa, Florida, were arrested yesterday pursuant to a ...
An unsealed federal ...
Former soldier, Jordan Goudreau, was arrested on Tuesday for his alleged role in an attempted Venezuelan coup.
Jordan Goudreau was arrested on Wednesday for his participation in a failed effort to remove Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in 2020.
While social media are tightly censored in China and most comments echoed support for incumbent Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro, videos of the protests ...
The Carter Center, a leading pro-democracy organization, says Venezuela's election violated the country's own laws and was undemocratic.
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – U.S. officials are raising alarms after chaos erupted in the streets of Venezuela following Sunday's presidential election.
President Nicolás Maduro claimed victory, but regional leaders and outside observers have cried foul.