Hulk Hogan

2024 - 7 - 19

Hulk Hogan ja Trump: Politiikan ja painin outo liitto

Donald Trump - Hulk Hogan - Pro paini - Republikaanien kansalliskokous

Hulk Hogan ja Donald Trump ovat jälleen otsikoissa! Lue, mitä mieltä entinen nyrkkeilijä on presidentistä ja miten heidän yhteistyöstään on herännyt pilkkaa ja ihmetystä.

Hulk Hogan ja Donald Trump ovat jälleen kerran keskellä huomiota, kun entinen ammattinyrkkeilijä antoi intohimoisen puheen Trumpin tukemisesta. Hulk Hogan, jonka oikea nimi on Terry Bollea, tunnetaan paremmin Hulk Hogan -hahmonsa kautta, jota hän käytti painikehässä kilpaillessaan. Hulk Hogan kehui Trumpia julkisesti ja nimitti republikaaneja 'oikeiksi amerikkalaisiksi'. Hänen voimakas puheensa republikaanien kansalliskokouksessa herätti paljon huomiota.

Videolla nähdään, kuinka Donald Trump lähettää ilmauksen Hulk Hoganille ja näyttää tukensa nostamalla esiin Trump-Vance -lihaskorsetin, kun entinen painimestari kehuu häntä lämpimästi. Tästä eleestä nousi keskustelua ja naurua verkossa, kun katsojat ihmettelivät kaksikon välistä vuorovaikutusta. Vaikka Trumpin ja Hoganin yhteistyö herättääkin positiivista huomiota, jotkut toivovat kuitenkin poliittisen ja painin maailman pysyvän erillään toisistaan.

Hulk Hogan on edelleen legendaarisella tasolla uransa jälkeen ja käyttää vaikutusvaltaansa tukiessaan Trumpia. Vaikka Hulk Hogan on jo 70-vuotias ja eläkkeellä, hänen esiintymisensä republikaanien kansalliskokouksessa osoitti hänen edelleen omaavan valtavaa karismaa ja kannanottojensa herättävän suurta huomiota.

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Image courtesy of "The Independent"

Trump has always acted like pro wrestler – Hulk Hogan speaking at ... (The Independent)

As a huge wrestling fan and politics nerd, let me be the first to say that I hope the two stay far apart from one another. One is a violent, ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Trump's Affection Towards Hulk Hogan at RNC Sparks Mockery (Newsweek)

Donald Trump blowing a kiss at Hulk Hogan during the Republican National Convention has sparked mockery and raised eyebrows online.

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Hulk Hogan gives passionate RNC speech (

The former professional wrestler, whose legal name is Terry Bollea, first emerged as his Hulk Hogan persona that he used while competing in the ring. A “USA” ...

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Image courtesy of "FOX 13 Tampa Bay"

'Let Trumpamania rule again:' Hulk Hogan gives passionate address ... (FOX 13 Tampa Bay)

Legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan took the stage at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, giving a passionate speech in support of Donald Trump.

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Video: Hulk Hogan speaks at Republican National Convention ... (

The WWE Hall of Famer spoke highly of Donald Trump, who was in the crowd during WrestleMania 5 at Trump Plaza, revealing a Trump-Vance muscle shirt in support ...

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Image courtesy of "The New Republic"

Watch: Trump Blows Hulk Hogan a Kiss as He Rips His Shirt Off at ... (The New Republic)

Before Donald Trump capped off the Republican National Convention with his speech accepting the party's nomination for president, professional wrestler Hulk ...

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Image courtesy of "City-sentinel"

Hulk Hogan calls Trump a 'hero' and Republicans 'real Americans' (City-sentinel)

Famed US professional wrestling star Hulk Hogan endorsed Donald Trump for president Thursday, ripping off his shirt in his signature style to reveal he was ...

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Image courtesy of ""

'Trumpmania': Hulk Hogan Rips Off His Shirt, and Republicans Go ... (

Hulk Hogan's powerful speech at the Republican National Convention in support of Donald Trump. Find out what the former wrestler had to say.

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Image courtesy of "MMAWeekly"

Hulk Hogan lauds 'hero' Donald Trump during electrifying RNC ... (MMAWeekly)

Though retired, the 70-year-old remains a global star, and he just used his electrifying stature to deliver a fiery speech for former President Trump.

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

Hulk Hogan reveals why he had to come out in support of Trump: I ... (Fox News)

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan joined "Fox & Friends" Friday to discuss his speech at the RNC and how the Trump assassination attempt prompted him to break his ...

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Image courtesy of "KHQ Right Now"

Hulk Hogan Rips Off His Shirt at Republican National Convention ... (KHQ Right Now)

Dressed in a red bandanna, a navy blazer, and a black “Real American” vest, Hogan told the crowd, “As an entertainer, I try to stay out of politics. But after ...

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Image courtesy of "Florida Today"

Decades before wrestler Hulk Hogan spoke at the RNC, he lived in ... (Florida Today)

Wrestler Hulk Hogan, who spoke at the RNC this year, has ties to Brevard County. We'll tell you where he lived and worked.

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Hulk Hogan gives passionate RNC speech (

"When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room, I thought maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another title," he ...

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Hulk Hogan rips off shirt at RNC in name of 'Trumpamania' (Los Angeles Times)

Hulk Hogan rips off his shirt during a WWE-themed speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, hollering, 'Let Trumpamania run wild!'

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Image courtesy of ""

'Idiocracy' Fans Are Feasting After Hulk Hogan's Insane Speech at ... (

Hogan looked the most presidential out of all Republican figureheads last night, as long as your favorite president is Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Why Did Hulk Hogan And Dana White Speak At RNC? Their Trump ... (Forbes)

Hulk Hogan and Dana White delivered speeches at the Republican National Convention, highlighting Donald Trump's extensive ties with WWE and UFC.

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Image courtesy of "Cronkite News"

'Unbelievable' RNC finale with Hulk Hogan warming up the ... (Cronkite News)

As the 2024 Republican National Convention came to a close, Arizona delegates were left dazzled by Donald Trump's acceptance speech and other crowd ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News"

Hulk Hogan says America 'had a thriving economy' under Trump ... (Yahoo News)

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan doesn't often comment on the economy, but at the Republican National Convention, the Hulkster delivered a surprising and ...

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Hulk Hogan shows up at Jake Paul fight wearing same shirt he ... (USA TODAY)

Hulk Hogan quickly went from the RNC in Milwaukee to the Jake Paul vs. Mike Perry fight in Tampa. And he wore the same shirt to both.

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