Barack Obama

2024 - 7 - 19

Barack Obama ja Nancy Pelosi painostavat Joe Bideniä luopumaan uudelleenvalinnastaan - Painavaa sisäpiiritietoa demokraateilta

2024 presidentinvaalit - Barack Obama - Demokraattinen puolue - Joe Biden - Nancy Pelosi - Rotukysymykset - Trayvon Martin - Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalit

Barack Obama ja Nancy Pelosi ovat kertoneet kannattajilleen, että Bidenin on syytä harkita vakavasti uudelleenvalintaansa - Lue lisää!

Joe Biden on joutunut kasvavan paineen alle johtavilta demokraateilta luopumaan uudelleenvalintaan liittyvistä suunnitelmistaan ​​puolueen kasvavan paniikin keskellä Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalien voittamisen epävarmuuden vuoksi. Obama on viestittänyt liittolaisilleen Bidenin tarvitsevan vakavasti harkita 2024 vaalikelpoisuuttaan, kun Biden on pois vaalikampanjan tieltä sairastuttuaan COVIDiin. Entinen presidentti Barack Obama on kertonut liittolaisilleen viime päivinä, että presidentti Bidenin voiton mahdollisuudet ovat merkittävästi heikentyneet ja hänen mielestään presidentin on tarpeen vakavasti harkita uudelleenvalintaansa. Obama on joutunut vaikeaan tilanteeseen, kun hänen entinen varapresidenttinsä Joe Biden neuvottelee herkimpiin poliittisiin kysymyksiin liittyen.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi add to doubts over Joe Biden's re ... (Financial Times)

Joe Biden came under mounting pressure from senior Democrats to drop his re-election bid amid growing panic in the party that he will lose the US presidency ...

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Image courtesy of "WLS-TV"

Former President Obama tells allies Biden needs to seriously ... (WLS-TV)

As Biden is off the campaign trail, sick with COVID, Obama told allies he should consider the viability of his 2024 candidacy, a report says.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Obama tells allies Biden's path to winning reelection has greatly ... (The Washington Post)

Former president Barack Obama has told allies in recent days that President Biden's path to victory has greatly diminished and he thinks the president needs ...

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Image courtesy of "Vanity Fair"

Barack Obama Is Basically Begging Joe Biden to Drop Out (Vanity Fair)

The former president has reportedly “told allies in recent days that…he thinks [Biden] needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy.”

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Obama's dilemma: Balancing Democrats' worry about Biden and ... (The Associated Press)

Former President Barack Obama has found himself in a vexing position as his old running mate Joe Biden negotiates one of the most sensitive political ...

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Obama, Pelosi, other top Democrats make a fresh push for Biden to ... (PBS NewsHour)

Former President Barack Obama has expressed concerns to Democrats about Biden's 2024 candidacy. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi privately told Biden that ...

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Image courtesy of "Chicago Tribune"

Today in History: Barack Obama calls on nation to do soul searching (Chicago Tribune)

On July 19, 2013, in a rare and public reflection on race, President Barack Obama called on the nation to do some soul searching over the death of Trayvon ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Barack Obama is talking behind Biden's back … and it's not good (

Former President Barack Obama has reportedly told some of his close allies recently that President Joe Biden should think critically about whether he has a ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Joe Biden 'Irritated' With Barack Obama Amid Wave of 2024 Pressure (Newsweek)

The president has grown frustrated with some of his closest Democratic allies who are reportedly pushing him to end his reelection campaign.

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