
2024 - 7 - 15

Katkera loma: Agony-täti antaa sydämelliset neuvot paniikissa olevalle ystävälle

Dallas Alexander - Donald Trump - Jane Green - menopaussi - Mike Colman - Missouri - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Providence, Rhode Island - seksuaalinen väkivalta - tarkka-ampuja

Mitä tapahtuu, kun ystävän lomavinkki menee pahasti pieleen? Lue bestseller-kirjailija Jane Greenin rohkaisevat neuvot!

Lomalla sattui kiusallinen tilanne, jonka uusi agony-täti-kolumni paljastaa. Suositun kirjailijan Jane Greenin viimeisimmässä kolumnissa hän antaa sydämelliset neuvot paniikissa olevalle ystävälle, joka koki nolostuttavan välikohtauksen lomalla. Lisäksi paljastetaan Yhdysvaltain kymmenen parasta kävelijöiden kaupunkia, joissa Philadelphian ja Providencen kaupungit nousevat ykkös- ja kakkossijoille. Sitten kurkistetaan keskelle Yhdysvaltojen keskiylänköä, missä kiinteistösijoittajat ovat innostuneita. Missourin osavaltio on nyt kuumin markkina-alue, jossa kolme kaupunkia sijoittuu viiden korkeimman sijoituksen joukkoon kiinteistösijoitusten osalta. Springfieldissä sijoittajat ovat ostaneet peräti 20,5% kiinteistöistä. Mielenkiintoisia faktoja: Missourista on tullut kiinteistösijoittajien suosikkikohde, ja Providence Rhode Islandilla on houkutteleva käveltävä kaupunki Yhdysvalloissa.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

DEAR JANE: I had a mortifying mishap while on vacation with my ... (Daily Mail)

In her latest agony aunt column, best-selling author Jane Green gives some heartfelt advice to a panicked girlfriend.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Revealed: Ten best walkable cities in the US (Daily Mail)

1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In the top spot came Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. · 2. Providence, Rhode Island. In second place came Providence, Rhode Island- ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Inside the Midwestern state where real estate investors are ... (Daily Mail)

Missouri is the hottest market with three cities ranking in the top five for the highest share of investor purchases. In Springfield, investors purchased 20.5 ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Daily Mail Australia sports writer Mike Colman dies after health battle (Daily Mail)

A Walkley Award-winning journalist who spent 47 years in the media, he was best known for his coverage of the Olympics and witty takes on Australian sport - a ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

This one menopause side-effect no one talks about meant I had to ... (Daily Mail)

As I drop an item onto the floor, my daughter, Sophie, looks at me quizzically.. We're sorting through my cupboards, so I can have a clear-out and she can ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

I've been sexually assaulted three times, once by a celebrity and ... (Daily Mail)

Even after all these years I can still remember his ginger freckles. I can see them as clear as day, the intensity of them, sprawling over his face.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Sniper weighs in on Trump assassination attempt (Daily Mail)

Dallas Alexander, who spent 14 years in a sniper team for the Canadian military, has weighed in on the assassination attempt of former President Donald ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Former pastor reveals how she is now a SUGAR BABY - claiming to ... (Daily Mail)

Nikole Mitchell works as an adult model and life coach but has recently entered the world of luxury dating - getting paid to go on dates and earning between ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Erin was brought to tears by the sickening acts of a stranger who sat ... (Daily Mail)

A young woman has recalled the disgusting behaviour she was forced to endure from a stranger while catching a tram in Melbourne.

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