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Suklaaohjeita: Kuinka välttää sulamishetket

alkoholiton juoma - suklaa - taide - äitiyys

Lue vinkit suklaan sulamisen välttämiseen ja nauti herkusta ilman pettymyksiä! 🍫

Suklaanautinto ilman sulamishetkiä voi olla haaste, mutta ei enää! Matkalla äitiyteen taistellen hapenpuutetta vastaan, suuri maitosuklaapatukka oli pelastukseni. Ronald Moody, jamaikalais-syntyinen kuvanveistäjä, hehkuu inhimillisyyttä retrospektiivisessä näyttelyssä. Etelä-Afrikan Igshaan Adams kutoo uniaan taidokkaasti surrealismillaan. Claire Lombardon toisessa romaanissaan syventyy äiti-lapsi-suhdeaiheisiin, kun taas Ann Napolitano tutkii itsepetoksen teemoja neljännessä teoksessaan. Alkoholittomat juomat nousevat suosioon juuri ennen EM-finaalia, kun fanit valitsevat 'noloa' ja tölkitettyjä 'mocktaileja' varmistaakseen kirkkaan pään seuraavana päivänä.

Aseistettujen kouluttajien historia Brevardin julkisissa kouluissa saa aikajanaansa päivitystä. Yleinen perustulo houkuttelee yhä useampia ratkaisuna tekoälyn vaikutuksiin ja keinona kannustaa palkitsevampaan ja yhteiskunnallisesti arvokkaampaan työhön. Deptfordin lentokoneosaston arvostelu paljastaa tinkimisen hienouden, kun Peckhamin uraauurtavan Bold Tendencies -parkkihallin arkkitehdit ovat uudistaneet taiteilijoiden studiosiiven 60-luvun virastotalossa.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Notes on chocolate: how to avoid melting moments (The Guardian)

When I was newly on the path to matrescence, and every day was like a crawl to the peak of an oxygen-deprived mountain, I used to keep a giant bar of Dairy ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Ronald Moody: Sculpting Life; Igshaan Adams: Weerhoud; Bharti ... (The Guardian)

A long-awaited retrospective of the Jamaican-born sculptor Ronald Moody exudes humanity; South Africa's Igshaan Adams is a weaver of dreams; and surrealism ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

In brief: Same As It Ever Was; Hello Beautiful; The Golden Rule ... (The Guardian)

Claire Lombardo's outstanding second novel delves into mother-child relationships, Ann Napolitano's fourth explores self-delusion and Dr Lucy Pollock ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Low alcohol sales boom ahead of Euros final (The Guardian)

More fans are embracing 'nolo' booze and canned 'mocktails' while watching the game to be sure of a clear head the next day.

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Image courtesy of "Florida Today"

First mention to now: Timeline of arming trained guardians in ... (Florida Today)

First mention to now: Timeline of arming trained guardians in Brevard Public Schools ... On the first day of school in August, it will have been just shy of 10 ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Money for nothing: is universal basic income about to transform ... (The Guardian)

The concept of a guaranteed income is gaining traction as a solution to the impact of AI and way to encourage more rewarding and socially valuable work.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Cockpit Deptford review – the subtle art of making do (The Guardian)

The architects behind Peckham's pioneering Bold Tendencies car park venue have renovated a block of artists' studios housed in a 60s council office ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Why are 91% of small business owners so darned happy? (The Guardian)

Running your own company is full of stress, frustration and headaches. But most owners wouldn't have it any other way.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

How returning to competitive sport after 25 years taught me ... (The Guardian)

Jenny Knight, an author who was a teen world rowing champion, is rediscovering the benefits of exercise after joining a local netball team.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

I spent 60 years sneering at yoga. It turns out I love it – and it does ... (The Guardian)

It boosts flexibility, strength, balance, breathing and mood … Here are the stupid reasons I avoided it for so long – and 21 things I've learned since I ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Thames Water owner to liquidate solar energy subsidiary amid debt ... (The Guardian)

Exclusive: solar developer Trinzic to voluntarily shut down as holding company seeks to recoup more than £25m.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

The renaissance of Venice's favourite retreat (The Guardian)

When Venetian nobles wanted to escape the heat and crowds of the city they headed to the Brenta Riviera. Today's visitors are following their lead.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Clearing Gaza of almost 40m tonnes of war rubble will take years ... (The Guardian)

Assessment puts cost at $500m-$600m and underlines immense challenge of rebuilding after months of Israeli offensive.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Ed Miliband to lead UK negotiations at Cop29 climate summit (The Guardian)

Senior climate figures welcome move after Conservative government largely left the role to junior ministers.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Starwatch: International Space Station passes over London (The Guardian)

From London on 15 July, the ISS will pass overhead and will be dazzlingly bright. The pass begins at 22.39 BST when the space station rises above the western ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

American Airlines crew filmed my distress after wheelchair failed to ... (The Guardian)

My pre-booked assistance did not arrive when my plane landed in London, but its staff did not help me.

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