Hailey Welch, also known as the 'Hawk Tuah' girl, has captivated the internet with her line of trucker caps that signal a bold message. Find out more about this viral sensation!
Hailey Welch, tunnetaan myös nimellä 'Hawk Tuah' -tyttö, on valloittanut internetin lanseeraamalla kuumimman vaatemerkin. Hänen rekkaajakokoelmansa on täydellinen valinta niille, jotka haluavat lähettää rohkean viestin. Kuka on Hawk Tuah -tyttö ja mistä tässä kaikesta on oikein kyse? Hailey Welch nousi tunnetuksi TikTokissa, missä hän lanseerasi lauseen 'hawk tuah' - 'sylkeä sen päälle'. Onneksi huhut Hailey Welchin erottamisesta työstään osoittautuivat virheellisiksi, mutta vastaavat uhkaukset ilmaisunvapaudelle ovat todellisia. 'Hawk Tuah' -tyttö on tehnyt huikean voiton hupsuttelullaan, ja hänen rekkaajiemensä myynti on tuottanut yli 65 000 dollaria hattuyhtiölle. Mikä on tämän ilmiön taustalla, ja miten Hailey Welch on pystynyt tähän uskomattomaan menestykseen?
The viral star's line of trucker caps are ideal for those wanting to signal they will, in fact, 'spit on that thang'
The most famous person on the internet this week is Hailey Welch, who's going viral for her fun sex tip.
Hailey Welch went viral after emerging on a TikTok video where she coined the phrase 'hawk tuah' spit on that thing.
Thankfully, this firing was fabricated, but similar threats to free expression are all too real.
You know that saying urging you not to make a fool of yourself? As it turns out, it is possible to profit from acting foolishly, as exemplified by the ...
The "Hawk Tuah" Girl's spit take is spinning pure gold -- the hat company she partnered with is raking in tens of thousands of dollars selling a ton of ...
"Hawk Tuah Girl" Hailey Welch went viral when she shared her explicit thoughts on oral sex during a woman-on-the-street spot with Tim & Dee TV.
Hailey Welch has become a viral internet sensation known as Hawk Tuah Girl after her viral vox pop interview on Tim & Dee TV.
Hailey Welch has become an overnight sensation and she's capitalising on her 15 seconds of fame.
Hailey Welch went viral this month after she used the words 'hawk tuah' to describe spitting when she was interviewed on the street by 'TimandDeeTV'. She has ...