Näyttelijä Ian McKellen on hyvässä hengessä tapahtuneen lavakaatumisen jälkeen. Lääkintähenkilökunnalle hän on suuresti kiitollinen.
Ian McKellen, elokuvien ”Taru Sormusten Herrasta” Gandalfina tunnettu veteraani näyttelijä, on toipumassa lavakaatumisesta hyvillä mielin. Hän kaatui lavalla esiintyessään ja huusi kivusta BBC:n toimittajan mukaan. McKellen on tunnettu siitä, että hän ylpeilee siitä, ettei koskaan jää pois esityksistä. Vertailukohtana hän mainitsee kaatumisensa Henry IV -esityksessä, jonka jälkeen hänet vietiin sairaalaan vastentahtoisesti. Englantilainen näyttelijä loukkaantui ”Player Kings” -esityksen aikana, jonka jälkeen esitys jouduttiin perumaan äkillisesti. Hänen odotetaan kuitenkin palaavan lavalle keskiviikkona. McKellen on kiitollinen apua saaneelle lääkintähenkilökunnalle ja ilmaisee suurta kiitollisuuttaan heitä kohtaan. Vaikka tapaus oli pelottava, hän on hyvässä hengessä ja toipumassa. Näytelmän tuottajat odottavat innolla McKellenin palaamista lavalle ja lupauksensa mukaisesti esitys avautuu uudelleen pian. McKellenin rooli Gandalfina on yksi hänen ikonisimmista rooleistaan, ja faneja ilahduttaa tieto hänen hyvästä toipumisestaan. Hänen sanansa ovat rohkaisevia monille, kun hän kiittää lääkärihenkilökuntaa suuresta avusta tapauksen jälkeen.
The stage and screen veteran, who played Gandalf in the “Lord of the Rings” films, cried out in pain after the fall, according to a BBC journalist at the ...
Sir Ian prides himself on never missing a performance. I too fell off stage in a version of Henry IV and was taken to hospital – I didn't want to go in case ...
The English actor was injured during a performance of “Player Kings,” and the show was abruptly canceled. He is expected to perform again on Wednesday.
He toppled off a London ...
Ian McKellen says he's "hugely indebted" to medical staff for treating him following his fall from the stage during a performance of Player Kings.
Ian McKellen, the actor known for "Lord of the Rings," is in "good spirits" and expected to recover after he fell off a stage during a play in London.
Performances of Player Kings at the Noël Coward Theatre in London were canceled after the 85-year-old actor fell off the front of the stage during a fight ...
Player Kings to reopen on Thursday and producers say they look forward to actor 'returning as soon as he is ready'
He toppled off a London stage during a fight scene and was hospitalized, producers said.
Ian McKellen released a statement in which he said he is 'looking forward to returning to work' after he fell off stage during a West End production.
Sir Ian was heard calling out for help after the fall, and a member of staff came on stage.
Ian McKellen was hospitalized after falling off the stage during a fight scene on 'Player Kings' in the West End. He said in a statement that he is 'looking ...
The 85-year-old Lord of the Rings actor lost his footing during a fight scene in “Player Kings” at the Noël Coward Theatre. He is expected to recover.
World-renowned and beloved thespian Sir Ian McKellen continues his recovery after treatment from NHS Doctors and Specialists; immediately after a stage ...
He toppled off a London ...
He toppled off a London ...
He toppled off a London ...
He toppled off a London ...