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Geeniteollisuuden salaisuudet paljastuvat: Muinaiset DNA-jäänteet vaikuttavat ihmisen mielenterveyteen

BioCina - Bionova - Case Western - DNA - DNA-testaus - geenit - Kanada - kannabis - kelttiläiset - masennus - mielenterveys - minirengas-DNA - plasmidi-DNA - skitsofrenia - tiede - vieraslajit

Geeniteollisuus saa uuden käänteen, kun tutkijat löytävät yhteyden muinaisten DNA-jäänteiden ja mielenterveyshäiriöiden välillä.

Geeniteollisuus on saanut uutta pontta, kun tutkijat ovat paljastaneet, että ihmisissä yhä esiintyvät muinaiset DNA-jäänteet vaikuttavat merkittävästi suuriin mielenterveyshäiriöihin, kuten masennukseen, skitsofreniaan ja kaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöön. Samalla on herännyt kysymys harhaanjohtavasta geenisynteesiteollisuuden "punaisen tiimin" tutkimuksesta. IGSC ja sen jäsenyritykset tukevat jatkuvaa bioturvallisuuden seulontaprotokollien kehitystä nähdessään punaisen tiimin tärkeänä työkaluna mittaamaan alan kehitystä. Kanadalainen tiedemies on onnistunut purkamaan DNA-testien mysteerit, paljastaen sekä muinaispäivien että nykypäivien geneettisiä arvoituksia – mukaan lukien vuosisatoja vanhan arvoituksen tunnetusta brittiläisestä kuninkaasta. Turi King yhdistää intohimonsa historiaan ja arkeologiaan työskennellessään ratkoen muinaisia ja nykyaikaisia DNA-arvoituksia. Bionova aikoo investoida 100 miljoonaa dollaria plasmidi-DNA:n tuotannon laajentamiseen osana aiemmin ilmoitettua pitkäaikaista strategista aloitettaan. Laajentuminen saa tukea Asahi Kasei -konsernilta, kun yritys aikoo laajentaa toimintaansa.

Sekä geneettinen että teollisuuden maailma saavat uusia ulottuvuuksia, kun geeniteollisuuden salaisuudet alkavat paljastua muinaisten DNA-jäänteiden vaikutuksesta ihmisen mielenterveyteen. Samalla IGSC ja sen jäsenyritykset näkevät punaisen tiimin keskeisenä välineenä bioturvallisuuden kehityksen arvioinnissa. Kanadalainen tutkija Turi King jatkaa DNA-mysteeriensä ratkaisemista, yhdistäen menneisyyden ja nykypäivän arvoitukset intohimoonsa historiaan ja arkeologiaan. Bionovan suunnitelmat plasmidi-DNA:n tuotannon laajentamiseksi heijastavat geeniteollisuuden kasvavaa merkitystä maailmanlaajuisesti.

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Image courtesy of "NDTV"

Ancient DNA Still Present In Human Genome Linked To Major ... (NDTV)

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Image courtesy of "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists"

Why a misleading "red team" study of the gene synthesis industry ... (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

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Image courtesy of "CTV News"

This Canadian scientist combines passion for history, archeology ... (CTV News)

Turi King takes pride in her work solving ancient and modern-day DNA puzzles – including a centuries-old mystery involving an infamous British king.

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Image courtesy of "ETHealthworld.com"

Bionova to invest $100 million to expand plasmid DNA production (ETHealthworld.com)

Plasmid DNA: The expansion is part of a previously announced long-term strategic initiative by the company – supported by the Asahi Kasei Group – to broaden ...

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Image courtesy of "Mirage News"

Case Western Scientists Pioneer Expanded DNA Testing Method (Mirage News)

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Image courtesy of "PEOPLE.com"

Sisters 'Hugged and Cried' at Being Reunited After 50 Years ... (PEOPLE.com)

Half-sisters Karen Sandine and Jennifer Johnson were finally reunited over Memorial Day weekend after 50 years, thanks to DNA testing and Ancestry.com.

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Image courtesy of "PRNewswire"

BioCina Acquires the Exclusive CDMO Rights for Leading-Edge ... (PRNewswire)

RBPS is a cutting-edge technology for minicircle DNA (mcDNA) production involving site-specific recombination within a bacterial host, to separate the ...

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Image courtesy of "Entomology Today"

Beetle in a Haystack: Environmental DNA Reveals Invasive Pest ... (Entomology Today)

Transported yard waste can carry hidden insects to new places. A new study shows how environmental DNA sampling can detect invasive pests in materials ...

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Image courtesy of "Popular Science"

DNA suggests ancient Celtic royalty was matrilineal (Popular Science)

Two of Germany's most famous Iron Age burial mounds suggest nobility was passed down by mothers.

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Image courtesy of "Livescience.com"

Early Celtic elites inherited power through maternal lines, ancient ... (Livescience.com)

The early Celts may have inherited power through their mother's side, according to an ancient DNA analysis of lavish burials in Europe.

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Image courtesy of "PRNewswire"

BioCina Acquires the Exclusive CDMO Rights for Leading-Edge ... (PRNewswire)

RBPS is a cutting-edge technology for minicircle DNA (mcDNA) production involving site-specific recombination within a bacterial host, to separate the ...

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Image courtesy of "Phys.Org"

Genetic analyses of remains from 500 BCE reveal kinship and ... (Phys.Org)

The Celtic culture of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe has left numerous traces to this day, not least in the form of enormous burial ...

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Image courtesy of "Environmental Factor Newsletter"

Thomas Kunkel elected to National Academy of Sciences (Environmental Factor Newsletter)

The NIH Distinguished Investigator in the Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory was recognized for his research on the accuracy of DNA ...

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Image courtesy of "Medical Xpress"

New method offers faster, more accurate pathogen identification ... (Medical Xpress)

A team of researchers from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has developed a new method for target DNA sequence amplification, ...

Kinship and ancestry of the Celts in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (Science Daily)

The Celtic culture of the pre-Roman Iron Age in Western and Central Europe has left numerous traces to this day, not least in the form of enormous burial ...

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Image courtesy of "Technology Networks"

Computational Method Links Molecular Marks on Our DNA to Gene ... (Technology Networks)

Scientists have developed a computational method that links genes to the molecular marks on DNA that "switch" them on or off.

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Image courtesy of "High Times"

The DNA of Dank (High Times)

LeafWorks examines the genetic traits of cannabis. ... Most of the time, when we hear someone talk about cannabis genetics, the first thing that comes to mind is ...

National Strategy on Aquatic Environmental DNA (navy.mil)

ARLINGTON, Va. — Today, the White House Office of Science, Technology, and Policy (OSTP) released the “National Strategy for Aquatic Environmental DNA.

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Image courtesy of "News-Medical.net"

New computational method developed for linking DNA marks to ... (News-Medical.net)

Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have developed a new computational method for linking molecular marks on our DNA to gene activity.

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Image courtesy of "Penn Medicine"

Rare Disease's Mutation Could Explain More Common Conditions (Penn Medicine)

In their pursuit to discover the mechanism behind how RVCL does its damage, researchers found some clues to the DNA damage theory of aging.

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Image courtesy of "United States Geological Survey"

A new strategy to help unleash USGS eDNA capabilities | U.S. ... (United States Geological Survey)

Aquatic biodiversity, or the number of species in freshwater and marine systems, is important culturally and economically as well as to the health of society ...

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Image courtesy of "Phys.Org"

Scientists push single-molecule DNA sequencing to the next level (Phys.Org)

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Image courtesy of "KY3"

Investigators use tree DNA to solve stolen trees case in Mark Twain ... (KY3)

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