Stormy Danielsin rooli entisen presidentin Trumpin oikeudenkäynnissä on paljastunut uudessa dokumentissa. Lue lisää!
Elokuvaohjaajat Sarah Gibson ja Erin Lee Carr keskustelivat perjantaina Times-lehdelle Stormy Danielsista ja heidän hiljattain julkaisemastaan dokumentista häneen liittyen sekä hänen reaktiostaan Trumpin oikeudenkäyntiin.
Stormy Danielsin asianajaja kertoi perjantaina, että Trumpin hiljaisen rahasumman oikeusjutun tuomitseminen osui todella kovaa Danielsiin.
Daniels, joka sai hiljaisen rahasumman entisen presidentin Donald Trumpin tuomitsemassa oikeusjutussa, oli shokissa tuomiosta asianajajansa mukaan.
Entisen presidentin Donald Trumpin 34:stä liikeasiakirjojen väärentämisestä saamasta syyllisyydestä liittyen hush money -korvauksiin tanssiklubilla esiintyvälle aikuisviihdetähdelle Stormy Danielsille kerrotaan kuvatun takautuvasti.
Stormy Daniels todisti rahasumma-asian oikeudenkäynnissä ja kertoi tapaamisestaan Trumpin kanssa julkkisten golfturnauksessa ja heidän väitetystä yhden illan suhteestaan.
Filmmakers Sarah Gibson and Erin Lee Carr spoke to The Times Friday about Stormy Daniels, their recent documentary on her and her reaction to Trump's trial.
A lawyer for Stormy Daniels, the adult film star central to former President Trump's hush money trial, said Friday that Trump's recent conviction “hit her ...
Stormy Daniels, who received the hush money at the center of former President Donald Trump's conviction, was "taken aback" by the verdict, said her attorney ...
Former President Donald Trump was found guilty Thursday of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to hide hush money paid to adult film star Stormy ...
Stormy Daniels isn't talking yet about Trump's hush money conviction, but her lawyer relayed her reaction to the historic event and her role in it.
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whose courtroom testimony about hush money payments over an alleged affair with Donald Trump led to the former ...
Stormy Daniels's husband said that she feels like 'a big weight' has been lifted following Trump's guilty verdict but that she's not out of the woods yet.
Daniels testified in the hush money trial, recalling how she met Trump at a celebrity golf tournament and the one-night stand she says they had.
Clark Brewster, Stormy Daniel's attorney, commented on the outcome of Trump's hush money trial.He gives insight into Daniel's experience of hearing the ...