Bruce Springsteen joutuu siirtämään keikkojaan Euroopassa ääniongelmien vuoksi. Lue mitä tapahtui!
Bruce Springsteen on joutunut lykkäämään useita keikkojaan Euroopassa ääniongelmien takia. Alun perin Marseille, Praha ja Italia olivat ne kaupungit, joissa keikoille oli tarkoitus suunnata, mutta lääkärin ohjeiden mukaisesti esiintymiset on jouduttu siirtämään. Springsteenin fanit ympäri Eurooppaa odottavat kärsimättöminä milloin pääsisivät nauttimaan legendaarisen muusikon esityksistä.
Bruce Springsteen ja hänen E Street Band -yhtyeensä olivat valmistautuneet valloittamaan Euroopan kiertueellaan, mutta ääniongelmat ovat laittaneet suunnitelmat uusiksi. Springsteenin tiimi tiedotti päätöksestä sosiaalisessa mediassa, jossa kerrottiin lääkäreiden suosittaneen esiintymisten siirtämistä. Springsteen itse on pahoitellut tilannetta faneilleen ja toivoo pääsevänsä takaisin lavalle pian.
Vaikka keikkojen siirtäminen on pettymys monille fanille, Springsteenin terveys on ensisijainen asia. Äänikysymykset voivat olla vaarallisia ammattilaulajille, ja siksi asiantuntijoiden suositukset on syytä ottaa tosissaan. Toivottavasti Springsteen toipuu nopeasti ja pääsee jatkamaan kiertuettaan normaalisti ilman ääniongelmia.
After canceling Saturday's performance in France, a social media post announced that Springsteen is rescheduling two more shows under his doctor's ...
Bruce Springsteen has postponed concerts in three European cities over the next two weeks due to vocal issues.
Due to vocal issues, Bruce Springsteen has postponed concerts in three European cities over the next two weeks. The Boss was scheduled to perform with the E ...
Bruce Springsteen has postponed some European shows of his 'Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band' tour due to "vocal issues.
Springsteen had been due to play on Saturday (May 25) in Marseille, France, but it was cancelled on the day of the show "due to vocal issues and under doctor's ...
American musician Bruce Springsteen has postponed a handful of European tour dates under doctor's orders due to vocal issues, according to a statement from ...
In a statement, shared to social media on Sunday, Springsteen's team said, "Further examination and consulting has led doctors to determine that Bruce ...
Bruce Springsteen is postponing more shows due to vocal issues. Springsteen had to cancel Saturday's show in Marseille, France.
Bruce Springsteen has postponed some European shows of his 'Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band' tour due to "vocal issues.
Bruce Springsteen has postponed some European shows of his 'Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band' tour due to "vocal issues.
"Due to vocal issues and under doctor's direction, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band's concert this evening at the Orange Vélodrome in Marseille, France ...
After canceling Saturday's performance in France, a social media post announced that Springsteen is rescheduling two more shows under his doctor's ...
Bruce Springsteen took to Instagram to reveal that he and the E Street Band won't be able to perform at a few upcoming concert dates.
Bruce Springsteen has had to postpone four concerts on the current E Street Band's European tour due to his vocal issues. Springsteen's show in Marseille on ...
Bruce Springsteen postponed four shows on his European tour because he's suffering from “vocal issues,” according to posts to his official social media ...
Days after Bruce Springsteen announced he was postponing his European performances due to “vocal issues,” he broke his silence on social media to share a ...
Bruce Springsteen shared a video to fans promising he and the E Street Band "will be back" after postponing shows due to "vocal issues."
Bruce Springsteen announced that he is postponing several concerts in Europe this week due to vocal issues. The 74-year-old is under doctor's orders to rest ...
Bruce Springsteen shared with fans his first personal update after he was forced to postpone a chunk of his European Stadium tour.
Bruce Springsteen was forced to postpone three shows over the Memorial Day holiday weekend due to "vocal issues."
Following the postponements of several shows in Marseille, Prague and Milan due to “vocal issues,” Bruce Springsteen took to social media to apologize to ...
In an excerpt from his new book, 'There Was Nothing You Could Do: Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and the End of the Heartland,' Steven Hyden ...
In his new book “There Was Nothing You Could Do,” published May 28, Steven Hyden unpacks Bruce Springsteen's 1984 album “Born in the U.S.A.” The record ...
Uproxx Culture Critic Steven Hyden ranks Bruce for the release of his book ''Born In The U.S.A.' And The End Of The Heartland.'