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Hauskaa ja Harmonikkaa - Upeat Uutiset ja Doodlet

Google Doodle - Harmonikka - Musiiikki - Musikaali-instrumentit

Tutustu hauskaan artikkeliin harmonikasta, musiikista ja Google Doodlesta - tässä on kaikki, mitä tarvitset tietää maailman suosituimmasta puristussoittimesta!

Harmonikka on saanut huomiota Google Doodlen kautta, joka juhlisti 1829 patentoidun saksalaisen musiikkinstrumentin merkkipäivää. Newfoundlandin isoäidit ovat tunnettuja taidoistaan harmonikan soitossa, ja muusikot ovat järjestäneet jamisessioita naisille ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluville soittajille. Harmonikka kehittyi 1800-luvun alussa muiden vapaaleukaisten, palkeilla varustettujen instrumenttien, kuten konsertinaan, bandoneoniin ja harmoniikkaan, rinnalla. Belgiassa toimiva Airboxes-duo on erikoistunut innovatiiviseen puristussoittimien musiikkiin, ja harmonikka on vaikuttanut moniin musiikkigenreihin

Yksi mielenkiintoinen tosiasia harmonikasta on sen vaikutus erilaisiin musiikkityyleihin, kuten poppiin, jazziin, kansanmusiikkiin ja klassiseen musiikkiin. 425 miljoonaa vuotta vanha petoeläin, Radnorscolex latus, löydettiin Herefordshirestä ja se liikkui kuin harmonikka soittaen soittimellaan tuottaen ainutlaatuista ääntä. Harmonikka on saanut nimensä saksan sanasta 'akkordi' (sävel), ja sen patentin merkkipäivää vietetään 23. toukokuuta. Harmonikka on ollut merkittävässä roolissa monien musiikkigenrejen kehityksessä ja se on rakastettu instrumentti ympäri maailmaa

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Image courtesy of ""

Newfoundland grandmothers can wail on the accordion. A historian ... (

A group of musicians have launched a jam session for women and gender-diverse people who love to wail on the accordion.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Google Doodle celebrates 'accordion', a German instrument and folk ... (Hindustan Times)

Among free-reed instruments with bellows, the accordion was developed in the early 1800s alongside others like the concertina, bandoneon, and harmonium.

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Image courtesy of "Livemint"

Google Doodle Today: Celebrating anniversary of Accordion's 1829 ... (Livemint)

Google Doodle Today: Google Doodle pays tribute to the accordion, patented in 1829 on this day. The instrument is known for its impact on music genres.

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Google Doodle marks patent anniversary of musical instrument ... (Times of India)

India News: Google celebrated the patent anniversary of the Accordion, a folk music instrument, with a Doodle, marking the invention in 1829.

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Image courtesy of "World Music Central"

The Riveting Accordion Confluence of Airboxes | World Music Central (World Music Central)

Airboxes – Confluence (Trad Records, 2024) Airboxes is the name of a Belgian folk duo that specializes in innovative squeeze box music.

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Image courtesy of "IFLScience"

A 425-Million-Year-Old Predatory Worm That Moved Like An ... (IFLScience)

The carnivorous burrowing predator was retrieved from Leintwardine in Herefordshire and has been named Radnorscolex latus by scientists at the London Natural ...

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Image courtesy of "India Times"

Animated Google Doodle Celebrating The Accordion On May 23 (India Times)

The accordion, a free-reed instrument with bellows, has made a significant impact on various music genres, including pop, jazz, folk, and classical. On this day ...

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Image courtesy of "DNA India"

Google Doodle celebrates Accordion, Germany's beloved folk ... (DNA India)

On Thursday, Google Doodle honored the accordion, a German musical instrument patented on this day in 1829.

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Image courtesy of "NDTV"

Google Doodle Celebrates The Accordion's Musical Legacy (NDTV)

Accordion Google Doodle 2024: Today's Google Doodle celebrates the accordion, highlighting its invention in 1829 and its broad musical influence.

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Image courtesy of "NewsX"

Google Doodle Today: Celebrating the Accordion's Anniversary (NewsX)

Today's Google Doodle marks the anniversary of the accordion, which was patented on this day in 1829. The instrument's name is derived from the German word ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Google marks the patent anniversary of accordion with new doodle (

The accordion was patented on May 23, 1829 with the name derived from the German word akkord (chord) and Google marked the anniversary with a doodle.

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Image courtesy of "Jagran Josh"

Google Celebrates the Patent Anniversary of the Musical Instrument ... (Jagran Josh)

Dust off your dancing shoes! Google's Doodle celebrates the accordion's 195th anniversary with a fun, interactive tribute to this beloved instrument.

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Image courtesy of "Deccan Herald"

All you need to know about today's accordion Google Doodle (Deccan Herald)

Cyrill Demian, an Armenian piano maker is credited with inventing the accordion. The name accordion is derived from the German word "Physharmonikaz” - a ...

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

Google Doodle celebrates the anniversary of Accordion's 1829 patent (Business Standard)

Google Doodle Today: Google Doodle is celebrating the patent anniversary of Accordion. The accordion was patented in 1829, this versatile instrument left a ...

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Image courtesy of "iNews"

Why today's Google Doodle is celebrating the accordion (iNews)

From birthdays of famous scientists and musicians to interactive games and international events, Google has been transforming its logo into fun designs, racking ...

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Image courtesy of "Kearney Hub"

Celebrating Czech, Polish heritage: Ord hosts Fabulous Accordion ... (Kearney Hub)

Dahn Hagge, the director of the Golden Husk Theatre in Ord, understands the importance of cultural heritage in an increasingly homogenous world.

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Image courtesy of "The Indian Express"

Google Doodle marks patent anniversary of musical instrument ... (The Indian Express)

Described as folk musician's "main squeeze" by the Google, the instrument has its significance across genres such as folk, classical, and jazz among others.

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Image courtesy of "The indy100"

Why is today's Google Doodle about the accordion? (The indy100)

Google explains: "Throughout the late 1800s, manufacturers in Germany increased accordion production due to its popularity among folk musicians across Europe. " ...

Button Accordion Festival arrives in Sharon (Sharonherald)

“Sounded good,'' hollered a fellow accordion enthusiast to Bey, a Kernersville, N.C., resident. Others at the Apollo Maennerchor Club in Sharon quickly joined ...

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