Äitienpäivän kunniaksi kaivataan naurua ja kiitosta arjen sankareille! Lue hauskoja tarinoita äitienpäiväseikkailuista ja äitienhemmottelutoiveista.
Äitienpäivän lähestyessä haluamme kunnioittaa ja kiittää kaikkia äitejä heidän arjen sankarillisuudestaan. Erään äidin taipuminen New Yorkin julkisen liikenteen maailmaan antaa aihetta hymyyn - arjen pienet seikkailut voivat yllättää kenet tahansa! Äitienpäivälahjatoiveet voivat joskus olla haasteellisia, kuten eräs äiti kertoo koomisesta kahvisotkustaan. Äitienpäivän lähestyessä toivonansa on saada arvokasta yksinäistä aikaa - äitiys on ihanaa, mutta pieni irtiotto arjen velvollisuuksista tekee ihmeitä. Äitienpäivän tunnelmissa haluamme kaikille äideille lähettää lämpimät kiitokset ja ihailevat ajatukset - te ansaitsette kaiken hyvän!
By way of background, my mother regularly uses New York City's public transportation system, both the subways and buses. No big deal, one might think, so do ...
They remembered that I used at least three heaping scoops of coffee in the coffee maker, so they figured that was how much instant coffee should be in a cup.
I take the older kids, leave Terri with baby Rylie, and go to the gift shop. We start perusing. Jessi, our daughter, fixates on some bling. A sparkly cowgirl ...
This Mother's Day, I'd love some alone time to reflect on motherhood and recharge. I love my kids, but I just want a break from parenting duties.
Opinion. My family buried our mother, Jennie Whitepigeon Rickert Wicker, on Friday. She walked on last Sunday morning, three days short of her 92nd birthday. On ...
This will be the first Mother's Day without my biological mama. Sadly, she died the day after Thanksgiving last year. It won't be that much different in the ...
A mother who recently acquired a home through Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka recounts her journey and the blessings it brings.
On this Mother's Day, columnist Leslie Kouba explores the concept of a legacy and the forms it can take—from planned and pursued to those that come about ...
Please accept my greetings to all of you out there on this special day! Not all of you are mothers in the traditional sense but you are still mothers: You ...
Today, 16 years into our marriage, we have eight children. And the constant joke is, Abby is actually a mother to nine if you include me. State Rep. Josh Kail.
Celebrate like Braveheart. Screech like a baby. And kisses for Mom. We get to the bottom of it!
Mothers and mother figures play such a valuable role in our society, and I am thankful for the many in my life who have imparted wisdom to me through the years.
Yvette Walker's mother Virginia was a nurse, chef and a model. It can be hard for some daughters and sons to celebrate Mother's Day if their mother is no longer ...
Awards Radar seeks to provide objective, thoughtful, and wide-ranging coverage of the awards season, as well as the entertainment world in general.
In Black, Latino, Asian and LGBTQ communities, the titles of aunt, auntie, titi or tía are often given to the women who connect us with our roots, serve as ...
For mistreated children, adult or not, Mother's Day can be a particularly difficult holiday. The idealized mother-child relationship, one of kindness, love, ...
On a recent trip to the grocery store, I made my way to the greeting card section in search for some Mother's Day cards. I love many young moms I wish.
Like the lyrics from the old Joni Mitchell song, you never know what you've got 'til it's gone. And I know I share that realization with a lot of you on ...
A few months ago, I went home to visit my mother after she had just returned from spending a few days in the hospital. She had been sick and I asked her if ...
Mothers have been celebrated for centuries. Here in the United States, a woman named Anna Jarvis originated Mother's Day in 1907.
Love puts the salve on the hard things we face. Which makes just about everything that life hands this mother bearable.
My mother was a creative, and a free spirit. She was a good foil and compliment to my dad. I inherited her artistic abilities and her patience. She could be ...
The idealized view of mothers that Hallmark cards so eloquently express in pictures and words is one I have never experienced. I never called my mother by ...
I don't think my kids owe me a 'thank you' on Mother's Day. Everything I do for them is part of being a mom. Essay ...
From mariachi serenades to visits to local churches to shared meals, here's how people around the globe honor the family matriarch on Mother's Day.
J.P. Devine pauses to remember that we live in a world where mothers and their children are going hungry this very morning.
I must have been in seventh grade when she took me to see a production of “Kinky Boots” at the Music Hall at Fair Park, and while it wasn't the first or last ...
What is the measure of Motherhood™? And what will satisfy the celebration of it? And what role does our Heavenly Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, have to play ...
My grandmother (mor mor in Norwegian, for “mother's mother”) died in 2014 from a chronic illness. Her daughter, my mom, died last year after a brief, ...
My mom died from COVID four years ago, just after Mother's Day. I couldn't write about it until I could be honest about who she was, a feat complicated by ...
Following a tumultuous pregnancy journey that included a miscarriage and subsequent c-section birth, Krueger welcomed her son, Caleb, in July of 2022. Upon ...
Mother's Day in Los Angeles County today will include mothers being presented with carnations during Masses at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels and a ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — Mother's Day is meant to be a time of celebration, but for some it can be a day filled with grief. There are many situations that ...
I like Mother's Day because not only do I get to enjoy watching any movie I choose without a running commentary from other family members, it is also one ...
Grab your bouquets and boxes of chocolates and buckle up because it's Mother's Day! The one day out of the entire year where we celebrate our moms for ...
The Hillsboro Herald is a Community paper written by local citizens.
BY KARISSA MILLER. I have fond memories of my brother and I waking up early to surprise my mom with coffee and breakfast in bed on Mother's Day.
“Mr. Speaker, mothers across America don't want a Hallmark card. They want policy change.” “…policies that see them, center them, and serve them, ...
But certain qualities have not nor should not; patience, willingness to sacrifice, nurture, listen, guide, love, etc. Having been an educator for 32 years and a ...
Seven years ago, I left an abusive marriage of almost 25 years. The ex never wanted custody of our kids (he'd made that very clear all throughout our ...
In this edition of 'Brooding,' Kathryn Jezer-Morton argues that Mother's Day should be about celebrating the mothering we give and receive from other moms, ...
California Medical Facility honors mothers ... CDCR visiting with an incarcerated person presenting a rose to a visiting loved on during Mother's Joseph Jackson ...
Hundreds came out to ...
Mom is in Columbus, Ohio, with me and has been here since January. Like most southerners who have been to this region of the Midwest, she thinks the weather is ...