Lue vinkkimme aloittelevalle Manor Lords -pelaajalle ja tee maasi kukoistavasta yhdyskunnasta menestys!
Manor Lords on ainutlaatuinen keskiaikainen kaupunkirakennuspeli, jossa pelaajat pääsevät toteuttamaan unelmiaan proosallisista kaupungeista. Tässä artikkelissa jaamme kymmenen vinkkiä, jotka auttavat sinua ymmärtämään peliä paremmin ja priorisoimaan oikein, jotta uusi asutuksesi voi kukoistaa. Opit muun muassa, kuinka suojata resurssejasi sateelta oikeiden varastorakennusten avulla ja miten rakentaa markkinakojuja sekä päivittää tontteja. Lisäksi käymme läpi, miten löytää ja siirtää työläisiä sekä valita aloitusskenaario ja vaikeusaste Manor Lordsissa. Peli tarjoaa myös hauskan kolmannen persoonan tilan, ja kerromme myös, kuinka aktivoida se. Manor Lords saapuu pian PC:lle ja Xbox Game Passille, mutta kysymys moninpelitilasta on vielä ilmassa.
These beginner Manor Lords tips will help you understand the game and know what to prioritise in order to make your newfound settlement a prosperous one.
Slavic Magic's unique medieval city builder and strategy game has 3 million wishlists on Steam; now in early access, it's niche but fascinating.
Learn how to protect your resources from rainfall in Manor Lords by putting them in the correct storage buildings.
The highly-anticipated game is imminent on PC and Xbox Game Pass.
As of this writing, one game leads the pack when it comes to Steam's most-wishlisted games.
Roads are pivotal to connect the various structures of your ever-growing town in Manor Lords. Here's how to lay them down.
When asked about a multiplayer or cooperative mode Hooded Horse stated "the focus is on a single-player experience".
Manor Lords offers a fun third person mode to supplement its topdown city-building gameplay. Here's how to activate it.
Unfortunately, at the start of Manor Lords you only start with one ox, which will quickly prove to not be enough as your settlement starts expanding. It's not ...
This quick guide walks players through how to build a Marketplace and add Stalls to it in Manor Lords.
Our Manor Lords burgage plot guide will explain these mixed-use plots of land, from how to set them up through upgrading them to level 2 and level 3.
People are your greatest asset in Manor Lords, so here's how to find and relocate families and assign workers in the city-building game.
After you hit New Game and create your Lord and coat of arms, you'll be treated to a Game Setup screen where you can select between three scenarios, and ...
Thomas is what the game named this ox. It suits him well. His central personality trait is that he snorts a lot. His guide is an idiot that keeps shouting “come ...
Manor Lords is out today and it's going gangbusters, having now surpassed 150,000 concurrent players on Steam. It's also sitting atop a "very positive" user ...
It's a pretty simple tale - Styczeń says he was inspired by a Witcher 3 meme that suggested that the game was built off the back of "vodka and slavic magic." ...