Reddit down

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Redditin maailmanlaajuinen kaatuminen ja paluu - Kaikki mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää

Reddit - Sosiaalinen media - Verkkopalvelut

Reddit on jälleen toiminnassa! Lue artikkelista kaikki yksityiskohdat, miten laajalle levinnyt kaatuminen vaikutti käyttäjiin ympäri maailmaa.

Reddit kaatui tänään laajalti ympäri maailmaa, vaikuttaen sekä verkkosivustoon että iPhone-sovellukseen. Sosiaalisen median yritys ilmoitti noin kello 19:30 Suomen aikaa, että he olivat korjanneet pääsyn ongelman, joka vaivasi sivustoa noin tunnin ajan. Downdetector, joka seuraa verkkosivustojen kaatumisia käyttäjien ilmoitusten perusteella, näytti 66 732 Reddit-kaatumisraporttia huipussaan kello 1:03 ET. Redditin palattua täyteen toimintaan tuhannet käyttäjät ympäri maailmaa voivat jälleen nauttia suositusta alustasta. Kaatumisen kestäessä noin tunnin, käyttäjät ympäri maailmaa odottivat malttamattomina Redditin paluuta.

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Image courtesy of "The Verge"

Reddit is back after a widespread outage (The Verge)

By Emma Roth, a news writer who covers the streaming wars, consumer tech, crypto, social media, and much more. Previously, she was a writer and editor at MUO.

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Image courtesy of "Mac Rumors"

Reddit Went Down on iPhone and Web (Mac Rumors)

Reddit briefly went down for many users around the world today, with the widespread outage having affected both the website and the iPhone app. The...

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Image courtesy of " KTHV"

Reddit back up after hour-long outage affects thousands of users ( KTHV)

The social media company said just before 1:30 p.m. Eastern that they had deployed a fix t the access issue that was plaguing the site. For about an hour before ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Why is Reddit down? Social networking site suffers outage, displays ... (

Downdetector, which tracks website outages based on user submissions, showed 66,732 Reddit outage reports during its peak at 1:03 p.m. ET. By 1:33 p.m., those ...

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Image courtesy of "Local 5 -"

Reddit down for tens of thousands of users (Local 5 -

WASHINGTON — Access to Reddit appeared to be down for tens of thousands of users on Thursday as the social media company works to fix the tech issues behind ...

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Image courtesy of "WHTC News"

Reddit down for thousands, Downdetector shows (WHTC News)

(Reuters) - Social media company Reddit was down for thousands of users on Thursday, according to outage monitoring website

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Image courtesy of "Eyewitness News Memphis"

Reddit down for tens of thousands of users (Eyewitness News Memphis)

WASHINGTON — Access to Reddit appeared to be down for tens of thousands of users on Thursday as the social media company works to fix the tech issues behind ...

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Image courtesy of "Mashable"

Reddit is down: Why you're getting a 502 bad gateway error (Mashable)

UPDATE: Apr. 25, 2024, 2:17 p.m. EDT Reddit is back up and fully operational. The company wrote that the "incident has been resolved" shortly before 2 p.m. ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Reddit back up after brief outage affected thousands globally (

The company has deployed a fix and the platform is up and running again, it said in an update on its status page. The outage began around 12:30 p.m. ET and had ...

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Image courtesy of " WCSH-WLBZ"

Reddit back up after hour-long outage affects thousands of users ( WCSH-WLBZ)

Reddit back up after hour-long outage affects thousands of users ... Users accessing the site's main page were unable to see any posts, only a message saying " ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News 8"

Reddit back up after hour-long outage affects thousands of users (CBS News 8)

The social media company said just before 1:30 p.m. Eastern that they had deployed a fix t the access issue that was plaguing the site. For about an hour before ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Reddit down for thousands, Downdetector shows (

Social media company Reddit was down for thousands of users on Thursday, according to outage monitoring website ...

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