Not your average school field trip! Tämä kiehtova tarjolla oleva 'Floating Classroom' vie oppilaat syvemmälle Elizabethjoen pinnan alle.
Opengl Floating Classroom tarjoaa opiskelijoille kiehtovan sukelluksen Elizabethjoen pinnan alle. Tämä ei ole tavallinen koulun opintoretki. Olemme juuri ottamassa syvän sukelluksen Elisabethjoen pinnan alle ja seikkailu alkaa! Columbus, Ohio (WCMH) - Tällä viikolla The Spectrum: "Kasvu, jonka näemme seuraavien 20 vuoden aikana, 1 miljoona ihmistä lisää alueellemme," Columbus City... Mutta entä jos seuraavalla kouluretkelläsi tutustuisit Columbus Cityn alueen kasvuun? Miten tämä kaikki liittyy 'Floating Classroomiin'?"
NORFOLK, Va. — This is not your average school field trip. We are about to take a deep dive below the surface of the Elizabeth River without ever getting ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – This week on The Spectrum: “The growth that we'll see over the next 20 years, 1 million more people into our region,” Columbus City ...
Guitars and Ukes in the Classroom held a benefit concert earlier this year at the private residence of their Board President Scott Fischel in Solana Beach.
The exhibit showcases various aspects of Latinx life throughout Duke's history, including challenges the community has faced, triumphs they have achieved ...
On April 1, OU's Faculty Senate met to discuss a revised resolution allowing student caregivers to bring their children into the classroom.
Whether it is watering a seedling or acting out a tree's search for resources, a new program for elementary school students is connecting kids to their…
Numerous legal, ethical, and civil liberties questions raised. A new AI-infused classroom management tool with facial recognition capabilities has garnered ...
(Cass Co) Cass County Conservation, in coordination with Southwest Iowa Fisheries - DNR, was awarded a grant o...
The Teachers' Lounge is the latest in a recent wave of films – from Monster to The Holdovers – that grapple with the challenges and compromises of being a ...
LANSING – State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice was in Benton Harbor this morning for the unveiling of new diverse classroom libraries in all Benton Harbor ...
Dr. Emily Patten was recently elected as a commissioner for the Commission on Dietetic Registration, a position within the Academy of Nutrition and ...