Sweden's SSAB to invest $4.8 billion in building a fossil-free mini-mill in Lulea, marking a significant step towards sustainability! 🌿
Ruotsalainen teräsyhtiö SSAB aikoo sijoittaa 4,5 miljardia euroa ($4,83 miljardia) fossiilivapaan minitehtaan rakentamiseen Luleaan, Ruotsiin. Tämä investointi edustaa vihreää vallankumousta terästuotannossa ja on merkittävä askel kestävän kehityksen suuntaan. Uusi kasvihuonekaasupäästötön tehdas tulee Luleaan Pohjois-Ruotsiin, ja sen odotetaan vähentävän Ruotsin CO2-päästöjä peräti 7%. SSAB:n päätös siirtyä kohti fossiilivapaata terästuotantoa on vastuullinen ja edistyksellinen teko, joka inspiroi muita seuraamaan perässä. SSAB:n panostus uuteen tehtaaseen on rohkea askel kohti kestävää tulevaisuutta ja puhdasta terästuotantoa maailmanlaajuisesti.
Swedish steelmaker SSAB will invest 4.5 billion euros ($4.83 billion) in building a fossil-free mini-mill in Lulea, Sweden, the company said on Tuesday, ...
(Bloomberg) -- Swedish steelmaker SSAB AB will spend as much as 4.5 billion euros ($4.8 billion) on a new plant in Lulea, in the northern part of the ...
Swedish steelmaker SSAB AB will spend as much as €4.5 billion ($4.8 billion) on a new plant in Lulea, in the northern part of the country, that will help ...
Global steel company SSAB's Board of Directors has decided to build a new fossil-free steel mill in Luleå, Northern Sweden. The investment is estimated to ...
Swedish steelmaker SSAB will invest 4.5 billion euros ($4.83 billion) in building a fossil-free mini-mill in Lulea, Sweden, the company said on Tuesday.
Swedish specialty steel producer SSAB has announced that it has decided to proceed with the next step in its transition, replacing its old blast ...
... ** Shares in SSAB SSABa.ST fall around 5% after the Swedish steelmaker said it will invest 4.5 billion euros ($4.83 billion) in building a fossil-free ...
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Swedish steelmaker SSAB will invest 4.5 billion euros ($4.83 billion) in building a fossil-free mini-mill in Lulea, Sweden, ...
Upon completion, SSAB will discontinue its current blast furnace-based production system, resulting in a 7% reduction in Sweden's CO2 emissions, in addition to ...
The Swedish steel giant SSAB has announced plans to build a new steel plant in Luleå for 52 billion kroner (€4.5 billion), with the new plant expected to ...
Although EBITDA will likely decrease, the strong balance sheet and clear dividend policy still makes SSAB rather attractive. Find out if SSAAF stock is a ...
Swedish steelmaker SSAB AB will spend as much as €4.5 billion ($4.8 billion) on a new plant in Lulea, in the northern part of the country, that will help ...
Steel producer says new low-emission furnaces in Lulea, Sweden, will replace blast furnace/basic oxygen furnace complex there. ssab lulea sweden eaf mill A ...
SSAB AB (publ) (OTCMKTS:SSAAY) Share Price Crosses Below 50 Day Moving Average of $3.77.