Urbi et Orbi

2024 - 3 - 31

Pilke silmäkulmassa: Paavi Franciscuksen Urbi et Orbi siunaus ja toivotukset

Gaza - Konfliktit - Pope Francis - Pääsiäinen - Rauha - Ukraina

Paavi Franciscuksen pääsiäisen 2024 viestin ydin: Uusi polku johtaa tyhjän haudan kautta. Lue lisää!

Pääsiäisenä 2024 paavi Franciscus antoi perinteisen Urbi et Orbi -siunauksensa Pyhän Pietarin basilikan keskiseltä loggiolta. Hän korosti uutta polkua, joka johtaa tyhjän haudan kautta ja mahdollistaa synnin poistamisen maailmasta. Paavi mainitsi erityisesti niitä, jotka tarvitsevat pääsiäisen rauhaa, korostaen globaalien konfliktien ja taisteluiden merkitystä. Hän rukoili kestävää rauhaa Palestiinaan, Ukrainaan ja muihin konfliktialueisiin ympäri maailmaa, painottaen humanitaarisen avun tärkeyttä Gazassa.

Paavi Franciscus puhui pääsiäisenä niiden puolesta, jotka kohtaavat sotia, erityisesti lapsia, jotka ovat unohtaneet, miten hymyillä. Hän muistutti, että Kristus on ylösnoussut ja kaikki alkaa uudestaan. Jälkeen pääsiäismessun paavi antoi perinteisen siunauksensa 'Kaupungille ja Maailmalle', pyytäen erityisesti pyhän rauhan säilyttämistä. Pääsiäissunnuntaina paavi johdatti messun Pyhän Pietarin aukiolla ja päätti tapahtuman Urbi et Orbi -siunaukseen.

Mielenkiintoinen tosiasia: Paavi Franciscus toi esiin humanitaarisen avun merkityksen Gazassa sekä kehotti Gazan välitöntä tulitaukoa ja israelilaisten panttivankien vapauttamista. Toinen huomion arvoinen seikka on, että paavi Franciscus voitti terveysongelmista huolimatta johtajana toimiessaan ja kannusti uskovaisia ympäri maailmaa pääsiäisen merkityksen äärelle.

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Image courtesy of "Catholic News Agency"

Full text of Pope Francis' urbi et orbi blessing for Easter 2024 (Catholic News Agency)

Here is the full text of the pope's urbi et orbi message and blessing from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica on the morning of Easter Sunday 2024.

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Image courtesy of "Aleteia EN"

“A new path leads through that empty tomb” (Urbi et Orbi blessing) (Aleteia EN)

"He opens that path, humanly impossible, because he alone takes away the sin of the world." Pope Francis lists those most needing Easter peace.

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Image courtesy of "Newsbook"

Pope reflects on global conflicts and strife in Easter Urbi et Orbi ... (Newsbook)

Pope Francis prayed for lasting peace in Palestine, Ukraine and in many conflict zones around the world as he delivered his Urbi et Orbi address and ...

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Image courtesy of "Irish Post"

Pope Francis calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza in Easter Urbi et ... (Irish Post)

After celebrating Mass, the Pontiff delivered his traditional Easter Urbi et Orbi message from the central loggia of St Peter's Basilica to a gathering of ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Pope calls for humanitarian aid to 'be ensured' to Gaza in Easter ... (FRANCE 24)

Pope Francis called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all Israeli hostages in an Easter Sunday address that marked the most important ...

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Image courtesy of "Times of Malta"

Pope Francis pleads for peace in Easter message (Times of Malta)

The 87-year-old's Urbi et Orbi (To the City and the World) blessing came after he led Easter Mass in front of 60,000 worshippers at Saint Peter's Square while ...

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Pope renews call for Gaza ceasefire, release of captives in Easter ... (Aljazeera.com)

Pope Francis says his thoughts go to those facing wars, especially children who have 'forgotten how to smile'.

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Image courtesy of "Vatican News"

Pope Francis at Easter Urbi et Orbi: Christ is risen! All begins anew! (Vatican News)

Following the Easter Sunday Mass, Pope Francis delivers his Easter message and blessing "To the City and the World," praying especially for the Holy ...

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Image courtesy of "Rappler"

LIVESTREAM: Pope Francis' Easter Sunday Mass and 'Urbi et Orbi ... (Rappler)

Pope Francis leads a Mass at Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican, followed by his traditional 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing at 4 pm (Manila time) on Easter Sunday ...

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Pope Francis overcomes health concerns to preside over windy ... (PBS NewsHour)

Rallying from a winter-long bout of respiratory problems, Pope Francis led some 60000 people in Easter celebrations Sunday and made a strong appeal for a ...

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Image courtesy of "Sarajevo Times"

Pope Francis at Easter Urbi et Orbi: Christ is risen! All begins anew ... (Sarajevo Times)

Following the Easter Sunday Mass, Pope Francis delivers his Easter message and blessing “To the City and the World,” praying especially for the Holy Land, ...

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Image courtesy of "Olney Daily Mail"

Pope Francis makes his 'Urbi et Orbi' address from St Peter's ... (Olney Daily Mail)

Pope Francis urged the world to resist "the logic of weapons" in his Easter message at the Vatican on Sunday, easing growing health fears as he greeted ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Easter 2024: Pope appeals for peace in Gaza and Ukraine (The Associated Press)

Pope Francis has rallied from respiratory problems to lead some 60000 people in Easter celebrations and make a strong appeal for a cease-fire in Gaza and a ...

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Image courtesy of "National Catholic Register"

Full Text of Pope Francis' Urbi et Orbi Blessing for Easter 2024 (National Catholic Register)

'Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is risen! He alone has the power to roll away the stones that block the path to life…'

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Image courtesy of "Islander News.com"

Pope Francis makes his 'Urbi et Orbi' address from St Peter's ... (Islander News.com)

Pope Francis makes his 'Urbi et Orbi' address from St Peter's basilica in The Vatican City.

Pope calls for peace amid global conflict at Easter “Urbi et Orbi” (La Croix International)

Pope Francis proclaims Jesus Christ as “the way of peace, reconciliation and fraternity” during his annual Easter Message and Blessing "to the city and ...

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Image courtesy of "Crux: Covering all things Catholic"

Pope's global round-up interesting in part for what he didn't say (Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

ROME – A pope's Easter Sunday Urbi et Orbi blessing, meaning “to the city and the world,” is generally understood to be one of his premier foreign policy ...

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