Huhuja ja draamaa! Megan Fox ja Machine Gun Kelly taistelevat suhteensa luottamuspulista. Lue lisää!
Megan Fox ja hänen kumppaninsa Machine Gun Kelly ovat viime aikoina olleet otsikoissa toksisen suhteensa vuoksi. Pariskunta on kihlautunut vuonna 2022, mutta huhujen mukaan he kamppailevat luottamusongelmien kanssa ja ovat jopa peruneet häät. Lähteiden mukaan he elävät tällä hetkellä erillään, ja suhde on saavuttanut 'myrkyllisen' vaiheen. Vaikka suhde on kestänyt lähes neljä vuotta, luottamusongelmat ovat edelleen pinnalla. Megan Fox on antanut kryptisiä kommentteja suhteen tilasta ja kihlauksen perumisen jälkeen.
It sounds like things are very up and down between the celebrity couple.
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly became engaged in 2022 but have since been reportedly struggling with 'trust issues' and called the wedding off.
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have a lot of "trust issues" but the "intensity is still there nearly four years into their relationship".
A source claims that Megan Fox and MGK are in their most "toxic" phase of their relationship, following the news that the two live separately.
According to a source, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have an 'intense' but 'unhealthy' relationship.
Explore the reported trust issues plaguing Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly's relationship and the former's cryptic comments after calling off the engagement ...
Sometimes the most difficult part of a relationship is knowing when to let go — and it seems like Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly are struggling with just ...
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly's relationship status stays strong after they ended their plans to marry.
Concerns arise over Megan Fox and MGK's intense 4-year relationship as sources claim unhealthy trust issues and jealousy fuel their fiery but unsustainable ...