Hollywoodin rakastettu sivuhahmo M. Emmet Walsh on poissa, mutta hänen jälkensä elokuvissa kertovat tarinan omastaan. Lue lisää!
M. Emmet Walsh, legendaarinen sivurooli-näyttelijä, on poistunut keskuudestamme 88-vuotiaana. Hänen tunnistettava kasvonsa tulivat tutuiksi elokuvista kuten "Blood Simple" ja "Blade Runner". Walshin monipuolinen ura Hollywoodissa jätti jälkensä lukuisiin elokuviin, joissa hän loisti rooleissaan.
Vaikka tunnetuin rooli Walshille oli verinen yksityisetsivä Visser elokuvassa "Blood Simple", hän näytteli monipuolisesti erilaisia hahmoja, jotka jäivät katsojien mieleen. Hänen panoksensa elokuvamaailmaan oli ainutlaatuinen ja arvostettu.
M. Emmet Walshia muistetaan lämpimästi Hollywoodin parhaiden sivuroolinäyttelijöiden joukossa. Hänen roolisuorituksensa olivat aina vaikuttavia ja ikimuistoisia, olipa kyseessä roisto tai jokin muu hahmo elokuvassa.
Jäähyväiset Hollywoodin legendaariselle sivuhahmolle, M. Emmet Walshille, jättävät surun elokuvamaailmaan. Hänen perintönsä jatkaa elämistä elokuvien kautta, muistuttaen meitä hänen ainutlaatuisesta lahjakkuudestaan ja monipuolisesta roolityöstään.
M. Emmet Walsh, who brought his unmistakable face to films including “Blood Simple” and “Blade Runner,” has died at age 88, his manager said Wednesday.
M Emmet Walsh, who has died at the age of 88, was one of Hollywood's most admired character actors.
Always good as either an antagonist or malign authority figure, Walsh – best known as loathsome PI Visser in Blood Simple – was a singular, brilliant icon.
The tenuous automotive tie-in here is that in the Coen brothers' first movie, Blood Simple, he played an unhinged private eye that drove an impressively ratty ...
M. Emmet Walsh, known for “Blade Runner” and “Blood Simple,” has died. He was 88 years old.
The US actor was in more than 100 films, including 1982 sci-fi classic 'Blade Runner' and 2019's breakout murder mystery 'Knives Out.'
M. Emmet Walsh, the curmudgeonly character actor with a knack for making his often-brief film roles memorable, died March 19 at age 88 in St. Albans, ...
The news was confirmed by Walsh's manger Sandra L. Joseph, who said the actor died Tuesday at a hospital in Vermont after suffering cardiac arrest. Walsh's ...
M. Emmet Walsh, a celebrated character actor with credits including “Blade Runner,” “Blood Simple” and “Knives Out,” has died. He was 88.
M. Emmet Walsh, known for “Blade Runner” and “Blood Simple,” has died. He was 88 years old.
M. Emmet Walsh, known for “Blade Runner” and “Blood Simple,” has died. He was 88 years old.
The distinguished character actor, who died at the age of 88 this week, will be forever known by hockey fans as the scribe who chronicled the Johnstown ...
M. Emmet Walsh, known for “Blade Runner” and “Blood Simple,” has died. He was 88 years old.
Prolific and compelling character actor known for his roles in films such as Blood Simple and Blade Runner, and dozens of TV series.