Kunnianhimoiset salaliittoteoriat ja mielenkiintoiset huhut Buckinghamin hovista! Lue lisää prinssi Williamista, Kate Middletonista ja Rose Hanburysta.
Kate Middleton on joutunut viime aikoina huhumyllyn keskelle, jossa prinssi Williamin ja Rose Hanburyn salaisuudet paljastuvat. Mitä tapahtuu kuninkaallisissa piireissä? Onko skandaaleja, juonitteluja vai vain vilkkaita spekulaatioita? Kaikki tämä ja enemmän selviää, kun astutaan Buckinghamin hovin salaisuuksien maailmaan.
Stephen Colbertin väitteet ja netin salapoliisit nostavat esille vanhat kuiskaukset prinssi Williamin mahdollisesta romanssista. Kate Middletonin poissaolo jättää tilaa spekulaatioille, mutta onko perää huhuissa?
Kuka on Rose Hanbury ja miksi häneen liitetään prinssi Williamin nimi? Kate Middletonin poissaolo herättää kysymyksiä, mutta vastaukset saattavat yllättää.
Rumour millit pyörivät ja kuninkaallinen perhe joutuu tarkastelun alle. Kate Middletonin ja prinssi Williamin suhde on otsikoissa – onko ongelmia ilmassa?
Entä mitä paljastuu, kun tutkimme turnips-toffeiden maailmaa ja Kate Middletonin yllättävää poissaoloa? Tai kun paljastuu, että Lady Sarah Rose Hanburylla on enemmän tarinoita kerrottavanaan? Lue lisää juonista, skandaaleista ja käänteistä Buckinghamin hovin kulissien takaa!
As conspiracy theories surrounding her health continue to circulate, the Princess of Wales has found herself facing another set of resurfaced rumors ...
As speculation about Kate Middleton's public absence mounts, Stephen Colbert says "internet sleuths" claim an old affair rumor is to blame.
Kate Middleton has been out of the public eye for nearly three months, fueling rampant speculation that her husband, the future King of England, is having an ...
Rumour mills in Britain are rife that not everything is well between Prince William and his wife, Catherine, the Princess of Wales. The reason for this is ...
Kate Middleton is experiencing significant mental distress amidst reports of a strained relationship with Prince William, fueled by conspiracy theorists ...
Prince William and Lady Rose Hanbury's alleged affair rumours started back in 2019 amid reports the Prince of Wales cheated on Kate Middleton.
Kate Middleton's recent absence has left many questioning the Princess of Wales's whereabouts and well-being. Following reports of her undergoing abdominal ...
Kate Middleton, the British royal whose absence from her public appearances and duties has fuelled rumours about discord with spouse, Prince William.
Kate Middleton issued the statement after Rose Hanbury said through her lawyers the rumours [With Prince William] are completely false.
Kate Middleton's absence ignited Rose Hanbury affair rumors, and Kate is at wits end over the rumors concerning Hanbury and Prince William.
The British Royal Family is currently facing a controversy amid the public absence of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales following an abdominal surgery ...
After Prince William and Rose Hanbury's affair rumors resurfaced, there have been questions about Princess Kate's response. Here's how she's feeling.
According to New York Post report, William abandons Kate Middleton: Says royal commentator. How Prince William-Lady Rose Hanbury's affair is similar to King ...
Meet Sarah Rose Hanbury, the lady embroiled in the unfolding drama between Prince William and wife Kate Middleton.
As speculation about Kate Middleton's public absence mounts, Stephen Colbert says "internet sleuths" claim an old affair rumor is to blame.
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – MARCH 29: Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley attends a Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Prince Philip, ...