Jännittävät hetket! Cara Delevingnen kissat pelastettiin palavasta kodista
Cara Delevingnen onnettomuus kotipalossa on herättänyt huomiota, kun hänen vanhempansa paljastivat tulipalon syyn. Supermalli ja näyttelijä on järkyttynyt Los Angelesin kartanonsa tuhoutumisesta tulipalossa, jonka seurauksena hänen kaksi kissaansa pelastettiin. Palosta kärsi myös yksi palomies, mutta kukaan ei loukkaantunut vakavasti. Vanhemmat, Pandora ja Charles Delevingne, lohduttivat tytärtään Lontoossa onnettomuuden jälkeen. Cara kiitti rohkeita palomiehiä Instagramissa ja kertoi pelastuneiden kissojen olevan elossa. Ollessaan järkyttynyt tapahtumista, Delevingnen vanhemmat paljastivat myös tulipalon todennäköisen syyn.
Los Angelesin palolaitoksen mukaan tulipalo alkoi rakennuksen takaosasta ja levisi nopeasti ullakolle. Yksi palomies vietiin sairaalaan kohtalaisessa kunnossa ja yksi henkilö talosta kärsi lievästä savun inhaloinnista. Cara Delevingnen äiti Pandora kertoi, että hänen tyttärensä menetti kaiken kodissaan, koko elämänsä. Tapahtumaketju on herättänyt laajaa huomiota ja sympatiaa ympäri maailmaa, kun supermalli koki dramaattiset hetket kotonaan Los Angelesissa. Tulipalon aiheuttama vahinko on mittava, mutta rakastetut kissat ja rohkeat pelastajat ovat onneksi turvassa.
Cara Delevingne's parents spoke out after her home was destroyed in a devastating fire yesterday. Closeup of Cara wearing a strapless outfit and a statement ...
Cara Delevingne's cats are feline fine after being rescued from her burning home on Friday. The supermodel's $7 million Los Angeles mansion went up in ...
Cara Delevingne's parents, Pandora Delevingne and Charles Delevingne, were right by her side in London Friday night to comfort their famous daughter after ...
"They are alive! Thank you to the firefighters," Delevingne says in an update on Instagram. It took 94 firefighters more than two hours to extinguish the ...
One firefighter was taken to a hospital in fair condition with unspecified injuries, and one unidentified person from the house suffered minor smoke inhalation, ...
Cara Delevingne's parents, Charles and Pandora Delevingne, have spoken out about the likely cause of the devastating house fire that broke out at the ...
According to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD), the fire originated in the rear of the 1971 mansion. It quickly spread to the attic, causing a roof ...
One firefighter was taken to a hospital in fair condition with unspecified injuries, and one unidentified person from the house suffered minor smoke inhalation, ...
Her mother, Pandora Delevingne, told a photographer in a video obtained by TMZ Friday night that “she had everything in her home. Her whole life.” The model and ...
The model and actress was not at home at the time, but two other people were injured.
In video obtained by TMZ, Delevingne's parents, Charles and Pandora Delevingne, spoke with a videographer in London and said that "power lines" are to blame ...
The cause of the fire that burned down actress Cara Delevingne's $7M home has been revealed by her parents. As previously reported, the actress's L.A. ...
A house fire devoured the Los Angeles-area home of actress and model Cara Delevingne early Friday morning, leaving two people injured.