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Ruotsin lippu liehui ensimmäistä kertaa NATOn päämajassa - Uusi jäsenyys herättää huomiota

Indo-Tyynenmeren alue - Kiina - NATO - Ruotsi - Venäjä

Ruotsin lipun nostaminen NATOn pääkonttorissa herätti huomiota ja herätti kysymyksiä Venäjän aggressiosta ja vaikutuksista Indo-Tyynenmeren alueella.

Ruotsin lippu nostettiin NATOn päämajassa ensimmäistä kertaa maanantaina (11. maaliskuuta 2024) seremoniassa, joka merkitsi maan liittymistä liittoutumaan. Seremoniassa olivat läsnä NATO:n pääsihteeri Jens Stoltenberg ja Ruotsin pääministeri Ulf Kristersson. Ruotsin lippua kohotettiin NATOn pääkonttorilla Brüsselissä tänään, kun Pohjoismaa liittyi transatlanttiseen sotilasliittoon. Sateen piiskatessa Ruotsin pääministeri Ulf Kristersson, kruununprinsessa Victoria ja NATO:n pääsihteeri Jens Stoltenberg seurasivat, kun kaksi sotilasta... Ruotsin liittyessä NATOon, joka katsoo itään silmä tarkkana Kiinan suuntaan, Ruotsin liittyminen vaikuttaa myös Indo-Tyynenmeren alueeseen. Ruotsin kansallislippu nousi NATOn päämajalla, vahvistaen Pohjoismaan paikan 32. jäsenenä kaksi vuotta Venäjän hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan jälkeen. Ruotsin pääministerin Ulf Kristerssonin liityttyä NATOn pääsihteeri Jens Stoltenbergin kanssa tiedotustilaisuuden jälkeen Ruotsin lippu nousi NATOn liittoutuneen meritoimintakomennon päämajassa, Ruotsin kuninkaan laivaston varapäällikkö Mike Utleyn johdolla.

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Image courtesy of "NATO HQ"

Swedish flag raised at NATO Headquarters (NATO HQ)

The Swedish flag was raised at NATO Headquarters for the first time on Monday (11 March 2024) in a ceremony to mark the country's membership of the Alliance ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Flag of NATO's 32nd member, Sweden, raised at alliance's ... (

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson preside over flag-raising ceremony in Brussels.

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Image courtesy of "United States Institute of Peace"

Will Sweden's NATO Membership Deter Russian Aggression? (United States Institute of Peace)

Sweden's flag was hoisted at NATO's headquarters in Brussels today as the Nordic country became the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Sweden's flag is raised at NATO headquarters to cement its place as ... (The Associated Press)

Under a steady rain, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, Crown Princess Victoria and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg looked on as two soldiers ...

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Image courtesy of "The Diplomat"

Sweden Joins NATO: Implications for the Indo-Pacific (The Diplomat)

As NATO looks eastward with an eye on China, Sweden's accession will also impact Indo-Pacific countries.

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Sweden's Flag Raised at NATO Headquarters, Cementing Its Place ... (

Sweden's national flag was raised at NATO headquarters, cementing the Nordic country's place as the 32nd member two years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Swedish Flag Raised Over NATO Headquarters (Voice of America)

At a news conference immediately after, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson joined NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in touting a stronger, more ...

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Sweden's flag raised at NATO headquarters, cementing its ... (PBS NewsHour)

Sweden set aside decades of post-World War II neutrality when it formally joined NATO on March 7. Finland joined last year in another historic move ending ...

Swedish flag raised at NATO Allied Maritime Command (Allied Maritime Command)

Presiding over the ceremony was the Commander MARCOM, Royal Navy Vice Admiral Mike Utley. I could not be more pleased to welcome Sweden to the NATO family, ...

The Meaning of Sweden's NATO Accession | by Carla Norrlöf ... (Project Syndicate)

After more than 200 years of neutrality with respect to regional and global great-power conflicts, Sweden has now chosen a side with its formal accession to ...

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Inside a Navy Shock Trauma Platoon Deployed to NATO Exercise ... (

Seven U.S. service members are part of a U.S. Navy shock trauma platoon -- a specialized unit that acts as a mobile emergency room on the battlefield ...

NATO boosts anti-submarine, anti-surface warfare readiness during ... (Allied Maritime Command)

NORTHWOOD, United Kingdom – NATO concluded its anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare exercise Dynamic Manta (DYMA24) in Catania, Italy, March 8.

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